Ghosts. Cryptids. UFOs. Those dastardly, nefarious skeleton-men. Scareanormal Adventures is a podcast that shares true stories of unexplained phenomena, as told and discussed by the world’s smartest idiots. Want us to share YOUR paranormal experience? Email your account to
EP16—Spooky Stories: I'm Gonna Splat
02/05/2020 Duration: 01h29sAdam and Arlo share some spooky news stories (including a corpse in a freezer and a masturbating ghost monkey), some supposedly true ghost encounters from the annals of, and some original works of horror-fiction, including the third installment of "The Ghost on the Boat."Listen to it with your earholes!
EP15—Spooky Stories: Corn on Floor Dorm Door
20/04/2020 Duration: 01h19minAdam and Arlo share some spooktastic stuff! In this episode:Jose Canseco wants to know if Bigfoot can get the 'RonaA haunted dorm How to learn about past livesTHREE works of original fiction, written by the guysPlus: bags of shit, banana tattooing, how to do an elevator pitch, and MORE!
EP14—Spooky Stories: Boo-tato Farm
05/04/2020 Duration: 01h14minThe boys are back in town! Adam and Arlo read scary stories harvested from the annals of the internet and the depths of their own imaginations. Also in this exciting episode: Priests as babysitters and why that's probably not a good idea, animal sounds, and a review of the new Wendy's breakfast menu.
EP12—Lizard People Part 1: The Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp - Lizard Tarzan Becomes Bigfoot Mr. Hyde
25/09/2019 Duration: 01h21minIn this, the first of a two-part research series on lizard-y people(sorta), Adam shares his research on the Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp, AKA the Bishopville Lizard Man, with Arlo and special guest Jonny "Meathook" Myrick, who plays drums with the guys in their band GHOSTBLOOD. Join us as we plumb the murky, swampy depths of the south and recount the true encounters of the mysterious Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp (who may just be a bigfoot), PLUS the Ketamine Kid and Drunk Batman. Hoo-boy! Check out GHOSTBLOOD!
EP11—Possessions and Exorcisms: Holy Water Dunk Tank
12/09/2019 Duration: 01h10minWe're back with another research presentation for your ears and brains! Arlo gives us an overview of demonic possessions and the process of exorcism, with a couple case studies covered by mainstream news! Grab your holy water and roll out the Slip'N'Slide; we're gonna bless the SHIT out of this motherfucker!
EP10—Your TRUE Stories: Two Six-Packs Of Molson's—WARP SPEED
04/09/2019 Duration: 43minWe're back with more of your TRUE stories of the paranormal! In this episode, we share two tales from our neighbors to the north: one a dream visitation from a deceased relative, the other an eerily accurate dream premonition. It's dream-o-rama! Also discussed: Pigeon milk; Milla Jovovich loves her husband enough to keep appearing in his terrible movies; will the Toronto Mooseknuckles make it to regionals?
EP9—Your TRUE Stories: This Water's Moving, But THIS Water's Staying Still!!!!
28/08/2019 Duration: 01h03minWe're back with more TRUE paranormal encounters! In this episode, we share a tale of a unique UFO, a haunted-ass house, and some possible ETs with very strong opinions about music! Also discussed: Could Arlo join the CIA?, ways that Europe differs from the USA, and the time a mutual friend peed in the wrong place.
EP8—Time Slips: The Time Everything Was All Fucked Up (A True Story)
07/08/2019 Duration: 01h22minWe're back with another research presentation. Adam puts on his sexiest English accent and breaks down some famous cases of time slips! From two academics who may have gone back in time to pre-revolutionary France, to a street in Liverpool where a bunch of fuckery is afoot, to the strange case of the angry men in egg-shaped tricycle-cars, this episode is chock full of weird, unplanned journeys through time itself!
