Smile KC Dental
Episode 2: Invisalign
08/08/2017 Duration: 42minIn this episode Dr Gordon discusses the wonderful world of Invisalign. He is joined by Kelcie and co host Ashley. Kelcie is the Invisalign coordinator at Gordon Dental. Kelcie has 5 years of experience with Invisalign. She has vast knowledge and remarkable skills in helping Dr's with the Invisalign cases. Kelcie in the individual that will gather all of the necessary records for every patient starting Invisalign treatment. She truly is an expert at what she does. Ashley is a co host for the podcast series. She is currently in Invisalign treatment and we are going to share the progression of her case as it moves along. Ashley will share her perspective of the beginning of treatment. Go to our website, to follow her case with photos and the video of her Clincheck from Invisalign. Enjoy the show, email me any questions that you may have and I will be sure and respond to you personally and I will also speak to your question at the next podcast. Email address is Web
Introduction to Smile KC Dental Podcast
03/07/2017 Duration: 08minIn this episode Dr John introduces the concept behind the podcast series. It's all about your smile! There is so much that a great Smile can do for you and those around you. It speaks so loudly to others without saying a word. Dr John will share with you all the many different ways that a Smile can be enhanced so that you can have the Smile you have always wanted. And consequently help provide you with the best life possible by giving yourself a huge boost in your confidence and self esteem. Dr John will talk about each procedure individually , what happens at the various appointments and what you can expected. We all are a bit curious and want the inside scoup about what goes on. He'll share pros and cons and he'll be very honest and upfront about dental treatments, procedures and projects outcomes. He will talk about the tremendous impact technology has with dentistry. The digital world has jumped into dentistry with both feet. You as a patient will be amazed if you have the opportunity to experien