Tprs Russian Effortless Russian

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 4:55:43
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TPRS Russian Effortless Russian Podcast is simple, fun, and effective! Its based on an absolutely unique language learning method known since the early 1990s teaching proficiency through reading and storytelling (TPRS). How does it work? You listen to funny stories in Russian and answer simple questions. It helps you to learn grammar and vocabulary naturally and deeply!© Real Russian Club


  • 31 – Artemii Lebedev Dyes His Hair (A1: ИДТИ, ЕХАТЬ)

    25/02/2025 Duration: 07min

    Today we practice verbs of motion again – ИДТИ и ЕХАТЬ ;)  *** If you like learning with mini-stories, welcome to my complete Russian language course –  My cultural course in English 'Understanding Russia' –  Join my free email course with lots of useful materials and tips –  Real Russian Club Youtube channel –  Instagram with short lessons –    My personal Instagram –  If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to ask me at  Text in Russian: Русский блогер Артемий Лебедев сейчас идёт на работу. Сегодня днём он едет на такси в ресторан. А вечером он идёт в салон красоты красить волосы. Вот такой у него день! Translation: The Russian blogger Artemy Lebedev is on his way to work right now. This afternoon, he is taking a taxi

  • 30 – Tom Cruise Went to Moscow (A1: ЕЗДИЛ)

    10/02/2025 Duration: 08min

    Today we learn verbs of motion in Russian in past tense. *** If you like learning with mini-stories, welcome to my complete Russian language course –  My cultural course in English 'Understanding Russia' –  Join my free email course with lots of useful materials and tips –  Real Russian Club Youtube channel –  Instagram with short lessons –    My personal Instagram –  If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to ask me at  Text in Russian: В прошлом году Том Круз ездил в Россию. Там он ездил на метро в Москве. Том говорит, что оно было очень красивое! Он не ездил на машине, потому что Москва тоже красивая, и он много ходил пешком. Translation: Last year, Tom Cruise went to Russia. There, he took the metro in Moscow. Tom s

  • 29 – Daria Used to Walk (A1: ХОДИЛ)

    02/02/2025 Duration: 07min

    Today we learn verbs of motion in Russian in past tense. *** If you like learning with mini-stories, welcome to my complete Russian language course –  My cultural course in English 'Understanding Russia' –  Join my free email course with lots of useful materials and tips –  Real Russian Club Youtube channel –  Instagram with short lessons –    My personal Instagram –  If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to ask me at  Text in Russian: Раньше Дарья жила в России. Она ходила 2 часа каждый день. Дарья никогда не любила ездить. Она ходила очень много. Сейчас Дарья живёт в Америке и не ходит. Translation: Daria used to live in Russia. She walked for 2 hours every day. Daria never liked to ride. She walked a lot. Now, Dari

  • 28 – McQueen Loves Driving (A1: ЕЗДИТЬ)

    24/11/2024 Duration: 07min

    Today we learn verbs of motion in Russian! ЕЗДИТЬ *** If you like learning with mini-stories, welcome to my complete Russian language course –  My cultural course in English 'Understanding Russia' –  Join my free email course with lots of useful materials and tips –  Real Russian Club Youtube channel –  Instagram with short lessons –    If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to ask me at  Text in Russian: Молния Маккуин обожает ездить! Он ездит каждый день. Он не ездит на велосипеде. Он не ездит на поезде. Он не ездит на трамвае. Он не ездит на метро. Почему? Потому что он сам машина! Translation: Lightning McQueen loves to drive! He drives every day. He doesn't ride a bicycle. He doesn't ride a train. He doesn't ride a tram. He doesn't ride the subway

  • 27 – Superman Goes to Work (A1: ХОДИТЬ)

    20/10/2024 Duration: 08min

    Today we learn verbs of motion in Russian!  *** If you like learning with mini-stories, welcome to my complete Russian language course –  My cultural course in English 'Understanding Russia' –  Join my free email course with lots of useful materials and tips –  Real Russian Club Youtube channel –  Instagram with short lessons –    If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to ask me at  Text in Russian: Супермен ходит на работу каждый день. Он не только супер герой, он журналист! Он пишет статьи. Вечером он ходит в кафе и там пьёт белое вино и ест красное мясо. Он не часто ходит в спортзал, потому что он и так сильный. Translation: Superman goes to work every day. He is not just a superhero, he is a journalist! He writes articles. In the evening, he goes t

