Central Community Church sermons
Who To Listen To? - Lake Errock Campus
27/07/2019In our world, we are greeted with a constant stream of information and messaging. There is so much coming at us that is is a challenge to know who to listen to. Paul continues his letter to the Phillipian Church with a glowing recommendation of two of...
The Antidote to Grumbling - Agassiz Campus
21/07/2019Those who work out the salvation that God is working in them will be joyful, distinct disciples of Jesus who shine like stars in the world.
Humility in Practice - Promontory Campus
21/07/2019We have all met those people who do nothing but complain. Nothing is ever good enough and no one ever impresses them. While we might not talk like that, the truth is we complain more often than we realize. Paul calls the church to be known by...
Serving And Suffering For The Joy Of Others - Chilliwack Campus
21/07/2019Paul sets forward Timothy and Epaphroditus as two flesh and blood examples of his earlier teaching on Christ—examples of serving and suffering, for the sake of Christ, for the joy of others. In the pursuit of embodying these characteristics ourselves...
To Complain or Not to Complain - Lake Errock Campus
20/07/2019Complaining is something that comes so easy to us but is also so destructive. Paul continues his letter to the Philippian Church with a warning: Complaining is restraining. It holds us back from following Jesus and it makes our community unattractive.
A Formula for Unity - Agassiz Campus
14/07/2019The way for the church to be unified is through personal humility. The reason this is so difficult is that we are all glory-starved and cosmically insecure. We were made for God and anything short of that leaves a cosmic void in our souls. In the...
Overcoming Pride with Humility - Promontory Campus
14/07/2019Creeping disunity in the Philippian church is compromising Paul’s joy. The enemy of relational harmony is pride which in this passage is exposed by selfish ambition, empty glory, and excessive self-interest. The antidote for pride is the...
The Antidote to Grumbling - Chilliwack Campus
14/07/2019Those who work out the salvation that God is working in them will be joyful, distinct disciples of Jesus who shine like stars in the world.
You Before Me - Lake Errock Campus
13/07/2019Ever wonder why trying to win sometimes feels like losing? The writer of today’s passage, Paul, would say it’s because we often elevate ourselves to a place that we don’t belong, and that’s the first place. He even lets us in a little secret to...
The Christian Manner of Life - Agassiz Campus
07/07/2019Paul outlines what he would be looking for if he came to visit the Philippian church to confirm their faith. In so doing, Paul gives us the means to have the assurance of our own faith and confidence in God’s work regardless of what is on the road ahead.
Worthy of the Gospel - Promontory Campus
07/07/2019What does it look like to be a citizen of a different country? It may mean that we stick out at times and sometimes be seen as odd, but it does mean that what you do will represent your home country. In the same way, we as Christians are called to...
The Most Humble Person I Know - Chilliwack Campus
07/07/2019The way for the church to be unified is through personal humility. The reason this is so difficult is that we are all glory-starved and cosmically insecure. We were made for God and anything short of that leaves a cosmic void in our souls. In the...
Livin’ the Dream - Lake Errock Campus
06/07/2019While Paul is excited with the church in Philippi’s overall direction, he still understands that there is little separating them from tragedy. But, he writes that they should not let that stand in the way of their mission by negatively impacting their...
Rejoicing In Life And Death - Promontory Campus
30/06/2019In his captivity, Paul is rejoicing over everything that God is doing, despite the fact that he is on trial for his life. But the reason he can rejoice is that no matter what happens, God is going to be glorified and Jesus will be proclaimed.
The Christian Manner of Life - Chilliwack Campus
30/06/2019Paul outlines what he would be looking for if he came to visit the Philippian church to confirm their faith. In so doing, Paul gives us the means to have the assurance of our own faith and confidence in God’s work regardless of what is on the road ahead.
Desiring Jesus In Life And Death - Lake Errock Campus
29/06/2019In this sermon, we discuss the idea of what it means to live for Christ and doing fruitful labor for God. How do the prayers of our fellow Christians work into this? Are we asking the Holy Spirit for help as we take these tasks on? We then move on to...
The Advance Of The Gospel - Agassiz Campus
23/06/2019After giving thanks, with joy, for the church’s partnership in the gospel, the Apostle Paul continues to rejoice that the gospel was making rapid advancement even while he was in prison. How might God want to use what has happened to you to advance...
Loving The Church - Promontory Campus
23/06/2019Under house arrest and his church hijacked by self-seeking preachers, yet the apostle Paul finds a reason to rejoice. Would you?
Rejoicing In Life And Death - Chilliwack Campus
23/06/2019In his captivity, Paul is rejoicing over everything that God is doing, despite the fact that he is on trial for his life. But the reason he can rejoice is that no matter what happens, God is going to be glorified and Jesus will be proclaimed.