10 years of Radio host and production experience.Interested in taking about current topics and national politics.
Mental Health with Gods Help
09/05/2018 Duration: 14minSamuel speaks with a guest who has had mental health struggles but is improving with God’s help.
Why do people cheat?
05/05/2018 Duration: 29minReverend Samuel ponders this question with a thoughtful guest.
May 5th - Listen In with Samuel
05/05/2018 Duration: 14minChatting with PurpleWave about life and how she gets out of bed.
Guest Purple Wave finds her way
05/05/2018 Duration: 29minHow she gets out of bed! Finding her way in life based on her terms. PurpleWave with Reverend Samuel
May 2, 2018 Canada verse United States Black View
03/05/2018 Duration: 29minSamuel Andrews - Host Speaks with Mohammad who lives in Canada about life there and their take on the social system and US politics.