Wide Awakened Healing Podcast

Anxiety: living in the head, instead of from the heart



Where are you living? I don’t mean which house or city or country. Are you living inside your head? If you are, and if you suffer from occasional or constant anxiety, it’s killing you. You see, your head (or ego), will tell you all sorts of things to keep you from being right here, in this moment, where all is well and you are okay. If you stray from living in your head, and bring your energy back into the heart (where the truth lives), your head will construct many thoughts to keep you from staying there. It’s a strong pull, one we don’t even know is happening if we don’t have the awareness. The more you can consciously move the energy in your head down into the heart, the easier it will become to live in the space of the present moment, in wonder and awe of the miraculousness that is your life. Even if all you can muster is gratitude for the sun shining, it’s better than the alternative of living in the space of “the future” in your head, where worry and fear also live. The present moment is where peace