Wide Awakened Healing Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 8:54:05
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Take your power back. Heal yourself. Change the world.


  • Experience the Infinite (Live Coaching Session with Megan)

    28/09/2017 Duration: 01h09min

    When I asked Megan what would make this conversation powerful for her, she answered with a question, "Where are my shoes? I want to find my shoes." She's dressed and ready to go, meaning she has the tools and has done a lot of self-work, but she still feels like she can't find the missing piece...her shoes. For Megan, her shoes represent taking the next step, being in service to her clients in a deeper way, and ultimately, embodying unconditional self-love and acceptance. "The good news is," I said, "the shoes are on your feet! You just have to look down and see them."  Dear listener, you are in for a treat. In this powerful conversation with Megan, she is raw and vulnerable and sharing all. My intention with giving you a peek into a real and intimate session is so that you can see for yourself how life-changing just one hour can be. Really, one minute, one insight, one moment, can change your life. In our conversation, we explore the topics of financial abundance and organization, the dreaded "I'm not goo

  • Absolute Healing

    13/09/2017 Duration: 26min

    Absolute: complete, total, utter, out-and-out, outright, entire, perfect, pure. Relative: moderate, reasonable, comparative (to something else). When you experience absolute healing, you are remembering that which you are (Infinity). When you heal relatively, it is conditional upon "doing the work," if you will. I have been in the healing arts field for over 15 years, and I will tell you there are almost infinite ways to "heal" ourselves with various tools, methods, and practices. Many of these are great and still hold value for people who identify with believing they are the body and the persona they have created. What would it be like to remember that you are God (The One, Source, All That Is), and experience healing on this level of this remembrance? Does God need healing? Does the One True Source of Creation need therapy or medication or any other "healing" modality? Gosh, no. So, then, when you have this knowingness of your True Nature, there cannot be anything you possibly need to heal. You are alread

  • Haters gonna hate, but you don’t have to


    When you feel like you don’t belong somewhere, on a deep level, whether it’s this planet or a relationship or a job, it can be scary to fully be yourself. You find yourself holding back what you really want to say or do because you think you won’t be accepted by a loved one, a colleague, or society as a whole. As a human (at least in this lifetime), you feel a longing to fit in. Even if you’re a rebel, like me, there’s still a small part of you that wants to be accepted by others, no matter what. What’s more, if you are yourself completely, and it triggers another, you may get some “haters.” I’ve had this experience myself very recently. In this episode, I share with you a “negative” review (which has since been taken down by Yelp at my request because it was so hateful). It wasn’t easy for me to share all of the details. The reviewer’s words were a trigger for me when I first read it. It was only a trigger because it was a piece of myself that needed more love and acceptance from me. Listen on iTunes or b

  • Katy Perry Where Are You?


    “They say be afraid You’re not like the others, futuristic lovers Different DNA, they don’t understand you You’re from a whole other world A different dimension You open my eyes And I’m ready to go, lead me into the light” -Katy Perry, E.T. This is one of my favorite Katy Perry songs, of course! When I first heard it, I knew she was a fellow galactic being.  This episode is my call, my beacon, to let her know (and others like her), that I am ready to serve and support her in her mission to be even more impactful and own even more of her Infinite Nature. Following the guidance of my Higher Self, I made an extraordinary “ask” to Katy Perry. If you want to know what it was, listen here! What is the extraordinary ask that is living inside of you…waiting to emerge? What are you waiting for? An extraordinary life is filled with extraordinary questions and asks. Listen below or on iTunes to hear my Katy Perry story…and to start your own extraordinary story of a life you have yet to imagine. You can also watch

  • Shattering Your Stories, with Joy Leng


    What stories are you holding onto? How have they defined you up until this moment? Are you ready to see them for what they are? Meet Joy Leng, she is the author of From Zero to Shakti and producer of Shakti on Fire Podcast. She is also an empowerment coach and warrior goddess facilitator. Her mission is to ignite Kick Ass lives. She has a burning vision of empowering one million women (Shaktis-on-Fire), to do three million good deeds, by 2028. She considers herself the midwife of awakening goddesses, guiding them into their authentic, intuitive, powerful and playful birthright. Joy was adopted. This was the story that defined her life, until she decided to look at for what it was, a story. In our conversation, we talk about a pivotal moment in her journey where she used the “empty chair technique” to have a long overdue conversation with her birth mom. This conversation changed her life. We also discuss her passion for empowering women to let go of their own stories, following your intuition no matter what,

