Happy Healthy Minds Podcast With Sarah Swanton

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 25:44:13
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What happens when we (really do) get out of our own way? What becomes possible? Join me as I go in conversation with people from all walks of life, who've experienced what's truly possible when you no longer get in your own way, anymore. Can you imagine?I'll be finding out what was the insight that changed everything for them, and how is life different now, compared to what it was before.About Sarah Swanton...Sarah is a mindset & wellbeing coach and works with clients to help them find clarity and confidence, so they feel inspired to get out from under the duvet and turn their ideas into actual reality, without letting fear, self-doubt or procrastination stop them - this time.Shes passionate about helping people uncover who they really are, and find out whats truly possible when they get out of their own way so they can get up each morning feeling excited about life again!As well as having her own coaching business, Sarah is also the co-founder of a recruitment, consulting, and coaching company, that she runs with her husband, Ben.For more information about working with Sarah, you can book a free no-obligation call, by going to www.sarahswanton.com


  • Ep42 How to reflect on, and review your year in business (and life)

    12/12/2018 Duration: 14min

    Happy Healthy Entrepreneur is all about teaching business owners how to make the most of their mental health and wellbeing, so that they have all the emotional resources they need to have a happy, fulfilling and profitable business. This week’s podcast is the last one of 2018, and so I’m going to do something slightly different. Please do not drive whilst listening to this one! Instead, wait until you are home in a nice calm space with a notepad and pen, perhaps some nice relaxing music on. In other words it needs your full attention in order to get the most from it. Last year, I led a workshop for Cambridge Business Women to help them get reflective about the year they’d just had and it received some really good feedback - so I’m going to share that same talk with you in this podcast. The reason I think it works so well is that, quite often we become conditioned in our businesses to focus on striving for more, it’s all about getting ‘there’, quite often we seem to put the spotlight on what we haven

  • Ep41 Creating Content Consistently: How To Get Out Of Your Own Way

    28/11/2018 Duration: 11min

    Would you like to be much more consistent when it comes to creating content? As a mindset coach to entrepreneurs and small business owners, the conversation I frequently hear is this: "I know I should be writing blogs/recording videos/being more active on social media, but I just can't seem to get going with it. Help!" The good news is, everyone has the ability to 'get going' with it, but when you're not there yet, it feels incredibly frustrating (and worrying), because if there's one thing we all know as creators of our own income, money comes when we get visible to people. In this podcast, I am going to address what gets in the way when it comes to creating and sharing content online. This podcast is brought to you by www.sarahswanton.com

  • EP40 Waking Up Exhausted In The Morning? (this explains it)

    14/11/2018 Duration: 16min

    Do you wake up in the morning feeling exhausted, even though you went to bed at a reasonable time? Then you find yourself mentally calculating how many hours you’ve had, telling yourself tonight will be an early night? Waking up feeling tired before the day’s even started has to be one of the most frustrating things. The motivation isn’t there to get things done, the urge for sugar and carbs is high, and you feel like you’re in go-slow mode. No one sees the best of us on those days. But what if it’s beginning to feel like that every day? Is there another way to stop feeling so tired, without having to go to bed at 8.30 pm or 9 pm every night? This week's podcast will give you a deeper understanding of what's going on 'behind the scenes' and help shed some light on why you've been feeling so tired in the morning up to now.  In listening, you'll find yourself realising so much about what was causing it, and most importantly what's going to be your best bet when it comes to getting a deeper, more restful nig

  • EP39 Your Thoughts Are Not A 'Call To Action'

    31/10/2018 Duration: 19min

    The Happy Healthy Entrepreneur podcast is all about supporting entrepreneurs, from all walks of life and at all stages in this business, who’ve had enough of the work all hours, keep striving for more – messages out there, and are really looking (searching even) for a fresh, new way of approaching their business, and life (we can’t separate the two), so they can get back to that feeling they had in mind, all along really, when they decided to venture into self-employment. If there’s one thing that I hope for in these podcasts, it’s to help you have the realisation that you don’t need to do anywhere near as much thinking, worrying, and busying yourself as much as you think you do – and that can have an incredible impact on the life that you live, both inside and out. This week’s topic is entitled Thoughts are Not a Call To Action, and this is something I am seeing for myself more and more over the past 18 months since coming across this inside out understanding, which forms the basis of the work I do with gr

  • EP38 Imposter Syndrome & Seeing Through it (all of it!)

