New episodes every month.
Episode 42: The CTO for one of one of America’s top-ranked teaching hospitals describes the responsibilities and challenges of supporting the new frontiers in care.
13/05/2021Jim Davis, Chief Technology Officer for UC Irvine Health, has spent the last six years leading the build-out of the technology architecture for their Orange County campus and remote care initiatives. Prior to that, he worked in IT roles at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland and Childrens Hospital Oakland.
Episode 41: Data in healthcare today is evolving beyond just rows and columns of text and numbers. What are the trends?
08/04/2021Joe Grinstead, VP of Technology at Healthcare Triangle, discusses how images, audio, video, and IoT data are currently being leveraged through cloud platforms to enhance care.
Episode 40: Is virtual care better care? The results may surprise you! ft. Brad Armstrong
10/12/2020Brad Armstrong, VP at Cognizant Consulting and healthcare industry veteran, discusses the nice surprises that are happening with the big virtual care buildout. Many are seeing better outcomes and lower costs. There are even bigger changes ahead!
Episode 39: Current healthcare CIO priorities and the top three trends for 2021. Ft. Peyman Zand
12/11/2020In this discussion, Peyman Zand discusses the types of changes that healthcare technology leaders will need to consider in the coming year. Join us as we tour through the advanced technologies, operational transformations and non-traditional merger and acquisitions that could make 2021 a pivotal year in the transformation of health care.
Episode 38: The #1 provider of cloud services for Meditech customers discusses the future of cloud for healthcare Ft. Erik Littlejohn
08/10/2020Erik Littlejohn is riding the wave, the Cloudwave that is. As President and COO of Cloudwave, Erik has helped develop the company into the top provider of cloud services for customers using Meditech EHR software. Erik discusses cloud trends: where we have come from, where we are going, and why a hybrid architecture is the … Continue reading Episode 38: The #1 provider of cloud services for Meditech customers discusses the future of cloud for healthcare Ft. Erik Littlejohn →
Episode 37: The evolution of Healthcare IT outsourcing and the new trend towards Clinical Help Desk as a service Ft. Chuck Lyles
10/09/2020As former President for Perot Systems healthcare division and current CEO of startup GuideIT, Chuck Lyles has an exceptional view into the evolution of healthcare IT outsourcing and how the shift to virtual care also means more virtual partnerships in IT. He describes the emergence of the Clinical Help Desk as a managed service and … Continue reading Episode 37: The evolution of Healthcare IT outsourcing and the new trend towards Clinical Help Desk as a service Ft. Chuck Lyles →
Episode 36: Ethical hacking, the rise of the virtual CISO and the number one security threat to hospitals today Ft. Adam Kehler
20/08/2020Adam Kehler hacks his clients systems and they pay him to do it! As a Certified Ethical Hacker and the practice leader of a healthcare cybersecurity consulting practice for Online Business Systems, Adam talks about the role of ethical hacking, the newly emerging role of the virtual CISO, and the number one security threat that … Continue reading Episode 36: Ethical hacking, the rise of the virtual CISO and the number one security threat to hospitals today Ft. Adam Kehler →
Episode 35: The Chief Information Security Officer for a Major Cloud Services Provider Discusses Trends, Security Threats and Strategy Ft. Chris Riley
16/07/2020Chris Riley, Chief Information Security Officer for Ntirety, walks us through the changing landscape of modern information security challenges and provides guidance on developing a strategy to meet today’s threats.
Episode 34: Building out LA’s Newest HIMSS Level 7 “Most Wired” Hospital Ft. Tracy Donegan
12/06/2020Tracy Donegan, CIO of Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital, describes her team’s journey to conceive and create a technically advanced hospital in one of Los Angeles’s most under-served areas.
Episode 33: How healthcare entrepreneurs learn to launch and grow their business with ScaleHealth Ft. Taylor McPartland
27/05/2020In this podcast, Taylor McPartland, CEO of ScaleHealth, talks about his firm’s unique approach in helping healthcare entrepreneurs bridge the gap from business idea to business reality. By engaging the volunteer efforts of some of the top executives in the industry, Taylor discusses the power of networking and collaboration in setting hundreds of start-ups on the … Continue reading Episode 33: How healthcare entrepreneurs learn to launch and grow their business with ScaleHealth Ft. Taylor McPartland →
Episode 32: How to Turn a Poor Patient Experience into a Career Opportunity Ft. Mike Roach
10/04/2020In this podcast, Mike Roach discusses his perspective as a patient, noting challenges with his own care during an unexpected hospital stay and how it turned into a career of advancing healthcare, healthcare processes and support of caregivers into a passion. He also shares the importance of mentoring, coaching, and leading change through leadership.