  • Remember Your Infiniteness


    When you remember that you are drenched in your Essence, your original and forever being-ness, you are free. This infinity that you are is unfathomable to the human mind but can be felt and known with the heart. If you’re ready to be even closer to this remembrance of your brilliant light, join me in this episode. I give you a few tips on how to practically bring your infinite power into each moment. I also guide you through a visualization at the end in which you get to “slip out” of your human skin and return to Source love and light. You have chosen to be human to share your special gifts and to have fun! The contrast of being infinite and being in a human body can be very challenging at times, but it also gives us the pleasure of spending our lives remembering who we really are, if we so choose. How brilliant are you to have fooled yourself and created such an elaborate game? Join me over on iTunes to listen, or click play below! I love reading your reviews, so keep em’ coming! Love, Tarah

  • Release Entities With Love


    I don’t know about you, but The Exorcist is one of the scariest movies I’ve ever seen. I couldn’t even get through the whole film. I’m not a big scary movie fan, to begin with, and this one was absolutely terrifying! The media gives us a lot of ideas about spirits or entities, and I’d like to take the opportunity to present a different perspective. From http://risinguptheladderoflove.com/ I don’t think I’ve said it in this space before, but I am blessed with the gift of helping lost or confused souls to transition from time to time. It doesn’t happen very often, but when it does, it’s peaceful, loving, and beautiful. I have never had a “bad” or “creepy” feeling when I’ve come in contact with a soul that is looking for help moving on from this physical plane. I’ve also had the opportunity to bless spaces where the energy there was not great. There may have been entities or spirits hanging out there as well, but usually, those feelings are left by living people. The anger and confusion one may feel in a s

  • Rise…and meet your soul’s calling


    You are whole. You are holy. You are Divine. Or, as Aibileen from the popular book, The Help says, “You is kind. You is smart. You is important.“ And, you is. All of those things and more. You came here to be YOU, in all your human glory. Many of the mainstream messages we get are more like: Be sensible. Be quiet. Be like everyone else. Reclaiming your power and rising up doesn’t have to mean making a huge life change or writing your manifesto in one fell swoop. It doesn’t have to mean you alienate your loved ones and burn the bridges of the current life you’re living. It just means that today, you choose you. And then do it again tomorrow, ad infinitum. When you choose you, you will be living a life from the wisdom of your soul. When that happens, you light up the world…and everyone in it. What could be more important? Whatever choosing you means, do it. If you’d like a little inspiration to rise, and come along with me on this journey, listen to this week’s episode on iTunes, or below. I also talk abou

  • Upgrade Your Body to Light


    The human body can feel heavy, dense, weighted down by your worries, perceived problems and day to day life. This heavy feeling is a reminder to release whatever is keeping you completely identified with your body, and with the life you’ve created for yourself. From mysticmamma.com Yes, your body is part of you. Your job and friends and home and preferences are also a part of you…or rather, a part of your experience. Your body is a great and loving tool you can tune into, to bring awareness to the parts you have forgotten to love. Feeling connected to and in love with your beautiful unique physical self can connect you so much deeper to that which you truly are. You are God/Source/All That Is. And through your body you have the opportunity to experience your unlimited potentiality. Upgrading your body to light is one way of releasing what doesn’t align with your infinite self, so you can remember that all you are is light…and love. Your Essence is that which is unspeakable, but the closest I believe we

  • The Magic of “I AM”


    The “I AM,” the Unity Consciousness, holds and allows more Power in and of your being than you can imagine with your human mind. Can you BE in the space of this knowingness? I AM Source, God, Love, All That Is, Pure Light, Galactic Frequency. When you’re feeling like you don’t belong…here on Earth, in your family, at your job, in your life as a human…the “I AM” will bring you back to who you really are. It doesn’t matter where you come from (on Earth or another planet), we are connected deeply to All That Is, in this Universe and beyond. This truth can heal you. You are not alone. We’re not only all connected, we ARE each other. “I AM,” whether whispered in your heart or said with gusto, can reconnect you to your truest self and remind you how to hear all that is in your Highest Good. To feel the energy of this phrase, and bring it into your life, listen to this week’s episode below or on iTunes. Thank you. Love, Tarah

  • What wants to be created through you?