    17/10/2018 Duration: 26min

    For far too long now, the feelings of 'imposter syndrome' has hoodwinked many brilliant and talented people into believing they are frauds and do not deserve to occupy the place they have reached in life as well as business. ...and what a shame!  That said, the feelings of 'imposter' are so incredibly believable and compelling that when people experience them, it's no wonder they pay attention and act on those feelings - often either by retreating into the darkness or stepping on to the wheel of fighting it by engaging in more study, more learning, and working harder than most. As sustainable and sensible strategies go, it doesn't help business growth and tends to leave one feeling frustrated and burned out.  So, what to do about it? Because if it's hoodwinking up to 70% of human beings who walk this planet, then that's a lot of tired and dissatisfied people!  On The Happy Healthy Entrepreneur podcast this week, I seek to shine a light on helping people understand the truth behind what's really going on

  • Ep37 Entrepreneur Burnout. What is it (and why it doesn't have to be inevitable)

    03/10/2018 Duration: 26min

    World Mental Health Day is on 10th October, so I thought it would be useful to speak about the topic of burnout in entrepreneurs. I want to help raise some awareness around what it is, how to recognize it, and most importantly, what to do about it so it doesn’t keep showing up again and again. Because if there’s one thing I know for sure, trying to run a business whilst dealing with burnout, is not an enjoyable way to spend your days and the good news is, it doesn’t have to be like that. Burnout is not an inevitable part of being in business for yourself, it really isn't. And if you get the sense that the way you’re working isn’t working, then come join me for a group coaching programme I have designed to address just that. If you’ve reached a point where the hustle, bustle and hard work is grinding you down, then come join us. We start on 8th October for six weeks, and be open and curious to the idea that there is another way of being in business and life that feels lighter, easier, more doable, more

  • Ep36: Fear Of Putting Yourself Out There

    25/09/2018 Duration: 21min

    Ahh! So lovely to be back after the summer break. Over the next few episodes, I’m going to be addressing questions that I see coming up for entrepreneurs and small business owners both in my 1:1 clients and in conversations with peers and other business owners. This week I’m going to talk about fear of putting yourself out there in the world of social media marketing. Offering up some fresh new perspective on how you view fear, anxiety and resistance, that *might* just make all the difference to how you feel when you show up next time. If you’d like me to address an issue that is getting in your way of making progress in your business or stealing enjoyment from your days working for yourself, let me know, the chances are others will benefit from that too - just pop it on https://www.facebook.com/HappyHealthyEntrepreneur/ and I’d be happy to create a podcast which speaks directly to that issue. I have one or two to go at, one but I’d love some more, please! This week I'm chatting about about fear, resi

  • Ep. 35 Our Mastermind Group Lunchtime Chat

    15/06/2018 Duration: 48min

    This week is a little bit different to mark the end of Series 1. I’m part of a mastermind group, and we meet once a month, and after our meeting, we always enjoy lunch together. In this episode, you’re going to be able to listen in to one of those lunchtime conversations, where the theme is all around the stories we tell ourselves and how it holds us back or has held us back in business. Within that, it covers a range of juicy topics, all relevant to entrepreneurs no matter what stage you’re at - including perfectionism, comparison, money stuff, self-belief, and listening to your own intuition and wisdom when it comes to being in business. I always get so much from these chats, just shooting the breeze, and I hope you do too, by having a little listen in to this particular one. Who you're listening to: Katie Foster of Destination Freedom Jo De Rosa of Quantum Sobriety and Inner Guidance Retreat Centre Vendulka Battais of Oliven Felting and Patchwork Cate Caruth of The Content Alchemist Maria Broadbent

  • Ep. 34 Margaret Rode On The 'Inner Journey' Of Writing Her First Book

    07/06/2018 Duration: 51min

    I'm delighted to introduce you to Margaret Rode who is this week's podcast guest. Margaret is a writer, consultant, and geek sherpa (don't you just love that!) to small businesses and self-employed folks trying to create some good in the world with their work. Her company, Websites For Good, has been helping thoughtful, compassionate business owners save money and avoid 'brain damage' for over 20 years by teaching them to use online marketing tools wisely and well. Margaret has just recently written and published her first book - Storytelling For Small Business, (which I really recommend, by the way), and so much of our conversation is about her experience of writing her first book, alongside continuing with running her business, as well as the mindset blocks she found herself up against as she went through the process.  If you've ever dreamt of writing a book, or you're in the process of going through it now, I think you'll find this episode really useful.  www.websitesforgood.com www.happyhealthyentrepr

