The Chick Whisperer Podcast

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  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 301:37:33
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In order to get women, you have to understand them first. For over eight consecutive years, The Chick Whisperer Podcast from X & Y Communications has been the gold standard for men of character who desire high quality women. Scot McKay and his expert co-hosts talk women, dating, sex, seduction and 21st century masculinity in a fast-paced and often hilarious style. Ask whatever questions you want 24/7 via voicemail at +1 (210) 362-4400. Visit and get free, actionable tips in your inbox that'll make you better with women starting today. | Please subscribe to the show to get updates automatically, and if you love the show definitely leave a review!


  • Power Couples - MTP351

    14/04/2023 Duration: 27min

    Co-Host Emily McKay ( You hear the term 'power couple' quite a bit, but what exactly does it mean? We know one when we see one, for sure. But is it necessarily a good thing? Would we want to team up with our WAGs to BE one? If so, how do we BECOME one? Well, let's first get this out in the open: I'm not sure whether my wife Emily and I are indeed a 'power couple' or not, especialy after this entertaining and informative as it was. So then, how about it? What kind of 'power' are we talking about here, anyway? What does it take for a couple to add up to more than the sum of their individual parts? What are the actual, real-world traits of a 'power couple'? Can a couple be a 'power couple' simply by acting like one, or does that distinction have to be earned...if not bestowed upon them by others? What are the different ways can a couple indeed be powerful? Doesn't the expectation to be a 'power couple' put a lot of pressure on spouses, especially if one wants

  • Is Society Keeping You Single? - MTP350

    07/04/2023 Duration: 44min

    Co-Host Dr. Scott Yenor ( My returning guest is the ever-controversial professor at Boise State University and now Senior Director of State Coalitions for Claremont Institute. Exactly 100 shows ago, he and I threw down what has become one of the most cited episodes in the catalog...on the pressures facing men, the family and even sexual procreation in this culture. This long-anticipated follow-up covers the social factors that may be keeping you single instead of dating and relating to women. As you well know, we're not about whining and victimhood around here. So the tone of this episode is more about empowering you to navigate the current societal roadblocks than merely complaining. Right off the bat, Scott proclaims that our civilization is straight-up broken, and the reasons for that are complicated. But he's forthright in saying the very sexual dance between men and women appears to be breaking down, and offers clear reasons why. How has emphasizing career and fi

  • Open Her Up To Sex - MTP349

    31/03/2023 Duration: 37min

    Co-Host Sydney Richdale ( Among your favorite guests are the various female sex advice instructors I've had on the show over the years, most several times. Well, this time I'd like to introduce you to a brand new one. Sydney Richdale is all about making sex as much fun as possible, so it's no wonder that's her absolute favorite subject to talk about. Needless to say, you should plan on LOTS of fun this time. To kick things off, Sydney wonders aloud how we can live in such a hyper-sexualized culture, yet there's still so much shame, drama and pain whenever it comes up in conversation. That leads to a frank discussion on the truth of how much women love sex, even though so many men refuse to believe that. Where do guys tend to mess up the most when it comes to attracting women sexually? And what are some of the perhaps counter-intuitive ways men can be more sexually attractive to women? What presumptions do we make about women that really hamstring us psychologically when t

  • Masculine Leadership And Attraction In A Virtual World - MTP348

    24/03/2023 Duration: 33min

    Co-Host Dr. Gleb Tsipursky ( Men and women have been meeting each other through computers for ages now, of course. But during the pandemic we were actually told to stay away from each other IRL and focus on 'Zoom dating', remember? For better or worse, even now people are still not leaving the house to socialize. Many are still even complaining about having to leave the house to go to work. All of this may not be optimal for real, actual interpersonal socialization...but it's what most people want. So, according to my good friend Dr. Gleb Tsipursky, we'd better stop fighting it and start getting used to it. And here's the thing...that means our classic ideas regarding masculine leadership and even attracting women have GOT to adapt. Men who do so successfully will win, while those who don't will be left in the dust. So then, you can see just how important this topic really is, even as NOBODY else seems to be discussing it. First off, in-person everything is trying to be r

  • Is The Dating World Out To Get You? - MTP347

    17/03/2023 Duration: 45min

    Co-Host Susan Winter ( My returning guest Susan Winter is one of the deepest thinkers in the world of dating and relationship advice, and she's almost always right on the money when she talks about how men and women relate to each other. Despite the somewhat dark topic, this episode turned out to be a lot more fun than expected. Listen in as Susan talks about how different social trends and pressures have conspired to make meeting a woman who is right for you more difficult than ever before in human history. So how did we get to this point where it's so weird and complicated out there? Wait until you hear Susan's original (and IMO spot-on) take about that. How has the Internet changed the way we date in ways that go above and beyond merely related to online dating and apps? And how did the pickup artist movement have a ripple effect well into our current ways that are both positive and not so much? How did the era of selfhood and conspicuous consumption in th

