A podcast about connecting to the earth, to ourselves and eating a healthier diet.
15: How To Choose What Veggies To Grow
07/05/2021 Duration: 08minI don’t know about you, but I get the urge to buy everything I see in garden nurseries and browsing through seed catalogues. It’s easy to get carried away with your food growing dreams as the season begins. How do you decide what to grow? This can be hard! So, this episode is quick and full of questions to ask yourself when you are trying to determine what veggies you are going to grow this year.
14: Growing Food - Making A Plan And Staying Organized
12/03/2021 Duration: 21minDo you have a plan for the growing season? Will you be making one? You should! This episode dives into tips to help you stay organized and create a plan of action to follow throughout the season.
13: Prepping The Garden For Winter
23/10/2020 Duration: 13minPlants and flowers are dying back. Leaves are starting to fall... EVERYWHERE. In this episode I talk about prepping our gardens for the cold season, cleaning up our yards and garden tools, and planning for next year.
12: Growing Food In A Pandemic
27/04/2020 Duration: 22minThis pandemic can be teaching us that growing our own food will empower us, keep us productive, and fed in times of uncertainty. We are dependant on global food chains and supermarkets. We can gain that connection back with our food by knowing where it was grown and how!Thanks for listening! Please subscribe, rate, and review the podcast.Be sure to check out the show notes at
11: Dirt Makes You Happy - A Natural Antidepressant
16/03/2020 Duration: 11minA Happy Gardener isn’t just a saying. It’s a scientifically proven fact that gardeners are happier when they get their hands dirty. So this episode we talk about the benefits of playing in the soil and why its actually good for our health.
10: Setting Intentions and Goals - Sprout Out Loud 1 Year Anniversary
18/02/2020 Duration: 23minCreating intentions and habits can support you in accomplishing your goals. We explore what intentions and goals are and how they can work together.
09: Earth Worm Bin - Intro to Vermicomposting
15/01/2020 Duration: 17minVermicomposting aka Worm composting is a great way to get rid of your kitchen food wastes and turn it into rich nutritious fertilizer for your plants or garden!
08: Mushroom Talk with Bo Del Valle Garcia - Tangled Roots Nature Connection
15/12/2019 Duration: 01h02minMushrooms are magical aren't they? I'm not referring to 'magic mushrooms'. I mean their role in the environment and to our health. This episode I have a conversation with my permaculture teacher Bo Del Valle Garcia, who introduced me to this world of mushrooms. They explain their journey with mushrooms and how they cultivate and use them in their life as well as for others.Check out the show notes at
07: Alternate Nostril Breathing - Breathing Practice
14/11/2019 Duration: 05minAlternate Nostril Breathing. An easy breath practice to calm your mind and be present. It's one of my favourites, so, I wanted to share it to those looking to start their own practice or want to try a new technique.For links and references visit -
06: Milk Vs. Plant Based Milk (Mylk)
15/10/2019 Duration: 21minPlant based milk beverages are on the rise! While the dairy industry claims to be reducing their carbon footprint and continue to market the need for milk as part of our daily diet. This episode we take a look at how dairy and plant based milks effect the environment and how healthy they really are for us.Check out the show notes at
05: Mulch Mulch Mulch!
16/09/2019 Duration: 20minMulching is a great, natural solution to suppressing weeds from our garden.Resources and links at
04: Canada's Food Guide - Eating Healthy and Mindfully
20/05/2019 Duration: 14minOverview of Canada's New Food Guide release earlier this year. Tips and food ideas on eating healthier and being mindful of your eating habits.Resources and links at
03: Where is your Mind? An Introduction to Mindfulness with Alayna Fender
15/04/2019 Duration: 48minWhat is mindfulness? Alayna Fender and I have a conversation about what mindfulness is and isn't, along with how you can add this practice into your daily routine.
02: Food Not Lawns | Introduction to Permaculture
17/03/2019 Duration: 22minIntroduction to Permaculture and how to get started. Helping you find local workshops, courses and information.Subscribe and Leave a Review on Itunes!www.sproutoutloud.caFollow Me@frickster
01: My Zucchini Moment
24/02/2019 Duration: 15minAn introduction to myself and my motivation to start this podcast.