Episode 31: How to Invest and Operationalize SDOH into your Culture Ft. Andres Gutierrez
12/03/2020In this podcast, Andres Gutierrez discusses approaches to integrating the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) into technologies used in healthcare. He also shares the challenges and benefits of harnessing the data to drive better health outcomes and the community partnerships required to bring lasting change.
Episode 30: Building a Digital Strategy From the Ground Up Ft. Ray Lowe
13/02/2020In this podcast, Ray Lowe discusses his ground-up approach to building a digital strategy which included an EMR replacement with an incredibly short time line. He also shares his entrepreneurial perspective and how his professional network, along with key stakeholder alignment, allows for his organization to focus on their patients while continuously preparing for the … Continue reading Episode 30: Building a Digital Strategy From the Ground Up Ft. Ray Lowe →
Episode 29: IT Legacy Transformation and Cost Optimization Ft. Dr. Zafar Chaudry
09/01/2020In this podcast, Dr. Zafar Chaudry discusses transforming the legacy IT landscape, approaches to stakeholder buy-in, and creating a pathway for digital initiatives and innovation. He shares the collaboration and accountability required to strategically replace an EMR, upgrade the ERP, and plan for ECM while keeping systems goals and world-class patient care at the forefront of the organization. … Continue reading Episode 29: IT Legacy Transformation and Cost Optimization Ft. Dr. Zafar Chaudry →
Episode 28: Securing the Human Ft. Anahi Santiago
12/12/2019In this podcast, Anahi Santiago discusses the transition of the healthcare industry toward consumerism and its implications from a cybersecurity perspective. She shares how innovation and the role of the CISO play a key role in changing how care is delivered and setting the strategic plan for an organization.
Episode 27: Developing ‘Digital First’ Models of Primary Care Ft. Dimitri Varsamis, PhD
14/11/2019In this podcast, Dimitri Varsamis discusses the difference between the academic, governmental and business worlds when it comes to healthcare and the intersection of what is similar and different between the US and NHS health systems. In his research, he covers digital first models of innovation that can be created and theoretically accessible very quickly for patients and … Continue reading Episode 27: Developing ‘Digital First’ Models of Primary Care Ft. Dimitri Varsamis, PhD →
Episode 26: Lessons the U.S. can learn from other countries in delivering high quality and cost effective healthcare Ft. Dr. Alan Young
10/10/2019In this podcast, Dr. Alan Young discusses how lessons learned from his experiences in receiving and delivering care in other countries have shaped his perspective on how to drive improvement in the US. The path he has taken to be an innovator and practitioner gives him a unique view of what we need to do … Continue reading Episode 26: Lessons the U.S. can learn from other countries in delivering high quality and cost effective healthcare Ft. Dr. Alan Young →
Episode 25: Interoperability 2020 ft. Pavel Smirnov
12/09/2019In this podcast, Pavel Smirnov discusses what organizations can do to deliver the use of FHIR and APIs in their healthcare system. Understanding the framework and standards is key to developing a technology community to support the continued growth and development of these solutions. With the importance of interoperability in our ecosystem today, these standards … Continue reading Episode 25: Interoperability 2020 ft. Pavel Smirnov →
Episode 24: The Future Is Not What It Used to Be. ft. Ogechika Alozie
08/08/2019In this podcast, Ogechika Alozie shares his perspective as a practicing infectious disease physician and CHIO in delivering solutions to a community that faces challenges in access to care, health literacy, and cultural diversity. In the journey to deliver strategies around clinical and population improvements with technologies such as telemedicine, he discusses how his organization has been … Continue reading Episode 24: The Future Is Not What It Used to Be. ft. Ogechika Alozie →
Episode 23: Digital Health Checkup – How Healthy is Your Organization? ft. Jason Wood
11/07/2019In this podcast, Jason Wood discusses how to build a digital strategy within your organization by partnering with stakeholders, obtaining executive sponsorship, and starting where you are, regardless of the size of the organization. He shares real-world examples, what it means to understand consumerism, digital health trends, and ensuring your organization is aligned on delivering the identified strategies. Jason’s perspective on the importance … Continue reading Episode 23: Digital Health Checkup – How Healthy is Your Organization? ft. Jason Wood →