Welcome to your triple bottom line the show that focuses on YOUR people, YOUR planet and YOUR profits. Every week discussing the trends in sustainability.
Your Triple Bottom Line - with Dell's Bruno Sarda
27/02/2013 Duration: 40minToday's guest is Bruno Sarda from Dell! Check out the site and follow us on twitter @your3bl
Your Triple Bottom Line -
13/02/2013 Duration: 33minAnother live show at the office. This time announcing a cool new program for creative reuse, partnership and recycling. This will be a great show exploring how to collaborate on problems and turn them into solutions for all parties involved. Check out the site and follow us on twitter @your3bl
Your Triple Bottom Line - Brian Dick /CEO of Quest
06/02/2013 Duration: 41minQuest Resource Management Group CEO Brian Dick is out gusest on this prerecorded segment. Check out the site and follow us on twitter @your3bl
Your Triple Bottom Line - with
16/01/2013 Duration: 50minAfter a lengthy hiatis the show returns on 10-14 at 10am. Tune in to get an update on host Derrick's Mains lengthy sabbatical from radio and hear about the new direction of the show and upcoming episodes. Shows will start airing weekly, Wednesday's at 10am! Check out the site and follow us on twitter @your3bl
Your Triple Bottom Line - Kimber Lanning
09/01/2013 Duration: 45minThis week's guest will be Kimber Lanning. The queen of local. Derrick and Kimber will face off to discuss which is better for the people, planets and profits, buy local or big box. Wednesday's at 10am! Check out the site and follow us on twitter @your3bl