The Brazilian Report is an independent media outlet uniquely positioned to offer an insiders view on current affairs in Brazil. Every week, Gustavo Ribeiro and Ciara Long host Diego Iraheta, editor-in-chief of HuffPost Brasil, to talk about the most pressing issues in Brazil, ranging from politics, to economics, to social issues.
Explaining Brazil # 135 Neither to the left, the right, or in the center
07/12/2020 Duration: 26minBrazil’s “Big Center” were the big winners of this year’s municipal elections, despite being regularly demonized by the population. We explain who they are and how they work.
Explaining Brazil #134 Has second wave already begun?
30/11/2020 Duration: 17minJust as Brazilians were starting to get used to their so-called new normal, a second wave appears to be on the horizon.
Explaining Brazil # 133 Who tried to hack the municipal election?
24/11/2020 Duration: 18minAfter weeks of gloating about its fast and efficient vote count system, Brazil’s election authorities were hacked during Sunday’s vote, raising cybersecurity fears.
Explaining Brazil #132 What Brazil can teach the U.S. about elections
16/11/2020 Duration: 10minThe U.S. election process took days to confirm a winner. Were it to have taken place in Brazil, the entire vote count would have been wrapped up within a couple of hours.
Explaining Brazil #131 Banking transformation PIX up steam
10/11/2020 Duration: 20minBrazil’s Central Bank has launched PIX, its new instant payment system. We analyze what changes this brings to the country’s financial landscape.
Explaining Brazil #130 Throwing Pinochet's legacy on the fire
03/11/2020 Duration: 20minChile will be the neoliberalism tomb?
Explaining Brazil #129
26/10/2020 Duration: 25minJair Bolsonaro and São Paulo Governor João Doria are using the race for a vaccine as a sparring match before the 2022 election.
Explaining Brazil #128 Bolsonaro steering away from Bolsonarism
20/10/2020 Duration: 20minAlmost two years since his election, President Jair Bolsonaro has cozied up to the establishment politicians he campaigned against — and his core supporters are incensed.
Explaining Brazil #127 Elections in the Time of Covid-19
13/10/2020 Duration: 21minMunicipal elections have a significant impact on national politics. And what happens in November 2020 will ripple over until 2022.
Explaining Brazil #126 When protection becomes repression
05/10/2020 Duration: 21minSome Latin American countries have been called out for not enacting social distancing rules during the pandemic. Others, for using them to repress specific populations.
Explaining Brazil #125 You Give The Country a Bad Name
29/09/2020 Duration: 30minOh, you're a loaded gun!
Explaining Brazil #123 Rio's descent into political hell
15/09/2020 Duration: 29minEvery single living former governor of Rio has been jailed at some point, and the incumbent governor looks set to face the same destiny.
Explaining Brazil #122 Reducing business complexity
08/09/2020 Duration: 20minBrazil’s second-quarter GDP results have been released and it’s official: the country is back in recession. We analyze how Brazil can recover.
Explaining Brazil #121 Six months of the coronavirus
01/09/2020 Duration: 21minLatin America had its first confirmed Covid-19 case on February 26. Six months later, the region is the world’s coronavirus epicenter. How have things gotten so out of control?
Explaining Brazil #120 The Al Capone of Colombia
25/08/2020 Duration: 22minÁlvaro Uribe is arguably the most powerful politician in Colombia, but he has been placed under house arrest for a fraud scandal. What does this mean for the country?
Explaining Brazil #118 Our place in the race for a Covid-19 vaccine
10/08/2020 Duration: 19minIronically, Brazil’s mismanagement of the coronavirus crisis may lead to the country cutting the line in the race for a vaccine. This episode was supported by AMEC, the Brazilian Association of Investors in Capital Markets.
Explaining Brazil #116 Biden or Trump
22/07/2020 Duration: 23minWhat changes for brazilian politics?