Welcome to the KingRick QueenUnique podcast, where kingdoms are created. created! Solid relationship advice and Q&A from Social Media Weekly. Find us on Twitter at King Rick Queen Unique. For question, use #askthethrone on Twitter.
Is it okay to date someone that doesn't have the same morals as you?
08/11/2019 Duration: 06minTodays episode is about going against your morals to be with someone. Join us on IG for #NosexNovchallenge. It's not too late. We will be hosting IG lives for couples. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
Should I get married? - Love Culture Series Part 1
07/10/2019 Duration: 26minThis episode is is about the love culture and how we look at marriage based off society and our environment. We talk about Rapsody, Chance the rapper and God's original idea of marriage. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
Season 3 Trailer
04/10/2019 Duration: 33sHey Guys! We are officially back and we have new audio quality, content structure and plenty of topics to address what's going on today. Join us so we can change the world one couple at a time! --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
How To Handle A Confused Partner
04/10/2019 Duration: 06minKing Rick and Queen Unique tackles how to handle a confused partner since many people are dealing with this. Stuck with on an ex and have a new guy. How To Handle A Confused Partner Many people don't know what they want. They going to relationships without closure of a previous relationship and dragged out into your new relationship. We must develop self-love and self-identity so we will know how to handle a relationship. There are so many confuse people in our generation because many relationships do not have any structure and lack a proper Foundation. _______________________ New Podcast episodes coming in Sept. 2019 _______________________ For comments or for your questions to be asked on the show, use this link here: ________________________Please leave a rating, review and subscribe so we can keep bringing you more content: ________________________You can find us on IG: ______________
Why waiting works ft. Rob Kowalski
12/10/2018 Duration: 24minWe sit down with the expert Rob Kowalski and find out why waiting works. _______________________ New Podcast episodes coming in Sept. 2019 _______________________ For comments or for your questions to be asked on the show, use this link here: ________________________Please leave a rating, review and subscribe so we can keep bringing you more content: ________________________You can find us on IG: ________________________Also Twitter: _______________________ Here is our Quora catalog: --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
How Love Affects Our Community
30/09/2018 Duration: 14minSolving the problem with inner city youths has to be done in the house. Thank you stone for this question. Hope you guys enjoy! _______________________ New Podcast episodes coming in Sept. 2019 _______________________ For comments or for your questions to be asked on the show, use this link here: ________________________Please leave a rating, review and subscribe so we can keep bringing you more content: ________________________You can find us on IG: ________________________Also Twitter: _______________________ Here is our Quora catalog: --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
My partner is moving out ... What now?
11/08/2018 Duration: 11minKing Rick and Queen Unique are back. Long Distance Relationships? How should we handle it? Let's talk a look. _______________________ New Podcast episodes coming in Sept. 2019 _______________________ For comments or for your questions to be asked on the show, use this link here: ________________________Please leave a rating, review and subscribe so we can keep bringing you more content: ________________________You can find us on IG: ________________________Also Twitter: _______________________ Here is our Quora catalog: --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
Dealing with disrespect in a relationship
02/07/2018 Duration: 04min[00:03] Intro [00:10] QOTD [00:16] King Rick Response [00:31] Queen Unique Response [01:18] What About Arguments? [02:10] Name Calling To Domestic Abuse [02:53] Name Calling Affects People [03:10] Outro _______________________ New Podcast episodes coming in Sept. 2019 _______________________ For comments or for your questions to be asked on the show, use this link here: ________________________Please leave a rating, review and subscribe so we can keep bringing you more content: ________________________You can find us on IG: ________________________Also Twitter: _______________________ Here is our Quora catalog: --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
How To Fix Problems In A Relationship ft. Keishorne Scott
25/06/2018 Duration: 40minThis is the latest episode of Kingdom Talk Podcast and we speak with Keishorne Scott and his wife, Princess Scott. This is an amazing episode that breaks down singleness, broken relationships, pain in the relationship and more. _______________________ New Podcast episodes coming in Sept. 2019 _______________________ For comments or for your questions to be asked on the show, use this link here: ________________________Please leave a rating, review and subscribe so we can keep bringing you more content: ________________________You can find us on IG: ________________________Also Twitter: _______________________ Here is our Quora catalog: --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast: https://an
Why Can't I Stop Thinking About My Ex From Years Ago
19/06/2018 Duration: 12min[00:18] Introduction [00:31] Queen Unique's Reaction [01:01] King Rick Answer [01:41] Guy's Emotions [1:57] Co-worker References [02:43] History vs History [03:05] Hurt The Next Person [03:48] Creating A Kingdom [04:04] Pause The Relationships [04:29] Why we are going into relationship [04:47] How Guys View Women: 2 Categories [05:31] Don't Play [05:41] How Serious Relationships Are [06:29] Do Sex Create Babies [06:35] Start With Self Love [08:01] Celibacy Protection [09:11] A True Goal of A Bad Guy [10:01] Change Yourself [10:52] Outro and Ebook _______________________ New Podcast episodes coming in Sept. 2019 _______________________ For comments or for your questions to be asked on the show, use this link here: ________________________Please leave a rating, review and subscribe so we can keep bringing you more content: ________________________You can find us on IG: ________________________
Who Should Pay For The First Few Dates?
