Andy & Juan from AG Fitness Training discuss all things health, fitness & nutrition. The show features various guests including international athletes.
Episode 6 - Dealing With Injuries and How To Prevent Them!
20/09/2018 Duration: 20minAndy and Finlay go over why it's a pretty good idea to stay injury free
Episode 5 - Tips To Help Optimise Your Training
08/08/2018 Duration: 18minFinlay and Andy chat about different methods to optimise your training
Episode 4 - A Chat About Why You Should Lift
28/07/2018 Duration: 14minFinlay and Andy go over various benefits to lifting weights, whether that's for strength, confidence, or a better looking body!
Episode 3 - A Chat About Fat Loss and Diets
17/07/2018 Duration: 23minAndy and Finlay chat about different kinds of diets, the importance of protein in your diet, and fat loss.
Episode 2 - A Chat About Fitness Myths
15/07/2018 Duration: 19minThe Fitness Industry has no governing body and sometimes this makes it difficult to separate the good info, from the bad.Here, we break down a few 'lies' to watch out for in the fitness industry and keep you from spending your well earned money on useless supplements.
Episode 1 - A Chat About Weight Loss
15/07/2018 Duration: 23minAndy and Finlay chat about the best way to lose weight and offer some tips and tricks!
Ep 38 - staying lean over Christmas
04/12/2017 Duration: 13minStaying on track over the festive period can be extremely difficult but Andy & Juan share their top tips for making sure that you don't ruin your progress.
#37 - no fitness! movies!
09/11/2017 Duration: 16minJuan & Andy take a break from chatting about fitness and take an episode to talk about movies. Our worldcupofmovies competition, our favourite movies and underrated sports movies.
Episode 36 - Current goals, Goal Setting & weight loss mistakes
30/10/2017 Duration: 20minJuan and Andy are back with the AG Fitness podcast after a short break.We're updating you on our current goals and where we're at. Telling you what to do for goal setting and discussing common weight loss mistakes.
#35 - vegetarian & vegan nutrition and training considerations
13/09/2017 Duration: 15minJuan &a Andy discuss nutritional and training considerations for vegetarians and vegans
#34 - Pre & Post Workout. Why Are Some Bodybuilders Not As Strong As The Look?
02/08/2017 Duration: 16minJuan &a Andy discuss their pre and post workout nutrition &a why some bodybuilders aren't as strong as they look!
#33 Confidence & Bullshit excuses
29/07/2017 Duration: 19minAndy & Juan try not to rant as they discuss different barriers to exercise and bullshit excuses.How to workout when you lack the confidence to get to the gym.How to workout when you're short on time!
#32 - Different Training Splits & Training Mindset
25/07/2017 Duration: 23minAndy & Juan discuss pros and cons of different training splits and routines &a training mindset and how to get in "the zone"
#30 - Positivity & Instagram fuck nuggets
29/06/2017 Duration: 17minAndy &a Juan discuss positivity and why you should never take Instagram seriously!
#29 Mobility and training for injury
11/05/2017 Duration: 18minJuan and Andy discuss the importance of mobility, how to warm up for different lifts and how to train around injury.
#28 transgender athletes
17/04/2017 Duration: 16minAndy &a Juan discuss transgender athletes, In particular in weight lifting.
#27 - Breaking plateaus
14/04/2017 Duration: 19minAndy &a Juan discuss how to break through plateaus and continue progressing for both muscle gain and weight loss
#26 Supplements #2
11/04/2017 Duration: 19minJuan and Andy talk about useful supplements and how they can be used.
#25 Weight Loss, What To Do!
23/02/2017 Duration: 20minAndy &a Juan run through everything you need to do to make sure you lose weight!