Playground Of Possibilities ~ Alun Jones & Tamara Younker

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Remember when you were young and everything in life seemed so much more fun and the possibilities seemed endless? Is that still the same for you or has life become a serious business? If it isnt would you like to change that? Alun Jones & Tamara Yonker


  • The Key To Ease with Tamara and Alun


    Playground of Possibilities with Tamara and Alun Radio Show This will be the VERY last Playground of Possibilities Radio Show on the Inspired Choices Network... so we'd like to leave you with this last delicious topic... The Key to Ease. What is the key to ease? hmmm well... guess you'll have to come join us to find out! What do you know about ease? What creates ease in your life that you've never acknowledged before? Are you willing to have ease with EVERYTHING you choose? If ease is something you'd like more of, join Tamara and Alun as they say farewell to the Inspired Choices Network. Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • Compare and Contrast ~ Tamara Younker & Alun Jones


    Playground of Possibilities with Tamara and Alun Radio Show When two things are compared, the attributes and similarities between them are judged in relation to one other. It may also be judged that one thing it superior to the other. Are you comparing when you could be contrasting? Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • Now is all there is – with Tamara and Alun


    Playground of Possibilities with Tamara and Alun Radio Show How much do you worry about the future and stress about the past? A little? A Lot? Or Megatons? And how's that working for you? Ever noticed that NOTHING ever happens in the future? Things only happen NOW, and it's only when you're present with what currently is that you get to choose something different. If you ever hope to have ease with your life it's worth being aware that NOW is ALL there is. It's the ONLY place and space get you get to choose. It's the ONLY place you get to receive. Join Alun and Tamara as they explore this juicy topic... Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • What IS the Space of Creation? ~ Tamara and Alun


    Playground of Possibilities with Tamara and Alun Radio Show Remember when you were young and everything in life seemed so much more fun and the possibilities seemed endless? Is that still the same for you or has life become a serious business?? If it isn’t would you like to change that? And if it is, would you like even more of it? How much and how often have you been told “you have no choice” or felt you had no choice? And how often have you found yourself in a dark tunnel, feeling that there is no way out, no choice, and most certainly no fun? What if life doesn’t have to be that way? What if living in the Playground of Possibilities is totally possible and available to you right here, right now? If you would like more fun, more magic, more choice, and more possibilities in your life then, come and join Tamara and Alun as they have fun playing, laughing and exploring in The Playground of Possibilities. Alun’s website: Tamara’s website: http://www.fa

  • The Absence of Getting It Right ~ Tamara and Alun


    Playground of Possibilities with Tamara and Alun Radio Show How much of your life are you trying to "get it right"? Right choices, right relationship, right job, right weight, right body shape, right questions, right solutions.... the list goes on. How tiring is it for you to always try and get it right and trying never to get it wrong? How much fun is it? How many choices and possibilities are available to you if you only ever try to get it right? Answer - not as many as there are if you were to let go of trying to get it right. What would your life be like if "getting it right" was a thing of the past? Tamara and Alun invite you to explore what else would be possible for you in the absence of getting it right. For many that's a scary concept... are you courageous enough to explore and get curious about life beyond getting it right? Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • Are You Sl*tty Enough to Receive Anything?


    Playground of Possibilities with Tamara and Alun Radio Show A slut is something you must never be, right? Or, is it the very energy that would allow you to have all that you desire?   Join Alun and Tamara on the Playground of Possibilities Radio Show where they’ll explore the topic of receiving, and why it’s so widely refused rather than enjoyed. Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • Are You Poisoning Your Love Life? ~ Tamara and Alun


    Playground of Possibilities with Tamara and Alun Radio Show It’s that time of year again---Valentine’s Day! Is your love life all that you would like it to be? Does it contribute to you and add something greater to your life? Or, is it a constant source of trauma, drama and endless frustration? Join Alun and Tamara on the Playground of Possibilities Radio Show where they’ll be talking about all things relationship! Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • Judging Yourself Yet? ~ Tamara and Alun