  • Getting The Truth From People - MTP346

    10/03/2023 Duration: 52min

    Co-Host Jack Schafer ( Couldn't we use just a little truth nowadays? It's simultaneously frustrating and yet one of my favorite subjects. So who better than my returning guest Jack Schafer to talk about how to get to the bottom of things in this day and age? After all, not only did Jack work as an FBI interrogator for years, he has literally written the book on how to detect truth. So to get started, I ask Jack if we're less truthful overall as a culture nowadays, or is it simply that the proliferation of media and social media makes it seem that way? What is up with people who back down from the truth even in the face of a lie? And what is 'Insta-win', as Jack calls it? How does the press use the concept of 'primacy' to influence how people perceive truth? What is going on with our education system that's directly influencing a 'truth avoidant' culture? And how are universities actually making it worse...even when they're supposed to be teaching young people how to think?

  • Love Freedom - MTP345

    03/03/2023 Duration: 42min

    Co-Host Michael Lassen ( Deep-thinker Michael Lassen returns for a third time to the show, this time with bold new thoughts on how we as men should prioritize love and freedom in order to live fuller lives, and enjoy fuller and better relationships with women. After all, if you are truly free and have mastered love over fear, how can you possibly be anything but happier and better off? Sound simplistic...even reductionist? Well, Michael came prepared to explain everything. In his mind, it all starts with freedom combining with love in several key ways that most men never even get around to thinking about. For example, what if our attachment to outcomes we hope for is really fear-based, and perhaps keeping us from an even better outcome we don't foresee coming? What if we had the freedom to allow that better outcome to happen? And what if you could focus on what you love in a way that actually gives you more freedom to combine multiple elements for even greater satisf

  • The Future Of Men And Women Together - MTP344

    24/02/2023 Duration: 44min

    Co-Host Cyndi Olin ( My guest is dating coach for women extraordinaire Cyndi Olin, who is returning for the second time...even though it feels like about the 80th. You see, back when Clubhouse was a flash in the pan, Cyndi and I hosted a weekly room called Dogs And Cats Living Together. We covered just about every controversial topic you could think of when it comes to men and women relating and getting along. So in the spirit of the old Blues Brothers movie, it was time to get the band back together. And picking up where we left off at Clubhouse, this show is all about the future of men and women relating together. I kicked things off by asking Cyndi to shout out the first issues that come to mind for her, which had the expected result of taking this show in unexpected and entertaining directions. What do you know? She immediately brought up the radical idea of slowing relationship momentum down in a world that seems to be on fast-forward these days. And romance? Yes, sh

  • Making Peace Leads To Making Love - MTP343

    17/02/2023 Duration: 48min

    Co-Host Doug Noll ( It's not uncommon for us as men to imagine ourselves as warriors. But the wisest warriors know a valid war isn't about the fighting, it's about the peace at the end. Even soldiers are often tasked as peacekeeping forces. Popular guest Doug Noll returns to discuss how we as men are actually at our best when we're peacemakers. This guy works in maximum security prisons teaching murderers how to be exactly that, with great you know he's on to something. Indeed, Doug hits the ground running with a full-scale explanation of why violence is perhaps the least evolved of possible masculine responses. And when it comes to keeping peace with the women in your life, wait until you hear Doug explain his genius concept of 'listening your girlfriend into existence'. Then, hang in there for Doug's explanation of how another concept can help propel your career as well as your relationships with others, including women. Next, what are the fascinating ways yo

  • Hidden Secrets To Being Everyone's Favorite Guy - MTP342

    10/02/2023 Duration: 40min

    Co-Host Dom Brightmon ( It's a well-established concept that making other people feel cool is exactly what makes people think you're a cool guy. Well, above and beyond the sheer entertainment value of spending some time with Dom, the beauty of this episode is how we talk about taking that idea to the next level. What are some ways we can strengthen our bonds with people we are already friends with that transforms them into brothers for life? And what's the secret behind 'sharing the wealth' of friendships and acquaintances we have in a way that increases our influence AND our esteem in the minds of others? Next, listen as Dom masterfully explains why books and YouTube videos can only take you so far, but it's real one-to-one human interaction and mentorship that really makes a lasting difference at the individual level. What does Dom mean when he says, 'everything is customer service'? I mean, wouldn't that make our everyday relationships feel a bit too 'businesslike'? How d

