Central Community Church

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Central Community Church sermons


  • How God Transforms Chains Into Joy - Lake Errock Campus


    This passage teaches us important lessons on how we can understand our suffering not as an apparent tragedy to be stoically endured but rather as a channel through which God can advance his glory and further his kingdom. After we allow Christ to deal...

  • Loving The Church - Agassiz Campus


    The joy of Paul towards the church, particularly in Philippians, can be somewhat puzzling. His dedication to the building of the church, his relentless encouragement of her, and his pursuit to drive out sin, seem radical in light of our current...

  • Partnership In The Gospel - Promontory Campus


    The book of Philippians is a book full of joy and thanksgiving! Paul is rejoicing over the faith of the believers in this church and we are invited to do the same. To rejoice over what God has done in the lives of others, in what he continues to do...

  • Loving God's Church - Chilliwack Campus


    Under house arrest and his church hijacked by self-seeking preachers, yet the apostle Paul finds a reason to rejoice. Would you?

  • God At Work - Lake Errock Campus


    The opening of Paul’s letter to the Philippian Church sets the stage for him to encourage the church, as well as challenge it to keep pressing forward. In this first message of the series, we learn, among other things, that spiritual maturity is...

  • The God Who Tests - Promontory Campus


    This is the culmination of the story of Abraham and his journey of faith. God puts him to the test, not only to show what was in his heart but to reveal to us his plan of salvation. God provides for Abraham a substitute for Isaac and he gives to us...

  • Loving The Church - Chilliwack Campus


    The joy of Paul towards the church, particularly in Philippians, can be somewhat puzzling. His dedication to the building of the church, his relentless encouragement of her, and his pursuit to drive out sin, seem radical in light of our current...

  • The Pinnacle Of Faith: A Revelation Of God - Chilliwack Campus


    The pinnacle of Abraham journey has him placing all that God has promised to accomplish on the altar in obedience. This amazing act gives us a window into the source and results of genuine, active faith; namely God himself.

  • Oops, I Did It Again - Promontory Campus


    God time and time again steps in and intervenes on our behalf and reminds us that He is always faithful even when we are faithless.

  • Oops, I Did It Again - Agassiz Campus


    Abraham struggles in his faith as he once again tries to pass Sarah off as his sister. Despite jeopardizing the covenant promise, God intervenes on Abraham’s behalf and we witness the fulfillment of the long-awaited covenant promise in the birth of Isaac.

  • Destroying Sodom - Promontory Campus


    Genesis 19 records the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, which leads to the question, how do we understand a God who is both loving and merciful as the same God who destroys these cities? It's a good question to take time to seriously consider...

  • Destroying Sodom - Agassiz Campus


    The story of Sodom brings to the forefront a few big questions that seem rather counter-cultural. As the Angels investigate the sin of Sodom, we should become uncomfortable with their depravity and see ourselves in Lot who, knowing their sin, found it...

  • Oops, I Did It Again - Chilliwack Campus


    God time and time again steps in and intervenes on our behalf and reminds us that He is always faithful even when we are faithless.

  • Knowing God - Agassiz Campus


    God had made himself known to Abraham, treating him as a friend and revealing his plan and ways. But Abraham also struggled to under God’s Righteous Plan. Abraham’s story gives us glimpse of what it looks like to Know God, to be Known by God and to...

  • Knowing God - Promontory Campus


    God had made himself known to Abraham, treating him as a friend and revealing his plan and ways. But Abraham also struggled to under God’s Righteous Plan. Abraham’s story gives us glimpse of what it looks like to Know God, to be Known by God and to...

  • Destroying Sodom - Chilliwack Campus


    The story of Sodom brings to the forefront a few big questions that seems rather counter-cultural. As the Angels investigate the sin of Sodom, we should become uncomfortable with their depravity and see ourselves in Lot who, knowing their sin, found...

  • The Ready Church - Promontory Campus


    The church ought to be ready for good works both inside and outside the church. But far from a robotic duty, it is the outworking of what God has done for us in Jesus. Therefore, let us get ourselves ready to go wherever God calls us.

  • Compassion Sunday - Agassiz Campus


    Compassion Sunday 2019

  • Compassion Sunday - Chilliwack Campus


    Compassion Sunday 2019.

  • Confronting The Doubter - Agassiz Campus


    Sarah finds herself in an impossible circumstance and the result is doubting God and His promises. Instead of seeing God for who He is, she focuses on the practical realities of her circumstance. Often, we fall into the same trap of forgetting how...

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