A weekly podcast during the harvest period to look at all the factors affecting grass weed control on UK farms especially black-grass.
Weed control in spring 2017
24/02/2017 Duration: 11minAn update on field conditions and blackgrass control in arable crops across the UK
Sow then spray - the critical operations for blackgrass control
12/10/2016 Duration: 12minDr blackgrass chats with two farmers and Darren Adkins on Bayer about later drilling, the benefits of rolling and the best pre-emergence programme including Liberator, several partners and possible Avadex as well. To round off we discuss how to fit a post-em Atlantis or Hamlet application before the winter weather comes in.
September 2016 - Which is the best cultivation?
02/09/2016 Duration: 10minBlack-grass experts discuss the best cultivation method for blackgrass control. The podcast features Colin Lloyd of Agri, Richard Hull (Rothamsted) Andrew Cotton (Independent Agronomist) and Gordon Anderson-Taylor of Bayer. The discussion also covers the pros and cons of direct drilling.
August 2016 – cultivation options and dealing with straw
04/08/2016 Duration: 13minFeatures discussion from Bayer's Black Grass Live event about how cultivation method and timing can control black-grass as well as a discussion about the best way to manage straw to limit the spread of black-grass. Contributors are Colin Lloyd, Andrew Cotton, Paul Drinkwater, Richard Hull and Gordon Anderson-Taylor.
June 2016 – keeping glyphosate
30/06/2016 Duration: 15minDiscussions from Cereals 2016 about how to continue using glyphosate for black-grass control in the face of regulatory and resistance pressures.
May 2016 – End of season black-grass control
27/05/2016 Duration: 13minDr Gordon Anderson Taylor talks about dealing with patches of black-grass that appear in May and Dr Roland Beffa discusses black-grass resistance testing and future developments in weed control.
Episode 7 – Success with springtime control
01/02/2016 Duration: 13minA review of pre-emergence herbicide programmes from autumn 2015 and a look ahead at how to achieve the best control of grass weeds with herbicide applications in spring 2016.
Episode 6 - Completing your blackgrass programme
26/08/2015 Duration: 12minWhen is the best time to apply a post-em? With many people drilling later – spring applications are becoming much more common but how can you make sure get on at the right time.
Episode 5 - Getting prepped for pre-emergence sprays
18/08/2015 Duration: 11minAt the pre-emergence timing there are a range of products – but which combos work best? Darren Adkins outlines the results from Bayer’s trials. In the most challenging conditions, cultivations – pre-ems and post-ems need to be planned and executed well – David Rushmore of Hutchinsons outlines how this is done on some testing fen soils.
Episode 4 - Cultivating sucessful blackgrass control
12/08/2015 Duration: 12minClear fields and cultivation offer a huge opportunity for black-grass control but cultivation can bring up problems from the soil if not done with care. Glyphosate is routinely used following cultivation to kill off any flushes of black-grass, but is there a danger of glyphosate resistance developing?
Episode 3 - Making use of blackgrass maps
04/08/2015 Duration: 12minMapping is often mentioned as a tool to plan black-grass control – but how do you turn maps into a practical action plan? This podcast will find out.
Episode 2 - Dealing with resistant blackgrass on farm
28/07/2015 Duration: 10minDealing with black-grass is a learning process process and growers need to work out what strategy works best on their farm, in this podcast we hear from one farmer who's getting on top of some very difficult black-grass as well as a farm trial site where Bayer are demonstrating how control is possible.
Episode 1 - The facts behind resistant blackgrass
20/07/2015 Duration: 12minTwo of the most respected researchers involved in the study of black-grass talk about how resistance has become such a challenge and how growers can deal with it in the present.