  • Ep. 33 Dealing With The Urge To Give Up In Your Business

    01/06/2018 Duration: 07min

    Do you get those days where you just feel like giving up? Where everything feels really hard and you think to yourself, I'm just not cut out for this!  It could be about something technical that's proving too difficult, or earning enough money to cover the bills each month, or even trying to juggle running a business alongside having a family. It can leave people feeling really frustrated, or even sad. Frustration is a strong emotion. That's the topic of this week's podcast episode, and in it I offer up a slightly different perspective on that, which may get you thinking about the urge to quit in a different way. Here's a link to the course I mention if you want to reignite your own resilience when it comes to running your own business. www.happyhealthyentrepreneur.com/resilience

  • Ep. 32 Byron Morrison: From Overweight & Depressed To Happy Healthy Entrepreneur

    18/05/2018 Duration: 40min

    This week, my guest on the podcast guest is Byron Morrison, as we talk about his journey from being 50 pounds overweight, depressed, and feeling unable to leave the house, to a much happier and healthier version of himself, and now helps others do the same.  Byron is a Mindset Coach and is the founder of Tailored Lifestyles and author of the book Become a Better You - and he is on a mission towards helping change the way that this country uses and thinks about food, and showing others that a healthy lifestyle is achievable for all. www.byronmorrison.co.uk www.happyhealthyentrepreneur.com

  • Ep. 31 Hannah Collier on her business journey so far

    10/05/2018 Duration: 30min

    Hello, I'm delighted to introduce you to Hannah Collier who is this week's podcast guest. Hannah is the founder of Cambridge Payroll and Cambridge Credit Control and has worked herself as a bookkeeper and payroller for well over 15 years. With a background in hospitality and catering, a previous publican and with a true love for small businesses, Hannah is able to use her vast experience to really help and nurture the businesses that she works with. It’s a fact that so many people struggle with the finance side of their business and it often causes them a lot of stress and anxiety, what Hannah does with her business, takes all this stress away so they can concentrate on the bits they actually do love. When I asked Hannah what three words sum up her entrepreneurial journey she said: Hard Work, Planning, and Belief. www.cambridgepayroll.co.uk www.happyhealthyentrepreneur.com

  • EP. 30 Is It Possible To Launch Without Burnout?

    25/04/2018 Duration: 13min

    This week on the podcast, I talk about launching, as I ask the question: is it possible to launch without burning out?  I’m at a stage in my business, where I’m about to launch an online programme that I’ve been planning and creating this year, and it’s the first time I’ve launched anything properly, in any kind of process-driven way. Exciting times!  So, I’ve been following Kathryn Hocking’s Ecourse Launch Formula, where she teaches step by step how to create, launch and deliver your Ecourse, which is exactly what I needed - the 'how to' strategy behind the world of e-courses.  As I approach this launch phase, (or pre-launch) phase, one of the questions I’m interested in exploring, is whether it's possible to launch without burning out? Listen in on this week's podcast to see what my plan is to explore exactly that. Links mentioned: https://.happyhealthyentrepreneur.com/comingsoon https://www.instagram.com/happyhealthyentrepreneur/ with #launchwithoutburnout www.kathrynhocking.com

  • Ep. 29 The Shadow Side Of Our Strengths: Catherine Robson

    18/04/2018 Duration: 51min

    This week, I'm delighted to introduce you to Catherine Robson who is this week's podcast guest. Cat runs Big Pip Marketing – supporting other businesses to reach and resonate with their audience and generate leads, enquiries and sales. Catherine left school and not long afterwards started her first business. After several businesses and a career move that put her back behind the bar pouring pints, she founded Big Pip nearly 6 years ago. When I asked Cat what three words sum up her entrepreneurial journey she said In. My. Element. (Brilliant!) Themes covered during our conversation: - The shadow side of our strengths - when does a trait switch from helpful, to unhelpful? - Reaching burnout, coming out of it, and how self-care and mindset played a really significant part in this journey.  - Identity and learning the difference between who we are as people, and what we do as business owners.  - The creative journey of entrepreneurship, and how necessary that process is in the early days.  - Trusting in the i

  • Ep 28: Get Yourself Unstuck!

