Heartstop Heart Shoppe is a bi-weekly podcast where each week each contributing member endeavors to answer a question about life, love, culture, or whatever we happen to be curious about that week. Contributors also end off their segments by offering encouragement to the wider audience, or to other contributors. Heartstop Heart Shoppe aims to promote hope and perseverance, and also promotes a guest contributor each episode. Hearts for all!
What Motivates Us
19/07/2015 Duration: 23minThe Heart Stop Heart Shoppe contributors talk about how to get motivated to do difficult things, and as always, offer encouragement for our dear listeners.
What We Love
22/06/2015 Duration: 27minIn this week's very special episode, the three De Vries sisters are united and vaguely discuss things they love, while Chantal does an excellent job. And as always, we end with encouragement for our heartstoppers.
Childhood Games
30/05/2015 Duration: 24minThis week we answer the question 'what were some of the best games you invented as a child', with a very special guest! And as always, we end off with encouragement for all of you heartstoppers out there.
10/05/2015 Duration: 27minIn our first episode, we answer the question 'what are our favourite beginnings', and as always end off with encouragement and hearts for our lovely listeners.