Three weather enthusiasts offer an irreverent yet informative look at all things weather.
Season 4 Episode 1
03/06/2018 Duration: 39minSummer has arrived! Pour yourselves a large gin and tonic, find a nice patch of garden and relax with the weathercocks.
Emma and the Beast
03/03/2018 Duration: 24minThis week the Beast from the East has brought extreme wintry weather to Britain's shores, the likes of which we haven't seen for years. It's been a snow lover's dream, but if you're a tad intrigued as to why it's all happened and what part storm Emma has played in the action, then the Weathercocks are here with the answers in the form of a funny little song. N.B. this podcast is also suitable for fans of monastic chanting.
Weathercocks Christmas Special 2017
15/12/2017 Duration: 43minIs there more snow in the forecast? How big would a building have to be to have its own weather? Do the weathercocks still think "The Schaff" is alright? Answers within!
Weathercocks Season 3 - Episode 2
12/12/2017 Duration: 58minAs the first snow of the winter falls outside we have a nice long ramble chat about weather in films: crazy weather; inaccurate weather; weather that stills the beating heart of the silver screen and jolts it back to life with a lightning flash! Then in one of the heartiest helpings of pudding in this podcast's brief history, we rip off The Bugle and go on a competitive pun run, featuring some of the squirmiest puns ever to pass human lips. Enjoy!
Emergency Snowverview
10/12/2017 Duration: 12minUpdate on the recent snowy weather in the UK, brought to you by the Weathercocks.