  • 26 – Dostoevsky Must Write (A1: Должен)

    06/10/2024 Duration: 08min

    Today we learn how to say "I must" in Russian!  *** If you like learning with mini-stories, welcome to my complete Russian language course –  My cultural course in English 'Understanding Russia' –  Join my free email course with lots of useful materials and tips –  Real Russian Club Youtube channel –  Instagram with short lessons –    If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to ask me at  Text in Russian: Это Фёдор Достоевский. Каждый день он должен писать книги. Он пишет книги каждый день. А русские школьники должны читать его книги. Они не любят это делать. Translation: This is Fyodor Dostoevsky. Every day he must write books. He writes books every day. And Russian schoolchildren have to read his books. They do not like doing this. Transcript: Это Фёдо

  • 25 – Hulk Hogan Plays Golf (A1: Тоже Также)

    23/09/2024 Duration: 09min

    Today we learn how to say "also" in Russian and what the difference is between ТОЖЕ and ТАКЖЕ!  *** If you like learning with mini-stories, welcome to my complete Russian language course –  My cultural course in English 'Understanding Russia' –  Join my free email course with lots of useful materials and tips –  Real Russian Club Youtube channel –  Instagram with short lessons –    If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to ask me at  Text in Russian: Это рестлер Халк Хоган. Он американец. Он любит играть на гитаре. Также он любит драться. Каждое воскресенье он играет в гольф. А это его друг Дональд Трамп. Он тоже американец и тоже играет в гольф. Text in English: This is the wrestler Hulk Hogan. He is American. He likes to play the guitar. He also

  • 24 – Curious George Drinks Wine (А1: Завтракать, Обедать, Ужинать)

    12/08/2024 Duration: 10min

    Today we learn how to describe our typical day in Russian!  *** If you like learning with mini-stories, welcome to my complete Russian language course –  My cultural course in English 'Understanding Russia' –  Join my free email course with lots of useful materials and tips –  Real Russian Club Youtube channel –  Instagram with short lessons –    If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to ask me at  Text in Russian: Обезьяна Любопытный Джордж утром завтракает дома. Он ест хлопья. Днём он обедает в кафе. Там он ест бананы. Вечером он ужинает в ресторане. Там он пьёт красное вино. Text in English: Curious George (the monkey) has breakfast at home in the morning. He eats cereal. During the day, he has lunch at a cafe. There he eats bananas. In the eve

  • 23 – Regina George Goes to School (A1: Accusative case)

    25/07/2024 Duration: 08min

    Today we learn how to describe our typical day in Russian!  *** If you like learning with mini-stories, welcome to my complete Russian language course –  My cultural course in English 'Understanding Russia' –  Join my free email course with lots of useful materials and tips –  Real Russian Club Youtube channel –  Instagram with short lessons –    If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to ask me at  Text in Russian: Реджина Джордж учится в школе в Америке. Она изучает химию, математику и литературу. Знаете, что она не изучает? Она не изучает русский язык. Text in English: Regina George goes to school in America. She studies chemistry, math, and literature. Do you know what sge does not study? She doesn't study the Russian language.  Transcript

  • 22 – Hermione Constantly Studies (A1: Daily Schedule)

    27/05/2024 Duration: 12min

    Today we learn how to describe our typical day in Russian!  *** If you like learning with mini-stories, welcome to my complete Russian language course –  My new cultural course in English 'Understanding Russia' –  Join my free email course with lots of useful materials and tips –  Real Russian Club Youtube channel –  Instagram with short lessons –    If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to ask me at  Text in Russian: Гермиона Грейнджер очень умная. Утром она встаёт и делает зарядку. Потом она читает учебник. Днем она учится в Хогвартсе. Вечером она смотрит телевизор и занимается. Гермиона ложится спать очень рано. Во сне она тоже учится. Text in English: Hermione Granger is very smart. In the morning, she gets up and exercises. Then she reads he

  • 21 – Queen Elizabeth (A1: Family Members)