10/06/2018 Duration: 07min[00:02] Introduction [00:07] Apology [00:22] QOTD [00:31] Queen Unique's Reaction [01:10] King Rick Answer [01:41] How it When We Were Dating [1:57] A Real King References [02:42] Men Saying Split or They Not Paying? [03:14] How Queens/Kings Should Think [03:48] Creating A Kingdom [04:05] The Number One Indicator In Relationships [04:32] Bank Accounts For Kingdom [05:21] Outro [05:31] Notes: [05:48] Queen Unique Ending Message _______________________ New Podcast episodes coming in Sept. 2019 _______________________ For comments or for your questions to be asked on the show, use this link here: ________________________Please leave a rating, review and subscribe so we can keep bringing you more content: ________________________You can find us on IG: ________________________Also Twitter: _______________________ Here is our Quora catalog: https:/
Benefits Of Celibacy In A Relationship
01/05/2018 Duration: 12minKing Rick and Queen Unique tackles a problem that needs to be address for healthy relationships: Celibacy. Is it possible to be celibate in today's society? A Relationship without sex in 2018? Is there any benefit to holding out? See what the throne has to say about this. SHOW NOTES [00:01] Introduction [00:31] Starting Celibacy Fast [01:25] How It Affected My Life [02:01] When We Met [02:31] Queen Unique POV [03:34] Queen Unique Reaction To Request of Celibacy [03:51] Seeing The Change [04:19] What We Were Doing Other Than Sex [05:12] Difficulties of Being Celibate [06:01] Difficulties for King Rick [07:14] Best Time During Celibate Moments [08:02] Are Truly Dedicated? [08:58] After The Altar And Into The Chambers [10:28] Benefits On The Wedding Night [11:20] What We Learned [11:38] Outro _______________________ New Podcast episodes coming in Sept. 2019 _______________________ For comments or for your questions to be asked on the show, use this link here: _____________
How To Handle A Lying Cheating Partner
08/04/2018 Duration: 03minHere's A Quick Way To Handle A Cheating Partner Cheating has become a social norm for the millennial generation. It seems nobody honors relationships and committment anymore. Well. I have news for you. Kings and Queens will always honor relationships and marriage. You can't be royalty if you're not looking to expand your kingdom and build your empire. As a royalty, you should only want royalty. What type of king or queen is trying to cultivate a kingdom. Humans, in general seeks power more than control. So, a true king seeks the most powerful, God. Just imagine have a kingdom with that powerful mindsets and a couple that holds themselves in high esteem. A meek King that honest this wife and is vulnerable enough to give his heart and show you his tender love. Royalty seeks royalty. You have to think higher. _______________________ New Podcast episodes coming in Sept. 2019 _______________________ For comments or for your questions to be asked on the show, use this link here:
Millennials lifestyle & development ft. J. Stone
19/03/2018 Duration: 16minKing Rick has a phone interview with a guest, J. Stone on the show to talk about effortless ways to move up with topics include cultivating the community, taking the opinions of the family and friends and more. Effortless Ways To Move Up When the older generation gives a hand to the younger generation, miracles happens. This is a phone interview with J. Stone speaking with the a younger millennial about moving up and building up. Many times we heard the older generations bashing the younger generation. Millennials are snowflakes. Millennials are this and that. But we need kings and queens to step up and speak life to their younger brothers and sisters. I want more people to step up and pull up. Build, don't destroy. Giving us effortless way to move up in life and saving us from falling in pitfalls is the best thing we can do for each other. _______________________ New Podcast episodes coming in Sept. 2019 _______________________ For comments or for your questions to be asked on the show, use this link her
What Qualities Men Want
19/03/2018 Duration: 01minKing Rick and Queen Unique tackles a question woman always wanted to know. What men want in a woman is confusing, right? It seems like nothing from the ones they pick, right? See what the throne has to say about this. What Men Want In A Woman Men are confusing when it comes to what they want. The confusion comes with their design. Men are eye-oriented and follow their eyes into most relationships. Unfortunately, beauty is a normal quality in women. God designed women to be beautiful so their external beauty doesn't represent the core of them. Men need to see women for their hearts. Pick a woman based off beauty is like picking a woman based off internal organs. Not smart, right? Exactly. Men need to see woman based off their internal beauty and their qualities. What men want in a woman can contradict what they want need. Many wants of a man are superficial and are based off the society and parental upbringing. _______________________ New Podcast episodes coming in Sept. 2019 _______________________ For com
How To Deal With Problems In A Relationship
19/03/2018 Duration: 32minHere are methods that are helping couples handle stress in relationship. From baby mother problems to dysfunctional childhood, we cover topics many people don't. Take a journey with us to see where kingdoms are created. Methods That Are Helping Couples Nothing takes away a smile in a relationship than problems and woes. Here are methods that are helping couples handle stress in relationship. Many people are not honest with their partner about their terrorist baby mama or parents. Its better to handle a game plan so you can start a relationship off on the right foot. How many times have you been surprise about secrets that a person was hiding. Save yourself some times and develop your relationship with knowledge or let go off any toxic people. There are too many people that are trying to share their misery. Don't join the party. _______________________ New Podcast episodes coming in Sept. 2019 _______________________ For comments or for your questions to be asked on the show, use this link here: https://for
Is Chivalry Dead Today?