    Creation is not perfection, it is an exploration of your truth. It is an exploration of your experience here on Earth this time around. It is an adventure to be curious about, ask questions through, and most of all, connect with your Highest, your heart, your Spirit, that is asking you to listen. We are here to play friend, not worry. You are creating your life, whether you have awareness of it or not, in every second. You create through your choices, your thoughts, your feelings, and ultimately your vibration. This is not a blame or shame game, oh no, it’s a wake up to your POWER game. You have the choice to take 100% responsibility for ALL you are, do, and see in your experience. If you’re an artist or writer, you experience your own creations very literally. You may be used to going through the process of feeling resistance and getting to work anyway. Well, every human creates their lives in the same way, you just may not know it. You may experience resistance through your thoughts or feelings, through s

  • Are all of your answers really within?


    “There is a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen.” -Jalal ad You know this voice. It’s something I’ve talked about in almost every blog and podcast I’ve done, but it bears repeating. My new Charoite stone…if you listen to the show you will understand the picture! You have access to your inner wisdom, it’s you. Amazing, powerful, extraordinary you. That’s the part that trips people up, that they can trust this voice, that it would have anything important to say, that it could possibly be right. In this episode, I explore the finer subtleties of listening, and most importantly trusting, your intuition. Why should you? Well, it’s the most fulfilling, fun, easy, and empowering way to live. It’s nothing less than radical, like rad, radical. If you enjoy this episode please leave me a review on iTunes! It’s the best way to get the word out and more people aboard the self-healing, self-loving, badass train to being unequivocally themselves. I don’t know about you, but that’s the kind of world I dream of livin

  • Into the Heart We Go…Again


    Getting into your heart to more fully experience joy, love, fulfillment, and guidance that is aligned with your Highest, is a practice. We are taught primarily to live in and from our heads, and that there we will find the answers we seek for a happy life. If you feel confused, exhausted, sad, or frustrated, you are likely disconnected in this moment from your heart, and thus from your deeper Knowingness or intuition. This week’s episode repeats a Guided Meditation I did last year on experiencing the energy of the heart more fully, so you can uncover the answers you seek, and feel the peace of who you really are…   “Come with me on a journey into your heart. Experience who you really are. Drench yourself in the love that is within and all around, and feel your heart expand beyond yourself. Why? Because love heals everything. It’s the miracle cure. The more intimate you become with your true nature, exquisite love, the more peace and joy enter your life and your body. If you want to heal a physical imbalanc

  • Awaken Your Super Powers, with Tonya Dawn Recla


    Super Powers. Are they real? Do you have them? I’m in the emphatic YES camp, as is Tonya Dawn Recla, my super powered guest this week! Tonya Dawn Recla, Super Power Expert The first question is then, what are Super Powers? Does it mean we have the ability to scale buildings with our bare hands and fly around in a cape? Maybe. If we could all collectively agree (as humans) that those things were possible I believe we could. However, the Super Powers Tonya and I are talking about in our conversation are the more traditional clair’s (clairvoyance, clairaudience, and other psychic abilities like mind reading), or things that most people don’t even consider a “Super Power,” like the ability to make everyone in your presence feel safe. Your Super Power may be joy, or unconditional love, or a million other qualities you naturally possess. That’s the thing, you are born with these gifts, and you have the ability to hone them to be in service to yourself and others…and have a ton of FUN! Often times, you don’t s

  • What to do with fear?


