Tips, techniques, and insights for more effective leadership communication. Learn to apply powerful communication strategies to coach, inspire, and resolve conflict situations as a leader.
How You Listen Matters as Much as How You Talk
29/11/2022 Duration: 08minThe filter you apply when you listen to another person matters as much as the way you adjust your delivery for them to hear you better.
[Re-Release] Leading Remotely: The Importance of Intentionality
08/11/2022 Duration: 13minThis episode is from 2020, but there are still a lot of important lessons about remote work that are still relevant now. Hope you enjoy! "As working from home stretches to months rather than weeks, leaders find themselves planning for and communicating about longer time horizons while working from home and communicating with their teams who are also working from home. This week, I’m revisiting and building upon a piece of advice that my colleague Wayne Turmel shared in an episode we recorded in March of this year – When You Suddenly Find Yourself Leading Remotely. The specific issue is the need for more intentionality in a remote work world." Additional Leadership Resources Listen to Wayne Turmel on Long-Distance Worklife Take our free DISC Assessment. Download our free report, The First 7 Things to Do When You Get Promoted. Follow us on Facebook. Subscribe to the Podcast Don’t miss an episode! Subscribe to this podcast through the options below. iTunes Stitcher Google Play TuneIn RSS Or your favorite pod
Getting Past Your Filters: The Curse of Knowledge
04/10/2022 Duration: 10minOnce you know something and it is obvious to you, it can be difficult to understand how it is not obvious to someone else. This "curse of knowledge" can then become a barrier to effective communication. In this episode, I'm sharing four steps that help me to overcome this communication challenge. Additional Leadership Resources Take our free DISC Assessment. Check out our video series, What You Should Do in the First 45 Days of Your New Role. Follow us on Facebook. Follow us on LinkedIn.
Avoiding Logical Fallacies: Ad hominem and Genetic
13/09/2022 Duration: 17minThis episode, like the episode last week, is what I like to call a "lighthouse" episode. It's more about what to watch out for than what to do. I'm continuing my discussion of ideas that inspired me from Two more logical fallacies to beware of: the ad hominem and genetic fallacies. Additional Leadership Resources Take our free DISC Assessment. Check out our video series, What You Should Do in the First 45 Days of Your New Role. Follow us on Facebook. Follow us on LinkedIn.
Avoiding Logical Fallacies: Black-or-White and Middle Ground
30/08/2022 Duration: 12minThis episode examines how two common logical fallacies - Black-or-white thinking and Middle Ground solutions - can get in the way of effective leadership and leadership communication. Additional Leadership Resources Kind is Not Weak Take our free DISC Assessment. Check out our video series, What You Should Do in the First 45 Days of Your New Role. Follow us on Facebook. Follow us on LinkedIn.
Reaching Shared Understanding
23/08/2022 Duration: 11mincontinues the discussion about The Rules of Civil Conversation
How to Disagree Without Being Disagreeable
16/08/2022 Duration: 12minHave you ever had a conversation with someone and you thought: "What is wrong with them?" I have, and it usually does not help me to communicate better if I linger on the thought. In this episode, I'll offer some thoughts on how to get past that thought and to disagree without being disagreeable. Additional Leadership Resources The Rules of Civil Conversation Beyond Reason: Using Emotions as You Negotiate by Roger Fisher Leadership and Self-Deception by The Arbinger Institute Crucial Conversations by Joseph Grenny Take our free DISC Assessment. Check out our video series, What You Should Do in the First 45 Days of Your New Role. Follow us on Facebook. Follow us on LinkedIn.
Stop Using Constructive Criticism and Do This Instead
02/08/2022 Duration: 12minConstructive criticism rarely delivers the results you want. It tends to be received badly and to have little to no positive impact on performance. In this episode I'm addressing why it so often goes badly and what you can do instead. Additional Leadership Resources Take our free DISC Assessment. Check out our video series, What You Should Do in the First 45 Days of Your New Role. Follow us on Facebook. Follow us on LinkedIn.
Separate Impact from Intent
26/07/2022 Duration: 10minHumans love to look for patterns and reasons for things and then to build stories that explain what they observe. That tendency can create communication problems when we let the stories we tell ourselves about other peoples intentions get in the way of discussing the impact of their words and actions. In this episode, I'm exploring this idea and how it interferes with our communication effectiveness. Additional Leadership Resources Take our free DISC Assessment. Check out our video series, What You Should Do in the First 45 Days of Your New Role Follow us on Facebook. Follow us on LinkedIn.
Is Conflict Always a Bad Thing?
19/07/2022 Duration: 10minConflict sounds bad. Few people look forward to "conflict" discussions. More people avoid or look to escape conflict discussions than actively participate in them. Conflict certainly has a negative emotional aspect for most people. Is conflict always a bad thing, though? In this episode I'll explore this question and offer a perspective to help you build your conflict confidence as a leader. Additional Leadership Resources Take our free DISC Assessment. Check out our video series, What You Should Do in the First 45 Days of Your New Role. Follow us on Facebook. Follow us on LinkedIn.