    28/03/2018 Duration: 19min

    This podcast episode is all about how to get yourself unstuck! You know that feeling like you’ve hit a brickwall and can’t go any further? Where it all feels too hard, and it shows up as resistance or procrastination. The same tasks stay on the To Do list and roll over from one week to the next. When it happens, its frustrating and we don’t feel like we’re moving forward or making progress. One of the key components to being a happy healthy entrepreneur is taking regular, and consistent action, every day. In this podcast, I'm going to guide you through the 6 most helpful questions you can ask yourself, to take you from a place of overwhelm - to action in your business (and your life). Once you know these questions, you can use them to coach yourself, so that you never have to feel stuck again, if you don’t want to. www.sarahswanton.com/unstuck

  • The Entrepreneur Mindset: Lara Waldman

    21/03/2018 Duration: 42min

    “Mindset is one of the biggest challenges as an entrepreneur; we have to be willing to step outside of our comfort zone. That discomfort – it represents growth, expansion and that we are stepping up.” This week, I’m delighted to introduce you to Lara Waldman who is this week’s podcast guest. Lara is an Inspirational Speaker, Healer, Abundance Coach and Author of the book “Money Manifestation Mastery”. She empowers heart centred and conscious women to attract more money into their life and business, through helping them to embody their great gifts, and share them more authentically, effectively and powerfully in the world. She teaches women how to use Money Manifestation as a vehicle to fulfilling their Life’s Purpose and making the difference they were born to make. When I asked Lara to reflect on the three words that sum up her entrepreneurial journey so far, she said: Empowerment. Expansion. Transformation. What you’ll learn by listening to this episode: - Being an entrepreneur was never in Lara’s plan

  • The 'Analysis Paralysis' Of Making A Decision!

    14/03/2018 Duration: 13min

    Agggh! The 'analysis paralysis' of trying to make a decision. As an entrepreneur, there's a lot riding on the decisions we make aren't there? We like to know in advance, whether something is going to turn out to be a good decision. Some decisions can be easy to make; others go on for days and days, weeks. Months even! Of course, the longer we without making a decision, the less progress we are making in our business. In this solo podcast, I explore what does 'making the right decision' even mean? I talk a little about what is going on in our minds when we try and make the right decision, and what might be a smarter strategy instead. As always, hope you find it useful/helpful to where you are at in your business right now. If you enjoy listening to these episodes, please rate the show on iTunes, and I would simply love it if you would leave a review on there too. Wishing you a great week whatever you're up to this week. Sarah Founder of Happy Healthy Entrepreneur www.sarahswanton.com

  • Overcoming Fear Of Visibility: Ann Brown

    07/03/2018 Duration: 54min

    "When it comes to overcoming fear of visibility, there is nothing that beats taking action. Just do something. Anything to get into action and you will learn so much more than having done nothing at all." This week, I'm delighted to introduce you to Ann Brown who is this week's podcast guest. For those of you who don't yet know her, Ann is the founder of Happy Being You. She is a highly sensitive introvert and the UK’s leading expert on overcoming the fear of visibility for introverts in business. She is a passionate role model and guiding light for heart-centred introverts who struggle with getting ‘out there’ with their business, and who want to step into their power so they can make the difference in the world they are here to make. Her clients describe her as a ‘steel fist in a velvet glove’; gentle and sensitive yet always making sure they get the results they want. She is dedicated and dependable, using her grounded nature to calmly bring clients back to what’s important. Ann’s vigilance and calm com

  • Comparisonitis & Shiny Objects!

    28/02/2018 Duration: 14min

    This week I explore the topic of comparisonitis and shiny objects, and how it can really take us off track if allowed to. If this is something you struggle with, you're in the right place. It's really common, but that said there are ways we can calm it down so it doesn't derail us or our businesses. I speak from personal experience about how comparisonitis and shiny objects are certainly my Achilles heel when running my own business. Hope you enjoy the show, and please do leave me a review if you will, I would love more small biz owners and entrepreneurs to find this podcast. www.sarahswanton.com

  • "All the things I can do now, I couldn't do a year ago" in conversation with Jemima Willcox

    21/02/2018 Duration: 44min

    What can you do now, that you didn't feel confident about doing a year ago? That's one of the many topics we talk about on this week's podcast episode as I reflect with Jemima Willcox on her self-employment journey so far. Jemima is the owner of Jemima Willcox Photography, she specialises in helping businesses create the right image, working with female business owners and entrepreneurs and providing professional portrait sessions in her Cambridge studio and on location. When I asked Jemima what three words sum up her entrepreneurial journey so far she said: Emotional. Camaraderie. Validation. www.jemimawillcox.co.uk www.sarahswanton.com

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