‘Intermediate' (by Santam) is a podcast for insurance intermediaries. Hosted by financial journalist Maya Fisher-French and Andrew Coutts, Head of Intermediated Distribution at Santam, each episode features insights into new products, digital tools and relevant industry developments.
Ep. 6 - Marketing the Value of Being an Intermediary
13/08/2018 Duration: 18minSantam — In a rich and varied conversation, Maya and Andrew touch on important differentiators for brokers as they look to market and highlight their value add. From pricing and personal service to the role played in simplifying complexity and accessing specialist underwriters, the point is made that intermediaries matter more than ever. Placing emphasis on opportunities when renewing policies, being an advocate for their clients at claims time, and the importance of human interaction come through strongly in the conversation as does the importance of emerging digital solutions for both consumers and brokers. Intermediary Services
Ep. 5 - New regulations: an opportunity to evolve your business?
20/07/2018 Duration: 14minSantam — The RDR (Retail Distribution Review) process is driving a number of regulatory reforms that put caps on fee earnings, challenging insurers and intermediaries to be more focused on due diligence processes, and demanding significantly more in respect of data exchange and systems integration. But it also represents an opportunity for intermediaries and insurers to evolve their businesses for the better. By leveraging new technologies, creating partnerships, and leaning on each other, we can create new revenue streams, add efficiencies and improve our collective customer value propositions. Customers need good advice more than ever and by effectively embracing and managing change, it is possible for us to use the change as a springboard for great success in future.
Ep. 4 - Commercial Property: The Changing Nature of Risk
15/02/2018 Duration: 11minSantam — The recently launched risk management app from Santam is proving popular among brokers as a tool to better understand and advise on risk management and integrates well with new business and renewal processes. Andrew Coutts also reflects on some of the factors in the changing nature of on-the-ground risk, touching on challenges presented by ageing municipal infrastructure, electrical compliance and building regulations.
Ep. 3 - What's happening in 2018?
24/01/2018 Duration: 12minSantam — Apart from turning 100-years-old this year, Santam is excited about a number of developments in 2018, such as the introduction and enhancement of our digital tools, our broker roadshows to 20 locations, as well as a partnership with Risk Africa to host the ‘Better Business Breakfast’ engagements (which focus on commercial risk and the agriculture sector). In addition, we will continue to focus on our value proposition of insurance good and proper, and offering seamless value to intermediaries.
Ep. 2 - Reflecting on 2017
28/11/2017 Duration: 19minSantam — Intermediaries continue to positively impact clients’ lives, and in what was a tough year - punctuated by major natural disasters - many lessons were learned. Facing some fundamental shifts in the industry, intermediaries also remain at the centre of Santam’s business, and the company continues to invest in technologies and systems to support them.
Ep.1 - The value of insurance (in the context of catastrophes)
16/11/2017 Duration: 11minSantam — Intermediaries understand customers' personal needs and the complexity of the South African market. In a world where complexity is increasing, they act as risk managers in the face of economic and climate change shifts. Touching on the devastating Southern Cape fires of 2017, the episode touches on the real value of insurance and some of the challenges associated with underinsurance. According to Santam’s head of intermediated distribution, Andrew Coutts, delivering on the promise of 'insurance good and proper' depends on a personalised experience between intermediaries and their customers, as well as Santam's broader role as a responsible corporate citizen.