Through the Word is the verse-by-verse Bible teaching ministry of Calvary Chapel Franklin with Pastor Brian Bachochin. We pray that these studies help you to grow in your understanding of the Word of God, and in your relationship with the God of the Word
Christmas Eve 2014: God’s Great Gift In Christ
24/12/2014 Duration: 1925h00sJoin us as we celebrate our Savior’s birth on Christmas Eve with a candle lighting service, worship and a message entitled: “God’s Gift in Christ.”
Luke 12:1-12: Beware of the Leaven...Which Is Hypocrisy
21/12/2014 Duration: 3605h00sIn this study, we will consider Jesus’ warnings and encouragements as we learn how authenticity is essential for any who would claim the name of Christ.
Luke 11:27-54 Light Responsibility
14/12/2014 Duration: 3091h00sIn this morning’s study in Luke 11, Pastor Brian shares of the importance of recognizing and responding to the light of truth that God gives us in Christ.
Luke 11:14-16: A Divided Kingdom
07/12/2014 Duration: 3351h00sWhen Jesus was accused of casting out a demon through the power of the devil, His response served to shed light on an important truth about the inevitable fall of a kingdom that is divided in purpose.
Matthew 20:20-34
30/11/2014 Duration: 2863h00sThis morning, Pastor Michael Wall leads us through our study in God’s Word
Luke 11:1-13: Persistence in Prayer
23/11/2014 Duration: 3630h00sSometimes, prayer can be a bit of a lost practice for the Christian. But, as we’ll see in this study, Jesus had much to say about what it means to speak with our Father in Heaven. We have been invited by the Lord to come boldly before the throne of grace in times of need – a blessed privilege we ought not neglect!
Luke 10:25-42: Sanctified Service...and Sitting
16/11/2014 Duration: 3038h00sFor the Christian, love is a verb, therefore, love acts. This was certainly exampled by the Lord throughout His life and ministry, and ultimately in His death on the cross. This kind of sacrificial love is also intended to define the lifestyle lived out by those who follow Jesus as well. Jesus explained this in the familiar parable found in our text this morning.
Luke 10:1-24: The Lord of the Harvest
09/11/2014 Duration: 3537h00sPreviously, Jesus spoke a parable of the Sower, the Seed and the various kinds of soils upon which that seed would fall. Later, He sent His twelve Apostles out on their first “Sowing Expedition.” In this study, we find Jesus commissioning an even larger group to work the field, bringing the Good News of the Kingdom…and very little besides. It would be an incredible opportunity to learn much about ministry for the Lord. In this morning’s study, we will seek to glean from their training as well.
Luke 9:37-62: Coming Down From the Mountain
02/11/2014 Duration: 4037h00sAs followers of Jesus, from time to time, we experience a closeness in our relationship with Christ that we might characterize as a “mountain top experience;” an experience that reinforces our understanding of, and trust in the greatness of God. But often, our time on the mountain seems to be followed by a dip into the valley, and a very different kind of spiritual environment. As Pastor Brian explains in this study, a mountaintop experience can build our faith, but only the valleys can test our faith.
Don Stewart - Special Guest Speaker
26/10/2014 Duration: 3416h00sGuest speaker Don Stewart joins us at Calvary Chapel Franklin for a special message following the Calvary Chapel Times of the Signs Prophecy Conference 2014 held in Nashville, Tennessee.
Luke 9:18-36: Correctly Confessing the Christ, But Confused Concerning the Cross
19/10/2014 Duration: 3774h00sIt is possible to believe many right things about Jesus, even properly understanding His role as our Savior, but yet be stumbled by the means through which He accomplished our salvation. We’ll learn more in this study as we consider Peter’s revelation regarding the Christ, and his reservations about the cross.
Psalm 1: Rooted In the Law Of the Lord
12/10/2014 Duration: 4080h00sThis weekend we will introduce a periodical series entitled “Psalms: A Hymnal From Heaven.” In this series, we will, on a periodical basis, take a break from our current study and spend a morning delving into the songbook of Israel. Our desire is to cultivate a deep connection between theology (the study of God) and doxology (the worship of God). This Sunday, we will look at Psalm 1 with our message: “Rooted In the Law of the Lord.”
Luke 9-1-17- An Unexpected...and Uncomfortable Answer To Prayer
05/10/2014 Duration: 3341h00sThroughout Scripture, believers are encouraged to pray, and to pray in faith with the understanding that the Lord will always answer our requests when they are according to His will. But, sometimes our God will answer prayer in ways that we might not expect, and will sometimes stretch us in ways that might even be uncomfortable. We’ll see this in this weeks study, as we continue our study in the Gospel of Luke.
Luke 8:26-56: Responding To Jesus, Part 2
28/09/2014 Duration: 3545h00sLast week, we looked into what it means to respond to Jesus. We consider that thought in this study as well, asking the question: Wind and wave, demons and even death bow the knee to Jesus...what about you?
Luke 8:16-25: Responding to Jesus: Part 1
21/09/2014 Duration: 3459h00sIn the parable of The Sower and the seed, we saw 4 different kinds of hearts (soils), and their responses to the Word of God. As we continue to make our way through Luke chapter 8, we will learn much from the responses that Jesus, the God of the Word, elicits as He demonstrates His authority over life, death, sickness, the spiritual realm…and even the elements of nature.
Luke 8:1-15: The Sower and the Seed
14/09/2014 Duration: 3894h00sJesus’ is tirelessly about the work of scattering the Word of Life – the question is: What kind of soil is that seed of God’s Truth falling upon? We’ll consider that question together in our study.
Luke 7:36-50: The Fragrance of Jesus
07/09/2014 Duration: 3155h00sHow much sin makes me a sinner? It's very easy for us to be blinded to our own sinfulness when we compare ourselves to others who may appear to "have more." In this morning's teaching, we'll look into how Jesus views...and responds to our sin, as He looks at it from His lofty vantage point.
Luke 7:1-35 Great Saints and Low Ebbs
31/08/2014 Duration: 3827h00sIn our walk with Jesus, we often can experience times where we feel like we're riding the crest of a killer wave. But other times, our faith may be at a low ebb. Those times can be characterized by doubt, and even disillusionment. How should we approach those times, and how might we respond to others who find themselves in such a place, spiritually? In this morning's teaching, Pastor Brian continues our study in Luke's Gospel, and shares insights from John the Baptist's experience.
Luke 6:37-49: Proper Judgment
24/08/2014 Duration: 3660h00sHave you ever been judged...or judgmental? Well, Jesus has something to say about that. In this morning teaching from Luke chapter 6, Pastor Brian looks into what our responsibilities are relating to Jesus' words: "Judge not..."
Luke 6:27-36: The Call To a Different Kind of Life
17/08/2014 Duration: 3955h00sThe life Jesus calls us to is not always the easiest to fact, it's impossible, apart from the power of the Holy Spirit. We'll consider that call today as we continue our study in Luke's Gospel.