    Playground of Possibilities with Tamara and Alun Radio Show At the beginning of the year, many people choose to make "New Year Resolutions", such as lose weight, go to the gym, get a new job, socialize more, drink less, eat less, give up a habit such as smoking - and so on. Many of these things are things they think they "should" do, rather than what they would actually truly like to choose. Give it about 4 weeks of forcing and trying, and that's when, invariably, the self-judgment sets in. Of course, for many, self-judgment is what they've also concluded is the driving force and motivator to get them to change whatever it is they didn't really want to change in the first place. Any of this sound familiar? How much judgment have you decided you need to have of you before you change anything in your life? And how's that working out for you? Join Tamara and Alun in the Playground Of Possibilities where they will get curious about what else is possible beyond the need to self-judge to create change in your life.

  • You Can’t Be Trusted! Tamara & Alun


    Playground of Possibilities with Tamara and Alun Radio Show How often do you doubt and second guess yourself? Do you regularly look for someone to give you the answer, or approve a choice you’re about to make before you make it? Is continual validation from others vitally important, so you know how to live your life? What if your innate capacity to trust you, and what you know, has been systematically eroded by the world around from the time you were a child? Here’s the thing. If you don’t trust you, you can easily be manipulated. The pervasive and insistent need to feel protected from your own doubt and insecurity will extinguish your ability to function in a self-directed way where the wealth of choice is always available to you. Feeling safe has become more important than being free. Would you like to get off that ride of ultimate limitation, and discover everything that is possible when you begin trusting YOU? Alun’s website: Tamara’s website: htt

  • The Mystery of Being You ~ Tamara and Alun


    Playground of Possibilities with Tamara and Alun Radio Show Who are you? Ever wondered? How much of your life have you been on the journey of discovery with who you are and yet somehow, you still have no idea? What does it even mean to Be You? How do you know when you're being you? Is it even possible not to be you? How much fun can you have playing with every aspect of you, without making any part of you bad, wrong, or unacceptable? Join Tamara and Alun as they romp out into the Playground of Possibilities to get really curious about the Mystery of Being You. Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • The Vulnerability of Asking ~ Tamara and Alun


    Playground of Possibilities with Tamara and Alun Radio Show How often do you ask for what you want? What are the chances of receiving what you desire if you’re not asking for it? Does the thought of asking for something just for you make you queasy? Does your discomfort with the idea paralyze you? If “Ask and You Shall Receive” is true, then what could be different in your life if you had more ease with asking? Join Alun and Tamara on the Playground of Possibilities Radio Show where they’ll explore the vulnerability of asking for 100% of what you want 100% of the time. Isn’t it about time you expand your threshold of receiving? Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • The Trap of Money as Source ~ Tamara and Alun


    Playground of Possibilities with Tamara and Alun Radio Show When it comes to creating and experiencing their life, many people limit what is available to them by how much money they have and how much money they think is available to them. A phrase often heard is "when I have the money I will....." Sound familiar? Are you limiting yourself with the "when I have the money I will..." belief? What's that creating for you? Is it ease, joy, and glory? Or pain, suffering, and glory? What if money is not the true source of what's actually possible for you to choose and have in your life? Join Tamara and Alun to find out what else is possible beyond money as the source of creation. The Playground Of Possibilities - where everything is play and everything is possible.  Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • Add a Little Hedonism to Your 2017 ~ Tamara and Alun


    Playground of Possibilities with Tamara and Alun Radio Show How much pleasure and joy are you having in your life? Do you create your life and do all the things that you know will bring you greatest pleasure? Or, like many, do you struggle and strive just to cope and deal with the day-to-day activities, in the hope that something wonderful might just happen if you’re lucky enough? What if 2017 could be the year that you begin to change all that and instead choose to add a little (or a lot!) of hedonism to your life? Is that a possibility that you’d like to come play with? Join Alun and Tamara as they take another adventure out into the Playground of Possibilities and get playfully curious about life living a more hedonistic life? Dare you join them? The Playground Of Possibilities - where everything is play and everything is possible. Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • What’s Your Recipe for Misery? ~ Tamara and Alun


