Founder and host, Christopher Vos, is a father of 9 children ranging in ages from 22-3. Hes been on the wild ride called parenting for quite some time and he understands that some days are harder than others. The Father of Nine podcast, hosted by founder Christopher Vos, features interviews and conversations with authors, parenting experts, educators and other parents aimed at inspiring, informing and supporting families in every way. Christophers unique perspective, along with his wife Jennifer, promises to educate and inspire parents and families with a desire to succeed on purpose.
Episode 004 - Family Inc
02/05/2018 Duration: 47minThis week Father of Nine shares his experience with running a family like a business. He discusses family mission statements, meetings and more. Find out how you can use these tools to better your family life.
Episode 003 - Shift Your Focus
20/04/2018 Duration: 17minFather of Nine shares how shifting his focus helped him become a better parent. He will teach you how to use this in your life to improve your relationships with your family members.
Episode 002 - Put your oxygen mask on first
20/04/2018 Duration: 22minFather of Nine discusses the importance of taking care of yourself first. Learn how the powerful tool of visualization can benefit your parenting.
Episode 001 - Story of The Frog and Poisonous Spider
20/04/2018 Duration: 16minFather of Nine shares one of the most important parenting parables. Kids are kids.
Meet the Father of Nine - Introduction
20/04/2018 Duration: 29minThe Father of Nine, Christopher Vos, introduces himself and gives a little background of where he is from. Learn about his family and the reasons why he started the Father of Nine podcast.