The energy healing podcast will wake you up to the incredible possibilities of your body's ability to heal by using the tools already inside of you. You'll learn the techniques for blasting out your fears, anxiety, phobias, depressed feelings and self sabotaging thoughts, so you can better understand who you are, why you're here, and what your purpose is. All while learning from some incredible energy coaches, healers, and practitioners who will share their wisdom and techniques on how they've used energy work to find greater happiness through energy healing!
EHP 37: Sometimes to get to greater light we have to walk through some of our darkness...
08/06/2017 Duration: 36min[Special Guest: Kim Watts!] Sometimes to get to greater light we have to walk through some of our darkness...
EHP 36: Wish Your Friends Were Into Energy Healing?
23/05/2017 Duration: 01h30sHow Becky heard about energy work.
EHP 35: What to Do When You Forget Who You Are and Find Yourself Shrinking Back in Your Life
25/04/2017 Duration: 19minWant to know one of the biggest messes people make in their energy?? It has a lot to do with how you handle new and intimidating situations...
EHP 34: Are You Sharing Your Energy Clearing Techniques With the Kids In Your Life?
07/04/2017 Duration: 16minI used to keep energy clearing to myself, thinking it was too advanced for kids, but boy was I wrong. Every time I try to show my kids the ropes...they end up teaching me!
EHP 33: A Simple Strategy for Making Sure Stress Gets All The Way Out...For Good!
01/04/2017 Duration: 11minWhen stress hits, do you tend to hold on tight? Well I bet you didn't know you were literally holding onto it physically and energetically, trapping it inside you... Listen in today to learn how to let it all go!
EHP 32: I Was Really Scared To Tell People About Energy Healing...
25/03/2017 Duration: 18minI was really scared to walk into a room of successful business men and a women and tell them about my new energy healing business...
EHP 31: (LIVE SESSION!!) Part 2: Melodee Wants To Be A Leader, But Is She Willing To Be Seen...?
14/03/2017 Duration: 46minLIVE SESSION!! Part 2! Melodee Wants To Be A Leader, But Is She Willing To Be Seen? It all depends on what she believes about center of attention...
EHP 30: (LIVE SESSION!!) Melodee STOP'S Her Pattern of Second Guessing Herself in this LIVE Session Today! (part 1)
09/03/2017 Duration: 53minLIVE SESSION!! Melodee STOP'S Her Pattern of Second Guessing Herself in this LIVE Session Today! (part 1)
EHP 29: Why I Feel Much Safer Everywhere I Go...
02/03/2017 Duration: 30minOnce I opened up my intuition, my world got a whole lot safer...everywhere I went!
EHP 28: The One Secret To Overcoming Self Doubt
06/12/2016 Duration: 16minDoubting yourself? Yep...I know all about it and it can be paralyzing! That's why today I share my one secret for overcoming self doubt everyday!
EHP 27: From Heart Attack and Heart Ache... Carrie Shares With Us How Energy Clearing Is Helping Her To Be A Have It All Mom!
30/11/2016 Duration: 29minMeet Carrie, mother of 4 boys, health and fitness entrepreneur & one incredible woman! Through doing it all as a mom and overcoming a heart attack and the heart aches of life, listen in as we learn how energy work has completely changed things for her...
EHP 26: Are You Getting Worked 'Cause You're About To Do Something Good With Your Life?
29/11/2016 Duration: 34minHave you ever made a decision to do something good in your life, learn something new, take a risk, make a change for the better? And when you thought it would be smooth sailing, you get hit up with major resistance? I get it and today we break it down!
EHP 25: Do Your Friends And Family Think Energy Clearing Is Weird?
17/11/2016 Duration: 21minGot some people in your life who think energy clearing is weird? I get it, I used to be that person! Listen in as my husband, Justin and I talk about our journey to loving energy clearing and the road blocks along the way!
EHP 24: The Election Got You Stressed?
14/11/2016 Duration: 43minFeeling stressed? Elections, kids, finances, you name it, we get to experience STRESS! So join Anastasia and I today as we blast through her fears of muscle testing to find the peace and quiet she had within her all along!
EHP 23: Do You Want To Learn How To Clear Energy??
11/11/2016 Duration: 22minI get asked all the time...Tara how do I clear this ______ from my life?? It's making me crazy and causing me so much pain! Well guess what? Today, I've got a big announcement so you'll know just how to do it!
EHP 22: Day 21 of 21 Days of Hope: The Simple Trick To Liking Who You Are...TODAY!
09/08/2016 Duration: 01h10minMeet Angie...beautiful wife, mother of 4 great kids, loving friend and business woman extraordinare! She's incredible right? The only problem is that she doesn't see it... So what do we do now? It all has to do with understanding who we are and the realization that who we are is not the roles we play! Listen in as Angie rediscovers the beauty of herself today, not what she's trying to be in the future and you'll be surprised how easy it was to get there!
EHP 21: Day 20 of 21 Days of Hope: Misti Stevenson Claimed Her Miracle and Shows Us How To Claim Our Own!
05/08/2016 Duration: 44min"Misti did it, I can do it too, Misti did it, I can do it too..." This was a phrase that I repeated to myself when I was going through the biggest trial of my life. Listen in to meet the woman who helped me have the faith to believe in miracles!
EHP 20: Day 19 of 21 Days of Hope: My Recommended Book List!
30/06/2016 Duration: 05minBooks! Man I love them! They change my world every day, so for this episode I'm sharing some of my favorites, the ones that have taught me a ton about energy work! If you can't write them down while you are listening, make sure to email me at and I'll send the list to you!!
EHP 19: Day 18 of 21 Days Of Hope: Do You Have Someone In Your Corner?
28/06/2016 Duration: 23minToday I get emotional about someone who got me through the toughest trial of my life. Listen in as we share how important it is to have someone in your corner who reminds you that EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE OK!!
EHP 18: Day 17 of 21 Days of Hope: If Exercise Isn't Your Best Friend, Listen In, You May Have Some Clearing To Do!
24/06/2016 Duration: 14minWe all know the GAZILLONS of benefits of exercise, so why don't we just do it already? There may be more going on than we realize! Listen in today to see what energy blocks are stopping you from getting the body you want. Not to mention all the other AMAZING benefits of working out!