The official podcast of the University of Bristol's Cabot Institute - a monthly dose everything relating to environmental change, hosted by Alan Kennedy.
05. Responsible Innovation
10/05/2018 Duration: 17minFollowing the Cabot Institute annual lecture, Alan caught up with University of Bristol researchers Bernard Stark, Juliet Biggs and Richard Owen to discuss challenges with intellectual property, access to data and responsible innovation from research. Who owns the knowledge? What future are we creating through research? Tune in for the answers to these questions and many more.
04. Embattled Drylands
10/02/2018 Duration: 20minDr Katerina Michalides (School of Geographical Sciences) and Dr Marianna Dudley (Department of History) discuss the WIDER-SOMA project, investigating the effect of warfare on dryland environments in Somalia, and the Embattled Drylands exhibition which showcased the results at Coexist, Bristol, in November 2017. Find out more about the exhibition here:
03. Patagonian Fieldwork Diary
29/11/2017 Duration: 19minDr Jon Hawkings discusses his field research earlier this year with the PISCES Project in Chilean Patagonia, studying the impact of glacier melt on fjord ecosystems. Find out more about the project here:
02. Paris and Politics
24/10/2017 Duration: 14minCabot Institute members Dr Alix Dietzel (School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies) and Alice Venn (School of Law) join Alan on this edition of Cabotcast to discuss the effectiveness of the Paris Agreement and the implications of the withdrawal of the Trump administration.
01. Welcome to Cabot Cast
12/10/2017 Duration: 05minWelcome to Cabot Cast, the new podcast series for the University of Bristol's Cabot Institute. Learn more about what we do and stay tuned for the first full-length episode, coming very soon!