"The mission of the AMEDD Center of History & Heritage (ACHH) is to educate, inspire, and promote esprit de corps in AMEDD Soldiers, DA civilians, andthe public, by telling the story of Army Medicine. This mission is supported by the collection and preservation of documents in an accessible archive and by exhibiting and interpreting artifacts. ACHH provides historical context to aid senior leaders' decision-making through research services, publications, speakers, and educational programming."
05/10/2019 Duration: 31minIntroduction: Welcome to the Army Medical Department Center of History and Heritage Podcast series, “Army Medicine History”. The opinions and statements of the speakers featured on this podcast are not necessarily the views of the U.S. Army, U.S. Army Center of Excellence (MEDCoE), or the U.S. Army Medical Department Center of History and Heritage. The goal of this podcast is to share the story of Army Medicine History with soldiers, military, civilians, teachers, researchers, and the general public. Overview: Our job is to provide historical documentation of U.S. Army Medicine and attempt to preserve that history for future generations. Our social media campaigns have been a great resource and have allowed us the opportunity to engage directly with our visitors. We have the diversity within our organization to share not only our history, but the perspectives of today's soldiers and the current status of Army Medicine. Technology has been an important tool that helps bridge the gap between history and the fu
Early Medicine
03/09/2019 Duration: 29minIntroduction: Welcome to the Army Medical Department Center of History and Heritage Podcast series, “Army Medicine History”. The opinions and statements of the speakers featured on this podcast are not necessarily the views of the U.S. Army or the U.S. Army Medical Department Center of History and Heritage. The goal of this podcast is to share the story of Army Medicine History with soldiers, military, civilians, teachers, researchers, and the general public. Overview: Our job is to provide historical documentation of U.S. Army Medicine and attempt to preserve that history for future generations. Our social media campaigns have been a great resource and have allowed us the opportunity to engage directly with our visitors. We have the diversity within our organization to share not only our history, but the perspectives of today's soldiers and the current status of Army Medicine. Technology has been an important tool that helps bridge the gap between history and the future of Army Medicine. Topics Covered: U.
Minnie Breese Stubbs - Life Story
07/02/2019 Duration: 24minMinnie Breese Stubbs - Life Story Original date for audio interview is unknown. Second Lieutenant Minnie Breese volunteered to go the Philippine Islands and was assigned to Fort Mills in Corregidor, April 1940. At that time, Army Nurses had relatively light work schedules and plenty of free time to enjoy the island. Breese had no idea that her life would change so drastically over the next 5 years. VIRIN: 180117-A-VG084-001
AMEDD Museum - The Big Move
23/04/2018 Duration: 12minHello, everyone and welcome to the U.S. Army Medical Department Center of History and Heritage podcast, a recurring podcast telling the story of Army Medicine since our inception in 1775. Although most of our podcasts will be focused on the history of Army Medicine, we thought we would share some of the things that have been going on behind the scenes at the AMEDD Museum. We had a few minutes to sit-down with Mr. George Wunderlich, the Director of the AMEDD Museum and ask him about the recent re-organization process that’s currently under way. VIRIN: 180402-A-VG084-001
9/11 Medic's Description
08/09/2017 Duration: 12minMedic Describes 9/11 Response Excerpts from an interview with Sgt. Matthew Rosenberg regarding Sept. 11, 2001. Sgt. Rosenberg is an Army medic assigned to the DiLorenzo TRICARE Health Clinic, the Pentagon. He also serves as the noncommissioned officer in charge of mass casualty events. He was awarded the Soldiers Medal for his actions on Sept. 11. VIRIN: 170911-A-VG084-001
Life and Work of Army Nurses in WWI
29/03/2017 Duration: 54minLife and Work of Army Nurses in WWI, Preservation Fort Sam Houston. Presented by COL Vane, Army Nurse Corps Historian, Army Center of History and Heritage. VIRIN: 170306-A-VG084-001-Podcast-001
AMEDD Museum - Introduction
28/03/2017 Duration: 09minAMEDD Museum-Virtual Tour Title: AMEDD Museum - Introduction AMEDD Corps, Regimental Insignia Intent: Training and education