Get the story straight
Pretty Sneaky Stuff 3 – Pyramids
12/11/2017 Duration: 01h07minWhy were they built? How many exist? “WHATS IN THE BOX!?” The conspiracy crew dives deep into everything Pyramid on this episode of Pretty Sneaky Stuff.
Pretty Sneaky Stuff 2 – Unknown Beings 101
28/10/2017 Duration: 59minChris & Jefferson welcome a new co-host! Britta brings insight and a cheerful attitude to the dark realms of Unknown Beings. Learn about the Greys, Men In Black, Shadow Figures, and The Annunaki. We got super spooky so join us and dive right into the world of Pretty Sneaky Stuff.
Pretty Sneaky Stuff 1 – MK Ultra
15/10/2017 Duration: 59minChris & Eric debut the first episode of Pretty Sneaky Stuff: Conspiracies For Dummies! They do first-time introductions and begin to dive into the CIA Mind Control Program MKUltra.