    12/05/2024 Duration: 06min

    Today we learn how to name family members in Russian!  *** If you like learning with mini-stories, welcome to my complete Russian language course –  My new cultural course in English 'Understanding Russia' –  Join my free email course with lots of useful materials and tips –  Real Russian Club Youtube channel –  Instagram with short lessons –    If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to ask me at  Text in Russian: Это английская королева Елизавета. У неё есть сын, Чарльз. Его бывшая жена, принцесса Диана, давно умерла. У них есть дети, сыновья Уильям и Гарри. Text in English: This is British Queen Elizabeth. She has a son, Charles. His former wife, Princess Diana, died long ago. They have children, sons William and Harry. Transcript: Это англ

  • 20 – Elton John and his wardrobe (A1: Clothes and Colors)

    22/04/2024 Duration: 07min

    Today we learn Russian colors!  *** If you like learning with mini-stories, welcome to my complete Russian language course –  My new cultural course in English 'Understanding Russia' –  Join my free email course with lots of useful materials and tips –  Real Russian Club Youtube channel –  Instagram with short lessons –    If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to ask me at  Text in Russian: Сэр Элтон Джон любит красивую одежду. У него есть розовый костюм и голубой свитер. А вот его знаменитые оранжевые очки и зелёные ботинки. Он точно не любит чёрный цвет! Text in English: Sir Elton John loves beautiful clothes. He has a pink suit and a blue sweater. And then there are his famous orange glasses and green boots. He definitely doesn't like the colo

  • 19 – Johnny Depp eats wine (A1: Verbs ЕСТЬ and ПИТЬ)

    10/04/2024 Duration: 06min

    Today we learn Russian verbs есть (to eat) and пить (to drink.) Here we go! *** If you like learning with mini-stories, welcome to my complete Russian language course –  My new cultural course in English 'Understanding Russia' –  Join my free email course with lots of useful materials and tips –  Real Russian Club Youtube channel –  Instagram with short lessons –    If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to ask me at  Text in Russian: Джонни Депп любит есть и пить! На завтрак он пьет вино. На обед он пьет виски. На ужин он пьет водку. А что он ест? Ничего! Он на диете. Text in English: Johnny Depp loves to eat and drink! For breakfast, he drinks wine. For lunch, he drinks whiskey. For dinner, he drinks vodka. But what does he eat? Nothing! He's on

  • 18 – Woody and Buzz love music (A1: ACCUSATIVE CASE)

    25/03/2024 Duration: 07min

    The accusative case in Russian is one of the six grammatical cases used to indicate the role of a noun or pronoun in a sentence, particularly the direct object of a verb. It's used to show the noun that is receiving the action of the verb. In English, this is often the noun that follows the verb and answers the question "what?" or "whom?" *** If you like learning with mini-stories, welcome to my complete Russian language course –  My new cultural course in English 'Understanding Russia' –  Join my free email course with lots of useful materials and tips –  Real Russian Club Youtube channel –  Instagram with short lessons –    If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to ask me at  Text in Russian: Вуди и Баз любят слушать музыку. Они слушают русское радио

  • 17 – Moscow and Putin (A1: Adjectives)

    11/03/2024 Duration: 09min

    Russian adjectives describe nouns by expressing qualities such as size, color, shape, or characteristics. They agree in gender, number, and case with the nouns they modify:)  *** If you like learning with mini-stories, welcome to my complete Russian language course –  My new cultural course in English 'Understanding Russia' –  Join my free email course with lots of useful materials and tips –  Real Russian Club Youtube channel –  Instagram with short lessons –    If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to ask me at  Text in Russian: Добро пожаловать. Это Москва, мой любимый город! Вот большой проспект. Это Красная площадь. Она красивая. А это старый кремль. Там работает Путин. Как вы думаете, он хороший президент или плохой? Text in English: Welcom

  • 16 – Where was Peter Parker? (A1: Past Tense)

