Humanity is an evolved species whose behavior is shaped by factors ignored by the social sciences and by mainstream journalists. Culture and economics are important, but so are genes, brains, hormones, body language, reproductive strategies, life histories and human biodiversity.Human Nature News reports and interprets events from the perspective of human behavioral biology, presenting interviews with scientists and other observers.
Frank Salter interviews Michael A. Woodley: Are we getting smarter or dumber, or both?
14/07/2016 Duration: 45minHNN001 - According to the "Flynn Effect" humans are getting smarter and smarter. We know more than we ever did and score higher on IQ tests than our parents. But the number of geniuses is falling, as is mental speed, as measured by response-tests. What gives? Dr. Michael Woodley, interviewed here by Frank Salter, finds evidence that the English were smarter 100 years ago than they are today, based on response-test data collected from 1904. Dr Woodley concludes that our genetic potential is falling, perhaps due to the relaxation of Darwinian selection over the last century.