Wide Awakened Healing Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 8:54:05
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Take your power back. Heal yourself. Change the world.


  • Clarity Before Action?


    Do you need to have clarity before you take action? And what does it mean to be clear anyway? Is there a difference between a clear head and a clear heart? Why yes, yes there is. I have been feeling the confusion in the air, with the end of the year (and an “ending” year at that), and the shift in consciousness fast-tracked due to recent world events. Are you confused? Do you feel unsure of the state of the world, and thus yourself? I absolutely know how confusing all the natural healing information out there can be, if you’re on a journey of healing the body. What if you could just listen to your own intuition, your own inner knowingness…and that was enough? Doesn’t it feel good just to think about? Take a deep breath, and join me in this solo episode where I explore how clarity plays a part in taking action that’s in your Highest Good, and also what to do when you’re so confused you feel you have no access to clarity at all. Listen below or on iTunes. And please, leave us a review on iTunes so we can ge

  • Waking up your genius zone, with Richard Phu


    I’ve been thinking a lot about gifts. The gifts you and I are born with, that is, and chose to posses in this lifetime, so that we could be of service to our fellow brothers and sisters in different disguises. Here we are, on planet Earth, born and ready to serve, do what we do best, surrender to our “calling” and live out the best version of our human selves….right? Well, yes, in a world where you and I listen to the whispers (or screams) of our souls; where we follow the light inside that tells us we’re on the right path. You have a gift, you do. There is not one person born who does not, but for the purposes of exploring this human experience, we forget; we are afraid to use it. We spend our lives either denying our gifts, or we spend our lives peeling back the very cleverly placed nonsense to reveal them. It’s your choice, either way, and I’m not here to tell you what you should do…only illuminate your free will to remember. Part of accepting healing in every cell of our bodies is accepting who we are,

  • 26 Signs You’re Probably an Alien


    If you’re reading this, the chances are good you’ve come here (as in, Earth) from some other place in the Universes, and are feeling a bit uneasy about it. Or maybe you feel great about it! Either way, you need to know you’re not alone. You have a tribe, and I’m happy to be a part of it. I have gotten a message a lot over the years, from my angels, council, the Powers that Be, to just be myself, in all my alien glory. That doesn’t mean I came here in my spaceship in a human disguise, no, nothing like that. It means that on another planet and from another time, my soul was not in human form. I chose this human form for a very important reason, and if that resonates with you, you probably did too. Many of the souls I am blessed to guide through life and challenges are like this too…so I felt I should go ahead and reach out to you far and wide, and make the “call,” if you will. We are here, it’s important, and together we can do the work of raising human consciousness. Even if you feel very human, and nothing e

  • Finding Gifts in Tragedy, with Jenny Maher


    It would have been very easy for Jenny Maher to give up. After a failed suicide attempt, she woke to find herself paralyzed, alone, and completely dependent upon others. In some ways, Jenny came alive when she awoke in that hospital, saying she knew at that moment there was a bigger meaning for her life. She’s since committed herself to helping others who have suffered a spinal cord injury. Her new book, Never Give Up, is a memoir she felt called to write, that not only tells her incredible story but inspires others who may feel hopeless, to never give up. Jenny has also struggled with and experienced bipolar disorder, abuse, neglect, and was a part of the foster care system growing up. Her story is one of courage, faith, and incredible spirit. In our conversation, we talk about what she does to remain joyful, and what keeps her from giving up. Jenny stresses the importance of community and asking for help. Before the accident, she didn’t know how to ask for help, she didn’t know how to let love in. Now, sh

  • Ascending the Levels of Consciousness For Healing


    The level of consciousness that you experience creates your reality. If you are at a level of consciousness of Courage, for example, you see the world as permitting, feasible, and you feel empowered. Being stuck in a “lower” level of consciousness that is not the truth of who you are, can manifest in many ways. If you are at the level of anger, for example, you will view the world as an angry place where people are not very nice and God is a vengeful God. You can imagine the effect this has on your physiology. This is not to say that experiencing anger when it arises is not a good thing, it is. It only becomes problematic when, instead of experiencing the emotion, you repress or deny it, causing the energy of that emotion to stay in your cells, waiting for you to pay attention to it. You can imagine what happens when you don’t pay attention? Your body gives you a message, loud and clear. Maybe it’s fatigue, depression, or cancer. There is no blame here, just a message. In healing that which is asking to be

