Completely Unprofessional Brain Enema
Episode #22: Polish People Eat Boobs!
13/06/2018The adventures of a mother who openly smuggled cannabis oil into the UK. Also, Polish people eat boobs. They do. The spelling is "bób", but still a boob is a boob is a boob.
Episode #21: Cruel Mother Evicts Innocent Child
05/06/2018A heartbreaking story about a mother who sues her own child. The court helps the mother to evict the baby. Oh, by the way: the baby was 30 years old. But does it matter? A child is a child, isn't it?
Episode #20: The Gun Tattoo
29/05/2018Raheem Sterling, a British football player, hates guns. That's why he has a tattoo of a gun.
Episode #19: What Would You Say About Gays If You Were The Pope?
22/05/2018Pope Francis said something that made lots of catholics angry.
What Would You Do To Smokers If You Were In China?
10/05/2018China does things to people who smoke in public places! There are interesting punishments for all sorts of misbehaviors. What would you do with such people?
Episode #16: Heroes and Monsters
19/04/2018Hans Asperger (a famous doctor who treated children with autism) had something to do with Adofl Hitler. This discovery is even more shocking than the news from India. It turns out it was India that had invented the Internet.
Episode #15: The French Again Doing It Again
12/04/2018People of France fight for their rights! It's the French revolution all over again! It's a rebellion of workers against president Macron. Also, we talk about British NHS and how it has become a national religion.
Episode #14: Lauren Southern's Case
05/04/2018Lauren Southern has recently been banned from entering UK. Her event when she irritated Muslim community in Luton was too much to handle. What to think about it all? Is it freedom of speech case or just needless aggression? We have a heated discussion about that!
Episode #13: Are You Free to Work?
29/03/2018Can you get arrested for working? Of course you can. Especially in France.
Episode #11: Not My President!
15/03/2018Universities fight against China and Google fights against bitcoin. Everyone is trying to ban everyone else. Lots of fun in the world, really.
Episode #10: Doctors and Their Money
08/03/2018Doctors in Canada went crazy: they want the government to give them less money! Why would they do such a thing? Well, there is a reason. Listen to the show and tell us what you think.
Episode #9: Freedom of F
01/03/2018Courts in Austria define freedom of expression: citizens gain right to Insult a politician any way they like! Is it the attempt to restore freedom of speech in Europe or is it some misunderstanding?
Episode #8: Kevin the Carrot Drunk
22/02/2018Aldi's Christmas ad about Kevin the Carrot seeing spirits of dead vegetables and also some liquid spirits, made us fight. We did fight hard. Also, there came a question: is the name "Aldi" short form "Aldolf"? And if so, what can it mean?
Episode #7: They Is Man
15/02/2018Alert! There is a price gap in the UK now! Some price sexist shops discriminate women, making them buy expensive, pink things. Unbelievable. Let us all get angry!
Episode #6: There Is No Hope, It's Time To Die
08/02/2018Earth-friendly drinks in Mariott hotels and volunteers in Cambodia. Do they really do more harm than good? This time the show got out of control - it become too serious. Way too serious. Why so serious, Brain Enema?
Episode #5: Sad Jokes
01/02/2018We come to the conclusion that famous lines on the ground in Peru are just lines on the ground and not a miraculous work of aliens. I know, what a blasphemy! Also, we read a few clean jokes and try to find out why they are called jokes. Well, maybe I need to speak English better?
Episode #4: Logan Paul In Your Head
25/01/2018Logan Paul from YouTube is the reason why we all need a brain enema. Also, we wonder why you like to experience anger and outrage. You like it, don't you?
Episode #3: Donald Trump, Chill Out
18/01/2018Donald Trump asked why are we having all these people from s***hole countries come here. We have the answer!