Official podcast of the California Innocence Project
Episode 13 - Rodney Gupton: A Bad ID And A Lie Lead To A Wrongful Conviction
21/01/2018 Duration: 05minRodney Gupton was convicted of shooting at a car based on the eye witness testimony of a 17 year old girl. Years later, the 17 year old witness, now a social worker in her mid thirties, came forward and admitted that she lied based on pressure from her high school boyfriend.
Episode 12 - JoAnn Parks: How False Arson Evidence Put A Mother Behind Bars
21/01/2018 Duration: 05minA tragic house fire where three children died, coupled with bad arson science led to the wrongful conviction of their mother. She has spent more than a quarter-century in prison for a crime she did not commit.
Episode 11 - Horace Roberts: How An Affair Turned Into A False Murder Conviction
21/01/2018 Duration: 05minHorace Roberts was wrongfully convicted of murder in 1999. New DNA testing suggests the true perpetrator is still at large. Horace remains incarcerated.
Episode 10 - Compensation Laws: The Fight To Compensate Those Wrongfully Incarcerated
21/01/2018 Duration: 02minOn paper, California's compensation law is great. Practically speaking, however, each one of these cases is a battle, and very few exonerees get compensated.
Episode 9 - Brian Banks: The Story Of A Lie, A Plea Bargain, And An Innocent Man Going To Prison
21/01/2018 Duration: 05minBrian Banks was one of the best high school football plays in the country when he was falsely accused of rape by one of his classmates. Years later, after Brian had already served six years in prison for a crime he did not commit, his accuser came forward and admitted that she lied.
Episode 8 - Seeking Clemency: Why We Walked 712 Miles
21/01/2018 Duration: 05minThe governor of every state has the power to grant clemency and free any inmate within the state prison system. In 2013, 3 lawyers from the California Innocence Project walked 712 miles (from San Diego to Sacramento) to deliver clemency petitions on behalf of 12 of their innocent clients to Governor Jerry Brown.
Episode 6 - Evidence Preservation Laws: Without Evidence, No One Gets Exonerated
21/01/2018 Duration: 02minAlex Simpson is the Associate Director of the California Innocence Project. In this episode, he discusses the legislative successes that they have achieved, as well as the areas that still need improvement.
Episode 5 - CIP Interns: How I Spent My Summer Vacation? Freeing Innocent People From Prison
21/01/2018 Duration: 02minEach year, the California Innocence Project receives thousands of requests for assistance, and we rely on interns to go through these cases and look for the needles in the haystack.
Episode 3 - Guy Miles: Sent To Prison For Nearly 18 Years On Bad Identifications
21/01/2018 Duration: 05minWhen a witness walks into a courtroom and points at a defendant and says, "I'm 100% sure that that's the person who committed the crime," that's very powerful evidence. We now know that bad identifications is one of the leading causes of wrongful convictions in America. Guy Miles was convicted of a bank robbery in Orange County, even though he was in Las Vegas at the time.
Episode 2 - Kimberly Long: A Mother Returns To Her Children After 7 Years Of Wrongful Incarceration
21/01/2018 Duration: 05minCalifornia Innocence Project client Kimberly Long was released from prison a year ago after spending more than seven years in prison for a crime she did not commit. She lost so much in those seven years, but most of all, watching her children grow up.
Episode 1 - Freeing The Innocent: Introducing The California Innocence Project
21/01/2018 Duration: 02minThe California Innocence Project was founded in 1999. Since its inception, CIP has freed 27 people who have collectively served more than 350 years in prison for crimes they did not commit. Project Director Justin Brooks was inspired to begin the project after he represented an innocent woman on death row who was sentenced to death on a plea bargain.
Episode 7 - Glenn Boyd: Another Bad ID Case Leads To A Wrongful Conviction
21/01/2018 Duration: 05minAudrey McGinn is a staff attorney with the California Innocence Project. Audrey discusses Glenn Boyd's case, a CIP client who spent 27 years in prison for a crime he did not commit.
Episode 4 - Charles Miles: Suffering Wrongful Incarceration Along With Your Children
19/12/2017 Duration: 05minPerhaps the only thing more difficult than being wrongfully convicted is having a child that was wrongfully convicted in prison, and feeling helpless to get them out.