  • Big Container of White Light, For You


    That’s right, I’m holding a big container full of white light, just for you. I think I started holding this container when I was born, at least it’s felt that way. Recently, I’ve re-committed to holding it in a bigger, expanded, and more fierce way, for you. My Guides That Be asked me to, so I have graciously obliged. If you’re stuck in the healing process, having doubts about the possibilities of healing for you, or just need a quick re-up on your amazing power to heal yourself, take a listen. This episode came out of me in just a few minutes, no preparation. Listen below or over in iTunes! I wanted to offer something for International Podcast Day on Friday, 9/30, so this is it. I hope you enjoy it! Let me know over in the comments in iTunes, and if you haven’t yet please rate and subscribe too. Thank you thank you thank you. Love, Tarah  

  • On Being Your Bad Ass Self, with Angela Archer


    “Imagine what is possible when you give yourself permission to be who you are.” Kathy Quinlan Perez I met Angela a little over a year ago when we both signed up for an online course. I don’t even remember what it was about, other than “creating your life.” Unbeknownst to me, my reason for signing up for the course was to meet Angela. We were assigned as accountability partners and hit it off immediately. Since then, Angela and I have kept in touch, her in Los Angeles and me in Honolulu. We have yet to meet in person, but I know it will happen soon. I wanted to interview Angela for my show because each time we speak I wish I had recorded it! In our conversation here, we cover a lot of areas…financial balance, intuition, yoga, meditation, surrender, fear vs. love, forgiveness, questioning your “truth,” self-love…and more! The thread that seemed to run through it all is just being YOU, no matter what.  If you lived through the lens of your true self in each moment, how would that change your life? What if you

  • 3 forgiveness practices that free you


    Forgiveness is not an act of weakness, it is the ultimate act of love. The love I’m talking about here is ultimately self-love, because all forgiveness is ultimately forgiveness of self. When you can forgive yourself for expecting another person (or yourself) to have behaved differently, you are forever free. Join me in this special episode where I talk about 3 specific practices you can use right now to begin the forgiveness process, and how withholding forgiveness can create physical illness. It’s your choice to forgive, and the time to start is now. There is no greater freedom than is found in a light and loving heart. This is not a denial of events, rather an acceptance that it was meant to be part of your experience all along, and even more, an opportunity to open your heart and love even deeper. If you suffer from anxiety, panic attacks, chronic fatigue or pain, or another chronic health challenge, and you know you’ve been withholding forgiveness for yourself or another, this episode is a must listen

  • Thriving in Addiction Recovery


    “Can I go without this for 30 days?” One of the things Ted Izydor, Addiction Recovery Specialist, and I talk about in this episode is what a good first step is if you suspect you may have a substance use disorder. Our focus in this conversation is on substances like alcohol and drugs, but an addiction can be to anything…sugar, a certain food, caffeine, sex, another person, shopping. Ted Izydor, MS, MBA Addictions are the distractions that we use to keep us from living, from fully participating in the moment. We distract ourselves because we’re afraid of what we’ll find if we don’t. We fear the pain that will come up in the place of eating that pan of brownies or drowning ourselves in alcohol. If you suspect you may be addicted to something, I invite you to ask that question, “Can I go without this for 30 days?” What you do with the answer is up to you. If you’re curious about your options, listen to this episode. If you are a recovering addict and are looking for support, this is the episode for you. T

  • Anxiety: living in the head, instead of from the heart


    Where are you living? I don’t mean which house or city or country. Are you living inside your head? If you are, and if you suffer from occasional or constant anxiety, it’s killing you. You see, your head (or ego), will tell you all sorts of things to keep you from being right here, in this moment, where all is well and you are okay. If you stray from living in your head, and bring your energy back into the heart (where the truth lives), your head will construct many thoughts to keep you from staying there. It’s a strong pull, one we don’t even know is happening if we don’t have the awareness. The more you can consciously move the energy in your head down into the heart, the easier it will become to live in the space of the present moment, in wonder and awe of the miraculousness that is your life. Even if all you can muster is gratitude for the sun shining, it’s better than the alternative of living in the space of “the future” in your head, where worry and fear also live. The present moment is where peace