    Playground of Possibilities with Tamara and Alun Radio Show Most people don’t want to acknowledge that they are the only ones capable of making themselves miserable. It’s common and completely acceptable to blame our pitiful lives on someone or something else. Most everybody’s doing it. So, perhaps it helps you feel like you fit in better? But, what if joy and possibility are the cost of clinging to your misery making habits? Join Alun and Tamara on the Playground of Possibilities Radio Show where the conversation is likely to expose the recipe for misery you are using to keep you bound to the things it feels like you can’t change. Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • Are You Protecting Your Suffering No Matter What? ~ Tamara and Alun


    Playground of Possibilities with Tamara and Alun Radio Show Being a victim and suffering are choices we make. We either choose it or we don’t. And we choose it until we don’t. We make up and buy stories that confirm and prove that we are victims, and it’s amazing much we are willing to defend and protect those stories no matter what the cost. Truly - what are we defending against when we choose to protect our suffering? Intimacy with self? What have we made so dangerous and wrong about being intimate with ourselves that we will create pain and suffering to to ensure we never choose it? Join Alun and Tamara as they take another adventure out into the Playground of Possibilities and get playfully curious about life beyond suffering… Dare you join us? The Playground Of Possibilities -  where everything is play and everything is possible. Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • Are You Playing a Zero-Sum Game? ~ Alun & Tamara


    Do you approach life like it’s a pie?  If someone takes too much, there will be nothing left for you?  So, you better get yours before it’s gone!  Or, perhaps you like to act as the mediator making sure everyone’s share is equal so it’s fair. A zero-sum game is strictly competitive, and the losses or gains of each participant are exactly balanced by the losses or gains of the other participants.  Either you win or you lose, and the outcome is always zero when the losses are subtracted from the gains. Is this way of play actually real, or is it being imagined as real?  Join Alun and Tamara on the Playground of Possibilities Radio Show where you can explore with them everywhere you might be living at the effect of a zero-sum game. Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • Flow with the Go! ~ Tamara and Alun


    “Go with the flow!” is a saying banded about quite freely. Sounds like it includes not resisting and reacting to anything. Perfect right? What if the flow isn’t quite what it seems? What if the flow actually requires some direction from YOU? What if you ARE the flow, the flow is YOU, and there is no separation? What if the flow responds to your Go? When it comes to “go with the flow” – what if everything is the opposite of what it appears to be? Join Alun and Tamara as they take another adventure out into the Playground of Possibilities and get playfully curious about flowing with the go! Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • Improv, Anyone? ~ with Tamara and Alun


    Is there a predetermined plan to your life? Are you following someone else’s script? Is it finally time to make your own music? What would living be like if you truly trusted YOU, and lived through wonder, curiosity and question improvising every moment in the space of total possibility? Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • Naughty or Nice? ~ Tamara Younker and Alun Jones


    How much are you trying to make the right, good, and perfect choices? Where have you decided no choice is the only choice? Are you trying to restrict yourself with being either “naughty” or “nice”? How much fun are you cutting off by depriving your naughty side, and creating all choice as polarity?  What if choice is more than “either/or”? Join Alun and Tamara as they take another adventure out into the Playground of Possibilities and get really curious about what else is possible beyond creating choice as either naughty or nice. The Playground Of Possibilities –  where everything is play and everything is possible. Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • You Choose It…Until You Don’t ~ Alun & Tamara


    Does your life ever feel like ground hog day, a seemingly endless repetitive cycle of the same thing over and over and over again? No matter how much you may loathe your suffering and complain about it—hoping, wishing, praying and pleading for something different to show up—is it possible that you are actually defending against the change you desire? All too often, we don’t want to acknowledge that our choice creates our experience.  So, is now the time to break the habit of being yourself in ways you know aren’t working? Join Alun and Tamara on the Playground of Possibilities where anything is possible and everything is play! Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

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