Meyer For President

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 0:11:02
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The Democrats are wimps, the Republicans are greedy. What's an honest voter to do? Write in my name, David Meyer, when voting for President. I'm running as a Radical Centrist Constitutionalist. Radical as in Apple's "Think ... Different"Centrist as in "both parties have some good ideas"Constitutionalist as in "when in doubt, follow the Constitution".Be assured of change. And check out My Podcast Alley feed! {pca-4a6aee6edcb5db6a49eafd428245636f}


  • Torture and Warrantless Searches

    16/03/2008 Duration: 01min

    The President has played the Fear Card, yet again. If he cannot use torture to gain information, the Terrorists win. If he cannot skirt the need for warrants AND protect the Telecommunications Industry from suits, the Terrorists win. I say, he has both statements backwards. Senator McCain agrees with the President. He learned nothing in Viet Nam.

  • Israel vs Civilians

    09/03/2008 Duration: 01min

    Once again, the Israeli military has attacked civilian Palestinian targets - children - in response to an attack by unidentified adults reasonably believed to be Palestinians. This is a typical act of Terrorism from one America's staunchest allies. I find such behavior unacceptable.

  • Hope and Change

    12/01/2008 Duration: 01min

    The Democrats boil their message down to "Hope" (Clinton) or "Change" (Obama). These words suggest all sorts of positive values, yet offer nothing "real". While I offer the "hope" that my "changes" will make most peoples' lives somehow better, I do understand that some powerful folk stand to lose all that they hold dearest in the exchange. not their freedoms, not their rights, mainly their ability to wield their dark powers over others.

  • Merry Christmas?

    26/12/2007 Duration: 01min

    I'd love to wish you a Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays. I regret that the current administration has stolen that opportunity from me. I regret that the so-called "Christians" among the ranks of both the Republicans and the Democrats have made such a wish futile. We cannot have a "Merry" or a "Happy" while our troops pursue an unjust and unjustifiable war. May better days follow these shameful ones. My name is David Meyer and I approve this message.

  • The Christian Vote

    14/12/2007 Duration: 01min

    Mr Huckabee and Mr Romney have squared off, each claiming to have better religious credentials than the other. I say both are so very wrong - they are of the Pharisees in today's world, not the true Christians. Christ set himself to upset the status quo, not to enforce it. Christ set himself to freeing men, not restricting them all - and enslaving women to their men. Vote WITH Christ. Evict the Pharisees from our temple.

  • Illegal Aliens

    30/11/2007 Duration: 01min

    We have a problem with illegal aliens in this country. Mostly, the problem is fear. We are afraid these strangers will take from us things we have worked for, or hoped for, or come to expect. They are poor, will they not steal? They lack insurance, will they not take welfare and school money paid by working people? They don't speak our language, what secrets are they sharing? What if one wants to marry my daughter? Will I not be poorer if they live near me? We cannot solve all these fears, but getting them legally employed and paying taxes will reduce many concerns. Here's my plan.

  • Income Equity

    26/11/2007 Duration: 01min

    The core of "Free Market Economics" is "Take All You Can Get". While this is generally a reasonable fair and equitable system, it is sometimes neither. Not by a long shot. Those at the top often do their best to grab as much as they can while doing their best to see that those not at the top get the smallest share possible. Value given for value received be damned, I'm on top and I get mine ... first. Well ... Income Equity is about reigning in some of that outrageous greed. Earnings ought to accrue to those who are productive.

  • Church & State

    15/11/2007 Duration: 01min

    When a member of a protected group bites the hand that protects it, perhaps it is time to remove those protections. When a church officially advocates that its members vote in a particular way, it is they who violate the separation of Church and State. It is they who are attempting to use the government to support their dogma. This is, I believe, a problem.

  • The Patriot Act

    11/11/2007 Duration: 01min

    My first act, after being sworn in as President of the United States of America, would be to order the current President, and much of his current and previous staff, arrested on charges of treason. My second act would be to ask Congress to nullify the laws that make legal such an arbitrary act. These laws are the basis for but one of several charges of treason that would be leveled against them.

  • What are my Chances?

    09/11/2007 Duration: 01min

    What are my chances of doing well in the election? The winner of the last two elections was less qualified than I am, had fewer solutions to offer than I do, and had a proven record of failure - starting with his tenure with the Texas Rangers baseball team. His brother was a major contributor to the bank collapse that resulted from their father's policies - policies that caused his father to be fired for his failings. I have more to offer than the current President, I ought to stand a chance.

  • Announcing my Candidacy

    09/11/2007 Duration: 01min

    My name is David Meyer and I've decided that the two major American parties are offensive and unlikely to do what's needed to restore this country to its former stature. Rather than stand by and quietly watch as the situation gets worse, I've decided to step up and take them both on. Someone must do it and none of the current candidates are qualified. That leaves me. David Meyer for President of the United States of America