    When who you are being and what you are doing is in alignment with Truth, your Truth, fear is merely a tickle, a feather of sensation meant to guide you to the best parts of yourself. If you are committed to a life of growth, expansion, and healing, fear will be part of the journey. So then, what do you do with it? You can let it stop you, keep you from yourself, or you can surrender, love and own your power once again. This brief episode goes over these steps to bring you through the process of transforming the fear into only what serves you. Take a listen below or over on iTunes. If you enjoyed the episode, please leave a review on iTunes and let us know! And once again, here’s the poem I reference in the show…one of my favorites! The Guest House This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they are a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empt

  • Breaking through Emotional and Money Barriers, with Hang Boge


    Hang Boge is fiercely playful and committed to living a joyful life. These are the first things I noticed about her when began talking about her journey to a well body. Through a lot of pain and suffering in her childhood and early adult years, Hang has learned to heal many of her wounds, and now she helps others do the same. Having known Hang for many years now, I have personally seen and experienced the impact she has in her client’s healing from emotional wounds. Hang is now committed to serving high performing people (in the area of athletics, entrepreneurship, business, celebrity, and more), so that they may reach their full potential and profoundly bring the gifts they have to share with the world, all while experiencing more joy and peace.Hang knew there was more to the story of her experience of pain than just the physical imbalance (due to many years of competing as a high-level athlete). She had an intuition that if she could access the emotional level of healing, it would serve her well…and it did

  • The 5 Stages of Awakening


    More love. No matter where you are in your journey of awakening to the brilliance of who you Truly are, the answer is always, more love. I was guided to lay out these 5 stages of awakening, not so you can identify with a stage and then judge yourself and others based on said stage, but so you can get a sense of what’s possible, and how to get “there.” Of course, there is no there, there. We are here, now, and that is all. The intention of this episode is to invite you to expand yourself, to see the bigger picture of the unlimitedness that you are and that the Universe is. I hope you enjoy and share with those you love. Those around you, the ones you feel may not be open to your journey of awakening, may be ready for their own journey. It is a time of great expansion of human consciousness and heart, and all are susceptible to a greater Truth that is known by the depths of their spirit. If you feel an opening, a guidance, to share your journey (or this episode) with a friend or loved one, go for it! I have

  • The Divinely Empowered Woman, with Elise Carr


    “That knowing flame of unwavering Self-Belief in the centre of your heart-space is the most powerful fundamental life tool, and that is what I love guiding brilliant souls to awaken to.” -Elise Carr Elise Carr When I was first introduced to Elise Carr’s work, I immediately wanted to know more. I felt the rich, lush, graceful love and strength behind her and her mission to empower women to connect with themselves in the way a Divine Goddess should. With fierce softness, Elise brings you back to this Divinity within. It’s all right there, in the way she speaks and guides you through the maze of doubt or unworthiness, back to where you belong, inside of your own beautiful and fiercely beating heart. In our time together, Elise and I explore Sacred Sexuality and what one night stands really mean for you (no judgment, just the sacred perspective). We also discuss your best threesome…spirit, soul, and tribe! We dive into her prior world of modeling, and she shares the challenges and lessons she’s so grateful for

  • How do you most want to feel?


    You are here. I am here. We are here. It’s time again, to reflect on the year and renew ourselves for what is to come. Remember, you make it up, this game of life. It’s your creation.  For the last episode of the year, I kept it short and sweet…how do you most want to feel? This is the most important question you can ask yourself around creating a vision for the coming year. Find out why and take a listen over on iTunes or below. When you are in joy, peace, bliss, excitement, love, connection…you light up the world. What could be more powerful than that? No matter how you are meant to serve others in the world, being “lit up” is your most important job. Let me know what you think of the episode over on the iTunes reviews! Thank you for being part of my 2016, I truly appreciate you. I hope to know you, meet you, talk with you, or feel you on the other end of the podcast, in 2017 as well. Much love, Tarah

  • The Soulmate Revolution, with Allan Knight


    Ah, soulmates. The elusive and mysterious concept of finding that one person in all the world who is your ONE true love. Is it real? The better question may be…do you need it to be? I invited Allan Knight on the show to reveal his take on the whole “soulmate” conversation since he is the creator of the Soulmate Revolution. He breaks down how to recognize your soulmate and what you can do to get closer to finding yours (and what may be holding you back). He also shares his simple 9 step formula called Connect with Power, that can be used in any area of your life. Allan is a former Zen monk turned Communication Coach and now the creator of a unique and powerful training system called The Ultimate Communication Workout. His vision is to help as many people worldwide improve the quality and effectiveness of their professional and personal relationships! So for all of the romantics out there who are still waiting for their soulmate to come along, join us as Allan reveals the steps to finding your soulmate…it’s n

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