MCG Health, part of the Hearst Health network, helps healthcare organizations (in both the government and private sectors) implement informed care strategies that proactively and efficiently move patients toward health. MCGs transparent assessment of the latest research and scholarly articles along with data analysis gives patients, providers, and payers the vetted information they need to feel confident in their care management decisions.
MCG & the CMS Final Rule on Medicare Advantage (2024)
08/06/2023 Duration: 37minMCG Associate Vice President and Managing Editor, William Rifkin, MD, FACP, and Managing Editor, Cheyenne Zychowski, RN, MSN, discuss the recently released 2024 Medicare Advantage and Part D Final Rule(CMS-4201-F)from the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Medicare (CMS). In addition, these experts in evidence-based guidelines also explain how MCG care guidelines can help support health plans, hospitals, and Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) in the post-rule environment. This podcast was recorded on Thursday, June 8, 2023. Learn more about MCG:
InteropNow! Podcast Series: The Importance of Electronic Prior Authorization
07/03/2023 Duration: 26minMCG Associate VP of Technology & Interoperability, Rajesh Godavarthi, participated in HLTH and CHIME's InteropNow! Podcast (March 7, 2023). The discussion covered recent breakthroughs in electronic prior authorization, the standards being developed by the HL7® Da Vinci Project, and MCG's recent successes with automating prior auth decisions between payers and providers.
WEDI Podcast Series: The Collective Voice of Health IT | How AI is Making Healthcare Better
07/09/2022 Duration: 28minMCG Staff Data Scientist, Zack Kimble, discusses how artificial intelligence (or AI) is helping healthcare professionals enhance their productivity, reduce unnecessary costs, and improve workflow efficiency. This podcast was originally published by the Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange (WEDI)on September 5, 2022.
Partner Podcast | Palmetto GBA and MCG - eCBR Report Management
08/07/2022 Duration: 09minThis is a partner podcast from Palmetto GBA, a Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) serving Jurisdiction M, Part A, which covers Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. In this episode of Palmetto's REWIND podcast, employees of Palmetto GBA and MCG Health discuss the importance of eCBRs (electronic billing reports) and how they can be used to reduce unnecessary hospital readmissions and promote a safe and timely hospital discharge for patients.
WEDI Podcast Series: The Collective Voice of Health IT | The Prior Authorization Problem
15/11/2021 Duration: 33minNovember 15, 2021: MCG's Raj Godavarthi, Associate VP of Technology and Interoperability, and Marivie Lanter, Director Product Management, join the WEDI podcast series, "The Collective Voice of Health IT" to discuss (1) the pending CMS rule on prior authorization and HL7 FHIR mandates, (2) MCG's participation in the HL7 Da Vinci Project and (3) how MCG has developed assistive artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) solutions to facilitate the utilization review process, identify the appropriate level of care for patients, and support evidence-based decision-making.
MCG Podcast | Medicare & COVID-19: Updates to CMS Healthcare Policy
08/05/2020 Duration: 29minMCG Managing Editor, Cheyenne Santiago, RN, MSN, discusses the recent updates to Medicare policies and regulations by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in response to the COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) Pandemic. This podcast was recorded on Thursday, May 7, 2020.
MCG Podcast: The COVID-19 Pandemic and MCG’s Response
13/04/2020 Duration: 30minMCG Managing Editor, Bill Rifkin, MD, discusses the COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) Pandemic and the steps MCG Health (the industry leader in evidence-based clinical guidance) is taking to support healthcare professionals. This podcast was recorded on Thursday, April 9, 2020.
MCG Podcast: Palliative Care
30/12/2018 Duration: 19minMCG Physician Editor, Dr. Chris Kurtz, discusses the history of palliative care, current evidence-based guidance available to address it, and the future of the practice.
MCG Podcast: Total Knee Arthroplasty & the Medicare Inpatient-Only List
12/02/2018 Duration: 17minFebruary 1, 2018: A podcast interview with Dr. William Rifkin, the Managing Editor and Physician Relation Specialist for the healthcare industry's leading care guideline provider, MCG Health. This interview focuses on the removal of total knee arthroplasty (TKA) from the CMS Medicare Inpatient Only List in 2018.
MCG Podcast: Opioids, the CHRONIC Care Act, & CHIP Reauthorization
11/11/2017 Duration: 15minNovember 9, 2017: MCG & Invariant's Ben Klein discuss current healthcare policy topics such as using telemedicine to address the Opioid Crisis, the Chronic (CHRONIC) Care Act of 2017, CHIP Reauthorization, and the future of Obamacare.
MCG Podcast: The Revised Sepsis Definition
30/08/2016 Duration: 23minMCG Health's interview with Dr. Bill Rifkin on the recently revised definitions for "sepsis" and "septic shock". Recorded July 29, 2016 by MCG.