  • What Dating Is Like For Attractive Women - MTP371

    03/02/2023 Duration: 33min

    Co-Host Emily McKay ( It seems to everyone paying attention that beautiful women enjoy a massive 'halo effect'. It's like they're treated like celebrities--or even royalty--everywhere they go. But what else is going on there? What's it REALLY like to be a sexy, attractive woman out there in the dating world? Well, in my decidedly un-biased opinion, Emily is exactly the right female human being to offer first-hand perspective on all of this. First, off, we talk about how there are two kinds of women...those who rely on their looks, and those who see the bigger picture. What's life like for each? Do women look for reasons to 'reject' men? And what's it like to have to put almost everyone in the JBF Zone? What do truly attractive women really think when a man compliments them? (Hint: it might not be what you were told by the PUA community) Could it really be true that the hotter a woman is, the LESS she gets asked out (even if she's 'hit on' more)? Do women really enjoy their a

  • The State Of Online Dating - MTP340

    27/01/2023 Duration: 47min

    Co-Host Nick Sparks ( Nick Sparks is one of the OGs in the men's dating space, so he and I have known each other and respected each other's work for, wow...fifteen years now. So when Nick started a series of Facebook posts singing the praises of online dating and apps in THIS day and age, it caught my attention...and raised my eyebrows. Nevertheless, fully realizing Nick typically knows what he's talking about, I invited him onto the show for a friendly debate on the current state of meeting women online. Right off the bat, I'm happy to report this conversation does not disappoint. What are YOU guys reporting to me, compared to the reports NICK is getting? And since Nick is single right now, what is his personal experience like these days? What are the pros and cons of meeting women online compared to meeting them IRL? How many of them are recent developments, and how many are basically the same as they've ever been? What changes have the developers of dating sites and ap

  • Women All Over The World - MTP339

    20/01/2023 Duration: 45min

    Co-Host Walid El Jebbari ( A lot of men fantasize about getting women from Eastern Europe, Colombia, The Philippines, etc. Sometimes it's because they're not having any luck finding a woman in their own country, but other times it's because they suppose those women are sexier or more feminine than the ones in their neck of the woods. Well, like me, my guest Walid El Jebbari has traveled all over the world and met all kinds of women. What's more, he has actually dated plenty of them. Wait until you hear his thoughts on what's the same and what's different about women across various geographies, especially as it pertains to both socio-political factors and the masculine/feminine dance. What is the big surprise that awaits most men when they get into a relationship with an Eastern European woman? Are Latinas really 'hotter' than other women? And which women are Walid's favorite in the entire world? (HINT: The answer might surprise you.) And here's a particularly poignant ques

  • Supernatural Ways To Be A Better Man - MTP338

    13/01/2023 Duration: 36min

    Co-Host Derek Loudermilk ( My long time friend and world adventure expert Derek Loudermilk returns, this time to discuss another passion of his...supernatural phenomena. More specifically, we're talking about how to potentially incorporate supernatural experiences into being a better man and more attractive with women. Here's the thing, though. At heart, Derek is a everything he is curious about and tries is rooted in scientific method. To what extent does Derek believe time travel is possible...and how has he experienced it? What religious experiences are actually backed by scientific reality? How does Derek give new meaning to 'tree hugging'? What are 'heart fields', and what are they constantly doing for us whether we realize it or not? How do concepts we can't empirically measure affect our mindset and our success with women constantly? What about our dream there any actual reality behind that? What about telekinesis, telepathy and 'remote vie

  • Fix A Disappointing Love Life - MTP337

    06/01/2023 Duration: 49min

    Co-Host Dr. Thomas Jordan ( My guest is the author of the bestselling book Learn To Love: Guide To Healing Your Disappointing Love Life. In it, Tom Jordan defines your 'psychological love life' and how it often leaves us straight-up disappointed. We can be disappointed in the partners we choose to begin with, leading us to cycle people in and out of our lives. Or, we can be disappointed in the context of the same relationship over and over, inevitably leading us to feel like we've settled. What if you've made a horrible choice when it comes to the woman you're with? What if you regret your long-term relationship? Do people really keep perpetuating bad relationship choices unconsciously? What changes can be expected from finally becoming conscious? What tragic phenomenon often happens the first time or two a person with a distorted picture of relationships actually meets someone who is potentially healthy for them? And along those same lines, what of the pandemic proportio