EP7—Your True Stories: Downsizing the Farm
31/07/2019 Duration: 01h21minWe're back with some more TRUE tales of the paranormal. In this episode, we tell the tale of a ghostly janitor, and share the harrowing ordeal of listener Kaydence's experiences living in a haunted-as-fuck house. Also discussed: Arlo's pee-schedule, the invention of dog-shit-pick-up-bags, and parenting creepy kids.
EP6—Yakima Valley UFO Weirdness: Are You Sure You Don't Want To Play Baseball, Mister?
10/07/2019 Duration: 01h22minIn this, our second research presentation, Arlo presents his findings on a flap of UFOs and other weird shit in the Yakima Valley area in the 70s! We discuss orbs in the sky, the research of Willard Vogel (NOT Bogle), a strange monster sighting, a possible alien abduction, and Earthgasms. Also discussed: Hitler's dick, Juan: the saddest boy in America, and so much more! If you have had a paranormal encounter that you would like to share, email a written account to, or call our Spooky Story Hotline at 360 218 4604
EP5—Grab Bag Edition: Ghost Legs and Spam
03/07/2019 Duration: 01h09minWe're back with a special mish-mash of content. Arlo reads a couple tales submitted to us about ghostly appendages and a Bigfoot incursion, Adam breaks down the 1972 Philip Experiment conducted by the Toronto Society for Psychical research, and we present a reading of a series of scam emails sent to the podcast's Gmail account. Also discussed: ghost footsie, getting out of jury duty, Alvin and the Chipmunks Vs The Board of Education.
EP4—Your True Stories: The Legend of Tater Dinklage
26/06/2019 Duration: 01h04minWe're back with more of YOUR true paranormal stories. In this episode: A tulpa companion, a skinwalker hit-and-run, and a shadowman in the workplace. Also discussed: Yabba Dabba Doo Car Show, pissing yourself when you're already wet from swimming, security guard romance, and the return of Mudang. If YOU have had a paranormal encounter that you would like to share on the show, email a written account to, or call 360 218 4604
EP3—UFOs and Bigfoot: Nick, come pick up your crazy bear
12/06/2019 Duration: 01h21minBIgfoot. UFOS. Are they connected? In our first research presentation episode, Adam presents his research on the UFO/Bigfoot connection. Learn all about the Humboldt County Crazy Bears (which is not an NHL team, even though it sounds like it should be), Stan Gordon's UFO Fun Boys (which is not the actual name of Stan Gordon's research organization, eventhough it should be), prankster ETs, and the rash of bizarre sightings that took place in 1973-74 along the Chestnut Ridge in rural Pennsylvania. If you've had a paranormal experience that you would like us to share on the show, email a written account for us to read at, or call our Spooky Story Hotline at (360) 218 4604 and leave a recording for us to play on air.
EP2—Your True Stories: You can drink as much as you want when you're dead. MUDANG!
05/06/2019 Duration: 01h20minWe're back with a couple of spooky stories about missing time, and some creepy Korean ghosts! Also discussed: fat-faced Val Kilmer could look like a Guy Fieri/singer from Smash Mouth-type with the right hairdo, doing a courier job while drunk, Mudang: the party animal of the century, and a bunch of other spooky-ookiness!!
EP1—Your True Stories: Probably (not) a possum (we think)
29/05/2019 Duration: 01h08sAdam and Arlo share your TRUE tales of the unexplained. In this episode: A demonic EVP, an unexplained creature on the road, and a ghostly showdown between two spirits. Also discussed: the assassination of Abraham Lincoln by Mark David Chapman, how many Spanish words Adam knows, bigfoot pandemonium at Denny's, scaring yourself to sleep, and so much more! Have you had a paranormal encounter that you would like us to share? Email us at
Introduction Mini-sode (Who the hell are these idiots?)
29/05/2019 Duration: 06minGet to know the newest paranormal comedy podcasters on the block in this little itsy bitsy intro. Do you have a paranormal encounter you'd like us to share? Hit us up at