    26/02/2024 Duration: 08min

    Past tense in Russian is one of my favorite grammar topics. So easy! Simply add Л, ЛА or ЛИ to a verb:) *** If you like learning with mini-stories, welcome to my complete Russian language course –  My new cultural course in English 'Understanding Russia' –  Join my free email course with lots of useful materials and tips –  Real Russian Club Youtube channel –  Instagram with short lessons –    If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to ask me at  Text in Russian: Пи́тер Па́ркер – америка́нец. Ра́ньше он жил и учи́лся в шко́ле в Нью-Йо́рке. Пото́м он учи́лся в университе́те. Пи́тер рабо́тал в газе́те Де́йли Бьюгл. Сейча́с он супергеро́й. Text in English:   Peter Parker is an American. Earlier, he lived and studied in school in New York. Then he

  • 15 – We read Jane Austen (A1: ЛЮБИТЬ + Infinitive)

    12/02/2024 Duration: 10min

    English verbs "to love" and "to like" can be described in one Russian verb – ЛЮБИТЬ. Today we learn how to use this verb with infinitives.  *** If you like learning with mini-stories, welcome to my complete Russian language course –  My new cultural course in English 'Understanding Russia' –  Join my free email course with lots of useful materials and tips –  Real Russian Club Youtube channel –  Instagram with short lessons –    If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to ask me at  Text in Russian: Джейн О́стин живёт в А́нглии. Она́ писа́тельница. Она́ лю́бит чита́ть и писа́ть о любви́. Она́ о́чень мно́го чита́ет и пи́шет и совсе́м не лю́бит отдыха́ть. А что мы лю́бим де́лать? Мы лю́бим чита́ть Джейн О́стин. Text in English:   Jane Austen li

  • 14 – Vladimir the Cat dreams about a rocket (A1: Prepositional + O)

    25/12/2023 Duration: 11min

    Russian Prepositional case has another function! It doesn't only answer the question "Где?". It also answers the question "What about" – "О чём?" (or "О ком?" if it's a person.) *** If you like learning with mini-stories, welcome to my complete Russian language course –  Join my free email course with lots of useful materials and tips –  Real Russian Club Youtube channel –  Instagram with short lessons –    If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to ask me at  Text in Russian: Кот-космона́вт Влади́мир мно́го чита́ет о ко́смосе! Он мечта́ет о раке́те “Спу́тник-10”. Где́ она? Она́ на космодро́ме Байкону́р. Влади́мир живёт в Росси́и, а Байкону́р в Казахста́не. Text in English: Vladimir, the cosmonaut cat, reads a lot about space! He dreams of the Sputnik-10 rocket. Where is she? She is at the Baikonur cosmodrome. Vladimir

  • 13 – Tom and Jerry smoke vape (A1: Plurals)

    18/12/2023 Duration: 09min

    Russian plurals are super simple! Just add Ы if a word ends with a consonant, or replace the ending A with Ы: кот – коты телефон – телефоны мама – мамы машина – машины Keep in mind the 7-letter spelling rule of Russian: don't write Ы after КГХШЩЧЖ: книга – книги Америка – Америки *** If you like learning with mini-stories, welcome to my complete Russian language course –  Join my free email course with lots of useful materials and tips –  Real Russian Club Youtube channel –  Instagram with short lessons –    If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to ask me at  Text in Russian: Том и Дже́рри – студе́нты. Они́ живу́т в Бо́стоне и у́чатся в ко́лледже.  Они́ мно́го чита́ют и ма́ло спят. У них есть рюкзаки́ и кни́ги. А это что?! А э́то их ве́йпы… Нехорошо́! Text in English: Tom and Jerry are students. They live in Boston

  • 12 – Trump doesn't speak Russian (A1: The verb ГОВОРИТЬ)

    11/12/2023 Duration: 08min

    Russian verbs are divided into 2 conjugations. We have already practiced the so-called E-conjugation (I conjugation or First conjugation) where the endings included letter E: он работаЕт, ты отдыхаЕшь, вы читаЕте and so on. This mini-story is for the 2nd conjugation aka И-conjugation. For example, ГОВОРИТЬ (to speak): я говорю ты говоришь он говорит она говорит мы говорим вы говорите они говорят For languages we have a special form with 'по-': по-русски, по-испански, по-английски, по-немецки, по-итальянски, etc. *** If you like learning with mini-stories, welcome to my complete Russian language course –  Join my free email course with lots of useful materials and tips –  Real Russian Club Youtube channel –  Instagram with short lessons –    If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to ask me at  Text in Russian: До́нальд

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