19/03/2018 Duration: 03minThis is King Rick and Queen Unique take on is chivalry dead. Tell us do you agree or disagree? Chivalry The classic man is dead. Sorry, but real men don't die with trends or society. Only kings know royalty is benevolent. Too many people are not expecting chivalry by saying we are in a new generation. First, respecting women and giving them honor is never going to leave or die. Queens should always expect men to act and present themselves like royalty. It is common sense. A man with character knows chivalry is alive. Don't feel bad when people lack the sensitivity to know how a king is suppose to conduct himself bash you for it. We are not trying to please men. We are after God's heart and looking at our brothers and sisters like the royalty they are. _______________________ New Podcast episodes coming in Sept. 2019 _______________________ For comments or for your questions to be asked on the show, use this link here: ________________________Please leave a rating, review
Top Qualities Women Want - Shhh!
19/03/2018 Duration: 01minKing Rick and Queen Unique has many topics that people find hard to figure out. What does What Women Want In A Man? See what the throne has to say about this. What Women Want In A Man Women wants and needs differ from what men want. By design, what women want in a man is integrity, honor, commitment and communication. Women want men that are good leaders and men that want to stay home. They want a man that has a foundation in God. The main thing is women just want to feel safe. The main reason why most women aren't pick what they truly need and want is social media, what their parents choose and lack of self-love. When a woman never has a male role model (father, mostly) to show them what a real man is, they can be persuaded by the wrong influences. Childhood abuse or psychological abuse keep the cycle going. It's just like P.T.S.D. _______________________ New Podcast episodes coming in Sept. 2019 _______________________ For comments or for your questions to be asked on the show, use this link here: https://
How To Find A Good Partner For Life
19/03/2018 Duration: 01minKing Rick and Queen Unique talk about How To Find A Good Partner. Why can't people find quality relationships anymore? Are there any good fish left? See what the throne has to say? How To Find A Good Partner How to find a good partner is like finding a hay in a stack of needles. Ironic? Maybe. It doesn't have to be that difficult. If you use a system that works, then the sky is the limit. Don't settle for anything less than what you deserve. Queens and Kings don't deserve disrespect, cheaters, etc. This is where self-love and patience comes in. If you want a quality person, become a quality person. Your partner will be an image of you. _______________________ New Podcast episodes coming in Sept. 2019 _______________________ For comments or for your questions to be asked on the show, use this link here: ________________________Please leave a rating, review and subscribe so we can keep bringing you more content: _________
Is He Committed To Our Relationship or Nah?
17/03/2018 Duration: 04minQueens: Truly Committed Or Nah? Many relationships don't work because one person is not committed. Truly Committed Or Nah? Don't waste your time! Is it because of convenience meaning paid rent, sexual desire met or gas in the tank? Many people try to hold you with them just to keep their lights on but relationships are more about growing in God and building your purpose in life. Stagnate relationships are toxic since we are creators that grow. If a plant stops growing, that means it is not receiving the nutrients it needs. Grow and cultivate your partner. Don't start a relationship with a confused person. If they say, "I'm not ready for a relationship." Good. "Thank you for telling that. I am only looking for someone that wants to grow with me and start a family." Think higher. Trivial relationships waste the most time. Once you realize you actually want a real relationship, you might be too deep in to change everything that you created. _______________________ New Podcast episodes coming in Sept. 2019 _