Wide Awakened Healing Podcast

Haters gonna hate, but you don’t have to



When you feel like you don’t belong somewhere, on a deep level, whether it’s this planet or a relationship or a job, it can be scary to fully be yourself. You find yourself holding back what you really want to say or do because you think you won’t be accepted by a loved one, a colleague, or society as a whole. As a human (at least in this lifetime), you feel a longing to fit in. Even if you’re a rebel, like me, there’s still a small part of you that wants to be accepted by others, no matter what. What’s more, if you are yourself completely, and it triggers another, you may get some “haters.” I’ve had this experience myself very recently. In this episode, I share with you a “negative” review (which has since been taken down by Yelp at my request because it was so hateful). It wasn’t easy for me to share all of the details. The reviewer’s words were a trigger for me when I first read it. It was only a trigger because it was a piece of myself that needed more love and acceptance from me. Listen on iTunes or b