Do you do and say things when drinking you regret the next day? Is alcohol a problem for you or someone you care about? Every Four Weeks, Tonto presents the AA Live, brought to you by Alcoholics Anonymous. Find out how people just like you found sobriety in AA.If you would like to get in contact with AA you can use the following methods:Phone 0800 229 6757Website Website Box 6115, Dunedin North, Dunedin 9059
AA Live - 15-10-2024 - IS AA for me - What are the 12 Steps
15/10/2024 Duration: 56minIS AA for me - What are the 12 Steps? - We talk about the Twelve Steps and how we see them. Is AA for you - we are grateful we found the rooms.
AA Live - 17-09-2024 - Davids Story and Inspiration
17/09/2024 Duration: 57minDavids Story and Inspiration - David tells his contentment for life in sobriety.
AA Live - 20-08-2024 - Tania's Story and What is AA?
20/08/2024 Duration: 55minTania's Story and What is AA - Warning - Family Harm Discussed. Tania's story of sobriety and hope. 28 years sober. Plus some basics of the what is and how is of Alcoholics Anonymous.
AA Live - 23-07-2024 - Alcoholic - Who me - AA Rooms
23/07/2024 Duration: 56minAlcoholic - Who me?? AA Rooms - We talk our first meeting and the realization that we are alcoholics. The craving for alcohol and how we managed it. The miracle of our recovery and the strength we get from the fellowship.
AA Live - 25-06-2024 - Alcoholism and Sponsorship
25/06/2024 Duration: 57minAlcoholism and Sponsorship - Am I an Alcoholic...discussion with two locals from the rooms. Their experience, strength and hope. Talking about Sponsorship - what is it and how valuable is it?
AA Live - 28-05-2024 - Peter W shares his story of recovery
28/05/2024 Duration: 01h05minPeter W shares his story of recovery - Listen to Peter W share his story of experience, hope and strength with 28 years of recovery under his belt. Guest presenter Kevin has some words of wisdom with his experiences in the rooms, his first meeting and what helps him keep his recovery strong.
AA Live - 30-04-2024 - The Paradox of Alcoholics Anonymous
30/04/2024 Duration: 57minThe Paradox of Alcoholics Anonymous - Two guest speakers talk about their first meetings, what alcoholism means to them and the discovery journey of their disease. A casual chat about how life has changed since putting down the drink.
AA Live - 02-04-2024 - Harvey's Story of experience, Strength and hope
02/04/2024 Duration: 51minHarvey's Story of experience, Strength and hope - Are you an alcoholic? - Twelve questions that you can answer to give you some guidance. Harvey's with us from the USA with his story with alcohol. Music is reggae night tonight, get your dance on.
AA Live - 05-03-2024 - The Partner of an Alcoholic Shares with Us
05/03/2024 Duration: 56minThe Partner of an Alcoholic Shares with Us - A story from an alcoholics partner. Candid discussion about being in a relationship with an alcoholic. Trigger warning as we discuss emotional abuse.
AA Live - 06-02-2024 - Marino's Story
06/02/2024 Duration: 57minMarino's Story - Wonderful story of experience, strength and hope! Marino shares her story with honesty and strength. She is an example of if you work at it - it works. One Day at a Time! Warning - there is talk about sexual and physical abuse. If this is a trigger, you may like to NOT listen.
AA Live - 09-01-2024 - A Story of Change - New Year Sobriety
09/01/2024 Duration: 54minA Story of Change - New Year Sobriety - Story of Strength. Am I an Alcoholic? Come into the rooms of AA
AA Live - 26-12-2023 - Boxing Day Special - Binge Drinking for the Alcoholic-Cain's Story
26/12/2023 Duration: 49minBoxing Day Special - Binge Drinking for the Alcoholic-Cain's Story - Am I a binge drinker? What's it like in AA? Am I an Alcoholic? Cain tells us his journey with binge drinking and how he came into AA.
AA Live - 12-12-2023 - Christmas Season Tips
12/12/2023 Duration: 56minChristmas Season Tips - How to get through the Xmas stresses. Can I drink my way the holiday season - we can help you not do that. Discussion from two alcoholics in recovery on how they manage the work parties, family pressures and holiday season.
AA Live - 14-11-2023 - Holiday Season Tips and Harry's Story
14/11/2023 Duration: 57minHoliday Season Tips and Harry's Story - Holiday season coming up and feeling stressed? Listen for tips on what you can do to make life easier. Listen to Harry's story and hear the similarities, not the differences.
AA Live - 12-10-2023 - Peter K - His Story
17/10/2023 Duration: 59minPeter K story - his journey with alcohol.
AA Live - 19-09-2023 - Relationships and the changes - Part 2
19/09/2023 Duration: 55minRelationships and the changes - Part 2
AA Live - 22-08-2023 - Relationships and the change
22/08/2023 Duration: 56minRelationship changes since coming to AA. Am I an Alcoholic? Where do I get help and how does AA work. What about the religious side of AA
AA Live - 25-07-2023 - Do you have an issue with Alcohol? - 12 questions
25/07/2023 Duration: 56minDo you have an issue with Alcohol? - Are you answering Yes to these 12 questions? You may be an alcoholic. Hear Steve B share his story and discover what he learnt about himself and the time it took. Hear the hope and inspiration that coming to an alcoholics Anonymous meeting changed his life - every time he turned up.
AA Live - 27-06-2023 - Alcoholics Anonymous and the Founding
27/06/2023 Duration: 54minAlcoholics Anonymous and the Founding - Talk about the 12 Steps and the foundation of Alcoholics Anonymous in 1935. Statistics of the Fellowship.
AA Live - 30-05-2023 - Am I an Alcoholic - This is My Experience
30/05/2023 Duration: 56minAm I an Alcoholic - This is My Experience - Jan tells us about her drinking experience, strength and recovery. How she see's the world today after over 3 years of sobriety. Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.