  • The Elixir of Transcendental Meditation


    It was Christmastime, December 16th actually, 2011. A date that will stay with me, like a birthday or anniversary…or the day I moved to Hawaii. I was driving home from my first session of Transcendental Meditation (TM) with my teacher, Mary. There were Christmas lights on all the houses as I wound through Kaimuki and back down to my little house next to Diamond Head, and I thought those lights were the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. I was flying high…feeling blissfully, completely, at home in myself and the world. It wasn’t mania or happiness that comes from something having “happened,” I was just in the world at that moment, enjoying every single breath that connected me deeper to the Field of Infinite Potential, of Unbounded Awareness, of All That Is…having an awareness of the Christmas lights as though they were everything that existed in all the Universes. I couldn’t remember the last time I had had that feeling, that knowing, that everything was okay…no, perfect, exactly as it was. There was nowh

  • Your Life Deserves a Mission Statement


    “We cannot sleepwalk. We cannot just survive, anything goes. We can take control of our lives, we can quit sleepwalking, we can say — right now, these are our lives, it is time to start living it. It is time to not second guess, to move forward, to make mistakes if we have to, but to do it with a greater good in mind.” –The Infamous Mission Statement Tom Cruise wrote in the middle of the night in Jerry Maguire It wakes you up, your Mission Statement, whether in the middle of the night or smack dab in the middle of a day that you are sleepwalking through. It happens in an instant or in a thousand little instances that lead to one moment. A few weeks ago I wrote a Mission Statement for my business; it lit me up and inspired me with so many ideas for not only why I do what I do, but for life. This got me thinking, why can’t we also create a Mission Statement for our life? If you’re unhappy and unfulfilled, or there’s that lingering gnaw in your stomach that you know you’re not living a life aligned with your

  • The possibilities of healing through CFS and Fibromyalgia, with Tamara Robinson


    “Sticktuitiveness,” Tamara said when I asked what she loved about herself. We decided it means something between determination and “sticking to” your intuition. In our conversation about Tamara’s healing journey through Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia, we discuss what’s worked for her along the way, what tools she uses daily, and some of the underlying reasons her body manifested these dis-eases…and she made up a new word! If you or someone you know suffers from either of these conditions or another “chronic” health challenge, you know the road is not an easy one. It can be long, lonely, and dark. But in this darkness, it’s our job to find the light, and even just a sliver can make the experience one worth having. It’s in the most challenging times that we find our greatest gift to the world, our greatest strengths…if we’re brave enough to look for them. “The most profound finding was, however, that inside of her existed all the medicine she would ever need. She learned how to transform her thought

  • Dancing with Love’s light


    The invitation to dance and bask in the light of love is unending, forever, infinite, and infinitely abundant. There can never be too much love. There can be, in the world, too much of almost anything, but love is the exception…which is pretty exceptional. Love is the answer to all questions, the cure for all that ails you, and the transformer of everything unlike itself. If you’re ready to dive into ALL LOVE for the next 37 minutes, head over to iTunes to listen to my “All love baby” episode.  No matter what your challenge is in the moment…tired, stressed, frustrated, hopeless, in pain…this episode will leave you feeling full and alive again right smack in the middle of love’s heart. I share with you some words on self-love that were given to me (by my special guides/angels/council) for you, and I do a guided meditation at the end of the episode to help you get your fabulous tender heart into love’s vibration. And…I’m extending the iTunes review contest until the end of June. If you leave a review, you’

  • Transforming pain, with Jennifer Oney


    “When you’re at peace with yourself, you’re at peace with the world.” -Jennifer Oney Who is your “person?” You know, the one you call when you are in grand celebration or desperate despair? You may have more than one, or they may change throughout your lifetime. It’s probably a spouse or best friend or family member. My person (besides my family of course), is Jennifer Oney. Ever since we met in the Newark, New Jersey airport on our way to study abroad in France, she has been my person. Me and Jen O, up to our usual shenanigans, playing with Jenn L’s wheelchair while she was laughing and taking pictures. We have never lived in the same place, not even close to each other, but we are connected in the way that is rare and sweet and beautiful and the most natural thing in the world. I can’t talk about my friendship with Jen O unless I mention the other Jenn (Jennifer Leach), the 3rd member of our BFF gang. The three of us together was a force…Jenn L transitioned from her body over a year ago, and not a day