  • Restack The Online Dating Odds In Your Favor - MTP336

    30/12/2022 Duration: 48min

    Co-Host Joe Buchoff ( Let's face it, a lot of men have become disillusioned about online dating these days. It seems as if the apps and dating sites have cornered the market on keeping everybody single, lonely and addicted to their product. But here's the is true--and always has been--that 5 percent of the men online are getting all the women. Nope, they're not necessarily the tall, rich, good looking ones. They're the ones who GET IT...and do the best with what they've got. Joe Buchoff is an online dating photographer out of Austin, TX who specializes in turning men from zeroes to heroes on dating apps. You'll find he has some interesting, if slightly controversial ideas on the subject. In fact, he goes against some of the most basic advice you've heard about online dating pics. Along the way we discuss whether or not women are looking for an excuse to swipe left, whether or not men should post 'selfies', and offer our take on the 'beautiful test' I found on Q

  • The Man's Guide To Looking As Good As She Does - MTP335

    23/12/2022 Duration: 32min

    Co-Host Jeremy Gardner ( My guest Jeremy Gardner has gone from a rough upbringing to being a high-profile 'crypto bro', which led to being a silicon-valley venture capitalist. But nowadays he has turned his attention almost completely to men's skin care. No doubt, I hear men grumble all the time about how women get all the advantages in the looks department--cosmetics, makeup, etc. And I mean, anyone who has ever seen the 'before and after' pics of female celebs with and without makeup knows exactly how that can play out. So then, what Jeremy advocates is leveling the playing field for us as men...starting with making our skin look its absolute best. He even goes so far as to say this could be THE major factor that will attract women who might otherwise not even notice you. In fact, he strongly advocates TELLING women you practice skin care as soon as you meet them to turn them on. As odd as that may sound, there is truth in the simple fact that women appreciate a man wh

  • Stay Out Of Divorce Court - MTP334

    13/12/2022 Duration: 38min

    Co-Host Joe Cordell ( I felt like I already knew this guy, having heard his radio commercials here in San Antonio for like 12 years now. Maybe you've heard of Joe Cordell also, as his family law firm for men only is in 37 states and the UK now--all supported by radio ads. The real question, however, is why I couldn't have heard of this guy 19 years ago when I needed him! In this unique episode, Joe talks more candidly than any divorce lawyer I've ever met about YOUR rights as a man, the patterns he sees in couples filing for divorce, why most divorces are likely preventable, and how to make the best decisions for yourself AND your family if confronted with the possibility of divorce yourself. Wait until you hear what Joe has to say about when men vs. women file for divorce. He also has surprising comments regarding the oft-used phrase 'in the best interest of the children'. Equally surprising is who Joe suggests you call FIRST when considering divorce (it's not a lawyer)

  • 25x Your Success With Women - MTP333

    09/12/2022 Duration: 50min

    Co-Host John Mitchell ( 'At 50 I wanted to be married. I saw that was more important than making big money.' That's a quote from my guest co-host, John Mitchell. What's particularly significant about it is we're talking about a guy here who increased his income by twenty-five fold. So when he tells you finding the right woman was important to him, that's how serious he was. And his estimation he increased his success with women every bit as much as he increased his personal wealth. And no...he doesn't credit the latter with the former. Anyway, considering how David DeAngelo once built an empire out of merely doubling your dating, this is a man you should definitely listen to. Interestingly enough, John says it's all actually scientific. To be more specific, the most profound thing John has ever learned is what's directly responsible for it, and he spills the whole secret for you. What is the biggest problem about modern-day self-help that makes it counter-produ

  • Independent Thinking, Trusting Your Gut, And Following Your Yes - MTP332

    02/12/2022 Duration: 38min

    Co-Host Ken Bechtel ( My guest Ken Bechtel has given a lot of thought to being true to oneself, or as he calls it, 'following your yes'. Essentially, the conversation on such a topic revolves around doing what we're told vs. thinking, feeling and intuiting for ourselves. Sometimes that's even trickier than it sounds. For example, what if someone else's 'yes' really sounds like it SHOULD be OUR yes also, but it really shouldn't be? So then, what if your yes isn't everyone else's yes? And what if everyone else's yes doesn't seem like yours? How do our heart, head and gut instinct work together properly to make the right 'yes' decisions at the right time? How do different personality types find their 'yes' in different ways? And how does following your 'yes' reconcile with finding purpose and meaning over the longer-term? What if following your 'yes' creates significant hardship in your life, or causes a rift in your family or your social circle? Are certain personality types b

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