Central Community Church

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Central Community Church sermons


  • The Strongest Hands


    What is recorded in Scripture (and in the Gospel of John itself) is sufficient for faith in the Son of God for salvation. Those who hear His voice and follow Him are His sheep and nothing can snatch them from His hand.

  • What Makes Jesus The Good Shepherd?


    The Greek word used to describe Jesus as the Good Shepherd is a word perhaps better translated 'beautiful'. So what makes Jesus such a beautiful shepherd? As our text describes, it’s many things! He knows, calls by name, and leads His sheep...

  • Seeing Men Blind


    How can you know that you truly belong to Jesus? How can you tell if you belong to the light or the darkness? Do you have eyes for Jesus or are you blind to him? In the second half of John 9, we see a contrast between those who are spiritually blind...

  • Blind Man Sees


    The account of Jesus healing a man who was blind from birth in John chapter 9 is not so much about the physical healing of one person as it is the spiritual healing of any person. Today’s sermon points to the work of God that He alone is able to...

  • Refocusing For 2017


    In order to start the new year off right, we need to refocus on the mission before us. Our charge is to make disciples and help people to follow Jesus the way he has set out. It was Jesus' last words, his marching orders to us while he was on...

  • Faith Like Mary's


    Christian faith requires the commitment of your whole life but to go from uncommitted to fully committed to Jesus is a process. Perhaps you’ll see yourself in the responses of Mary to the miracle of Christmas and the Good News of Jesus Christ.

  • The King We Need (Bathsheba)


    Matthew’s genealogy tells us that David was the father of Solomon by the wife of Uriah. This reminds us of the story of David and Bathsheba. David was the greatest king Israel had and he was an adulterous murderer. We need a Saviour greater than David...

  • The Greatest Rags to Riches Story Ever Told (Ruth)


    The story of Ruth (one of the five women named by Matthew in the genealogy of Jesus) is one of the most beautiful “rags to riches” stories ever told. It is a story of the redemption and rescue of an unlikely person, in the midst of dooming...

  • Redeeming Faith (Rahab)


    Rahab is the second woman mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus (Matthew 1:5). Her story is one of faith in the God who brings outsiders into the redemption found in Jesus Christ.

  • Hope For The Wronged And Wrong (Tamar)


    Tamar is the first woman mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus. The story of Tamar and Judah (Genesis 38; Matthew 1:3) is one of redemption for those who have been unjust and have experienced injustice.

  • Homosexuality


    There are few issues in our day that are more polarizing than homosexuality. On the whole Christianity is perceived as a faith that hates gay people, which just isn't true. That said, many church-goers and churches have behaved badly. They have...

  • Divorce


    Marriage, being an integral aspect of God’s ongoing plan of redemption, is under attack as never before, making divorce a prevalent, painful reality. But broken marriages can be redeemed, and relationships can once again flourish as biblical...

  • Discover Your Possibilities


    The Biblical narrative is a picture of failure, discouragement, and despair. The empty nets are the sign of failure... When we have come to the end of our rope and we have convincing cases for dropping out, giving up, and our hands are blistered from...

  • Singleness


    While Christian marriage puts the gospel on display, Christian singleness reveals the sufficiency of the gospel.

  • Men & Women In Ministry


    Men and women are created equal by God, together are image-bearers of God, and are complementary to one another in our varying and mutually beneficial roles in (the home and) the church.

  • Women In Marriage


    The ultimate purpose and perfect model for human marriage is the relationship between Christ and the Church: The Church’s submission to Christ is the model for a wife’s submission to her husband.

  • Men In Marriage


    The ultimate purpose and perfect model for human marriage is the relationship between Christ and the Church. And the husband bears the primary responsibility for Christlike servant leadership, protection, and provision in the home, leading to the...

  • Fatherhood and Motherhood


    How has God designed fathers and mothers uniquely? The gospel offers good news for each and every father and mother. Through the death of Jesus on the cross, family dysfunction and sin can be overcome. Fathers can be redeemed to reflect God the...

  • The Meaning Of Marriage


    The gospel explains our marriages and our marriages explain the gospel. God always intended it that way from the very beginning, long before the saving work of Jesus Christ had taken place. Marriage, therefore, is not a commitment to break or a...

  • Male & Female He Created Them


    God made male and female in His image, meaning men and women are equal in dignity and value. In creating male and female, God made them the same in essence (equal) and different in function (unique). And the fall (Genesis 3) has frustrated the roles...

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