  • You are worthy of healing, just as you are


    You deserve infinite amounts of healing, right now…as you are, in this moment, perfectly imperfect. You are worthy, you are Divine love and nothing less than that. My short episode this week talks about the worthiness that you are to heal, right now. I also share what I do when I get sick, and what my practices are to move me through the imbalance with as much grace and surrender as possible.If you’re having trouble feeling this truth, stop, breath, and come to the awareness of the aliveness in your body, in your heart, in the deepest parts of you. You are this aliveness, this unconditional love, and it is you. And…I thought I would share with you a poem I recently wrote, about the light…that we are all drenched in:)   Where the light gets in in the cracks between good and bad right and wrong meaning and nothingness this is where the light gets in if nothing has meaning it all does a paradox emptiness into full hearts the only place it is leave a space for me where the light gets in take no more thought f

  • Question the Universe, delete old programs, and clear blocks to healing, with psychic channel Marilyn DeMattos


    “What else is possible?” “What energy can I be today to allow for optimal healing?”  These are just a few of the questions you can ask the Universe, and get exactly what you need in the moment. You have the power to ask and receive, all day long. My guest, psychic channel, Access Consciousness practitioner, Akashic record reader, and all around extraordinary human, Marilyn DeMattos, takes us into the world of questioning the Universe, so that we may receive what’s in our Highest good…just by asking for it. Marilyn has been on a spiritual journey since she was a child, always asking, “why, what, how, Universe!?!?” With a mother that was also a psychic channel, she grew up in a house where it was the norm, and I believe it helped Marilyn become the incredibly talented and intuitive healer she is today (although she wouldn’t tell you she’s a healer…but she most certainly is). She helps people in her practice with all sorts of issues and guides them to their own Highest intuition for healing. In our conversatio

  • Cancer; fighting it won’t heal it


    The big “C.” I suggest a radical dissociation with cancer and fighting. Like all things that are fought against, when we wage a war on cancer, it only gets worse, for the one who has it, and for the collective consciousness of a society who’s rates of cancer keep increasing. Let’s think about other things we “fight” as a society; drugs, crime, hate, racism, I could go on. I could ramble on with statistics, or I could just tell you that the war on all of these things does not make them go away, or even improve. The only thing that can eradicate something you wish were different, is love. What you fight against only grows stronger, because the attention is that of wishing it wasn’t there. What if, when you were diagnosed with cancer or some other dis-ease in the body, you loved it? Fully, unconditionally, and with an expanded heart? What if you said, “thank you,” and then opened to the message this dis-ease has just for you. It’s only there, after all, to wake you up from some slumber you forgot you were in, t

  • Midwifery, women’s health, and plugging into Source, with Genell Mikkalson, RN, MSM, CNM


    What’s so beautiful about death? Is what you think about yourself and others to be true, really true? Should you practice not orgasming with your partner?!? These are a few of the topics we cover in my episode with Genell Mikkalson. Genell Mikkalson, RN, MSN, CNM We also explore midwifery, women’s health, plugging into Source, bullying in the Western Medical system and what’s being done about it, trusting the Universe, sex, vaccine controversy…and more! Our conversation is packed with jewels of insight that I know will move you along your journey of healing, being, and just living a rich life. My guest, Genell Mikkalson, is an experienced midwife, teacher, nurse, student of Byron Katie’s The Work, mother, healer, and a very aware human being. She’s currently on faculty at the University of Hawaii in the nursing program. She also brings her student interns to hospitals on Oahu (in obstetrics) and to the Hawaii State Hospital where they work with Adult Mental Health. Join us for an hour (and a half-we h

  • Connecting to and heightening your intuition


    Intuition. That knowing inside of you that needs no explanation. It’s the key to the castle, the golden ticket, the most important information you get in a day. We all have it. We just don’t listen to it all the time. How much more peaceful would your life be if you did? How much easier? What if you could trust implicitly, your own intuition? What if I told you, you can? In this episode, I give you 11 ways to listen to your intuition so that you can really hear it, and use it! I say it all the time and it bears repeating…you have all the answers inside of you, but you must get quiet enough to hear them. Use your intuition for deep healing, for life’s big questions…for making a decision on what to eat for dinner! Your inner guidance is there all the time to help you live your Highest Good, and for the Highest Good of all. Why wouldn’t you use it? Listen below or over on iTunes now. If you enjoy the episode, please leave a review, rate and subscribe to the podcast (you must have an iTunes account to do thi

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