Audacious Life The Podcast is badass! In each episode Robin the Disruptor Guru will teach and lead discussions about all things that help empower women to create the life they deserve and desire. Through Robin's interviews with audacious women from all walks of life and all over the globe, and through her teachings of Audacious Life Formula 1.0, you too will become an audacious badass woman living an Audacious Life.
Episode 44: Interview With Marty Young
02/08/2019 Duration: 54minAudacious Life HQ seeks to empower women by focusing on personal and professional development.
Episode 43: Interview With Lesley Bush
25/02/2019 Duration: 01h02minWelcome to Episode 43, Interview With Lesley Bush! Lesley describes herself as “the little red-haired girl smelling the roses while her daddy takes her picture, always looking for the positive and believing anything is possible,” including soulmates. She was fortunate to have as a teacher and huge influence Pulitzer-Prize-winning poet Mary Oliver, who said, “Do the most you can with your one wild and precious life.” So you might say she’s the adventurous type, growing up in Connecticut, going to college in Virginia, working for Disney Publishing in New York City, and heading west to Arizona where she met her future husband. After marriage, they moved to Denver, started a family, and finally settled where they are today in Fort Worth. Today she is a successful Rodan Fields rep. Leslie had a lot to navigate as a young girl. Between the ages of 8 and 12, her father underwent a quadruple bypass after a massive heart attack and her mom had breast cancer and a radical mastectomy. One sister suffered a brain hemorrh
Episode 41: Interview With Tatiana Miller
29/01/2019 Duration: 50minEpisode 41: Show Notes Welcome to Episode 41, Interview With Tatiana Miller! Tatti offers yoga therapy at Cook Children’s Hospital in Fort Worth, where she has made it her life’s passion to integrate yoga therapy with western medicine. She came to yoga at a young age indirectly as a result of her sister’s death in a car accident, when it was recommended by a therapist she was seeing to help her work through her own trauma of learning to drive. Tatti studied holistic medicine and yoga therapy and has taught for more than 18 years. As a one-time pharmaceutical rep, she has witnessed first-hand the limits of western medicine and pain management. Yoga therapy is a new modality of medicine in the United States. In its true form, yoga is not simply exercise but a therapy meant to work your body so you can sit and meditate and, in that stillness, find yourself. Tatti also runs a nonprofit as a vehicle to help spread the gospel of yoga therapy at RX4LifeMovement. Check it out! Key Points From This Episode: Anxie
Episode 40: Success as an Entrepreneur (2 of 4)
25/01/2019 Duration: 08minSuccess as an Entrepreneur (2 of 4) Welcome to Episode 40, Success as an Entrepreneur. Today’s podcast is the second in a series of 4 episodes highlighting elements of entrepreneurial success. Episode 2 Episode 2 focuses on 2 elements that are critical to creating a project layout, which in turn is essential to the success of the launch of your product or service: Set a deadline for announcing your product or service launch. (Six weeks is a standard rule of thumb. Your announcement should include the following: What the product or service is How much it will cost How to purchase or register Stop selling and start teaching. Your customers are smart and want to know what you are offering and why they will need it. No fluff!
Episode 39: Natalie Pedigo Interview
23/01/2019 Duration: 39minWelcome to Episode 39, Interview With Natalie Pedigo. Natalie has already lived a lot in her 21 years. Her mom died when she just 3 years old. A little over a year ago, her brother died of a drug overdose. Despite her relatively young age, Natalie is Social Media and Marketing Manager with M2G Ventures, a forward-thinking real estate investment and development company, where she hired on as the company’s first employee only 3 years before. But not content to rest on her early success — a great job with enduring relationships — she has decided now is the time to begin the next chapter on her life, chucking it all and moving to Colorado. Now that’s Audacious! Key Points From This Episode: Grief helps shape who we become. Surviving eventually can become a good feeling. Allow yourself to feel all the things you are feeling. Tweetables: “In the beginning, we worked out of a tiny office, they [the owners, who are identical twin sisters] shared a desk and I sat at a little coffee table with a sofa chair.”
Episode 38: Success as an Entrepreneur (1 of 4)
19/01/2019 Duration: 15minWelcome to Episode 38, Success as an Entrepreneur (Part 1 of 4). Today’s podcast is the first in a series of 4 parts highlighting some of the elements of entrepreneurial success. This episode focuses on the following 3 areas you must get right to succeed: Learn your finances. What are all of the costs involved in the make-up of your business? What is your time worth in dollars? Break it down to an hourly basis for comparison. Know your biggest sellers (services or products) and your smallest. Determine what is costing you money and kill it! Focus on 1 project at a time. Set a timer to manage the time you spend on one item. Find an accountability buddy, one who won’t agree with you just for agreement’s sake. You don’t want a yes person. Be a teacher, not a sales person, of your product or service. Who is your product/service for and why do they want it? Which problems does it solve? Teach your customers the value your product or service provides them. Key Points From This Episode Know your finances. What ar
Episode 37: Robin’s 50th Birthday Podcast
18/11/2018 Duration: 22minWelcome back to Audacious Life — The Podcast! Today Robin touches on her life experiences dealing with neglect, abortion, living with alcoholic parents, and the addiction of her son. She talks about how she is thriving after surviving because and in spite of things she has experienced in her 50 years on the planet. There is no better time to be a woman and Robin talks about it. She is the #DisruptorGuru and wants to help you reinvent yourself and rid yourself of self-doubt. Don’t listen to those who indulge the status quo. If you want it, go for it!
Episode 036: Audacious Things Have Happened
01/10/2018 Duration: 17minWelcome back to Audacious Life — The Podcast! This episode brings you up to date with all the happenings at Audacious Life HQ in Fort Worth, what is coming up on the podcast and 3 tips to help you kick-start the upcoming holiday season with a POA (a Plan Of Action, not a piece of ass)! Key Points From This Episode What is Audacious Life-HQ? Where have I been? Where can you find more details on 3 Tips to for success this season: Brain Plan Budget Tweetable: ‘Don’t be afraid to be Audacious” – Robin Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: Audacious Life HQ200 Carroll Street Suite 120 Fort Worth, Texas 76107
Episode 035: You Attract What You're Ready For Series Finale with Dr Lori Atkins
01/05/2018 Duration: 37minWelcome back to Audacious Life — The Podcast! Today I conclude the You Attract What Your’e Ready For series in a big way with my wonderful guest, friend, and inspirational woman, Dr. Lori Atkins. Episode 30 (Part 1 – Intro) of this series discusses why you attract what you’re ready for and how to do some of the self-reflexive work necessary to let in those dreams and desires. Episode 32 (Part 2 – Physically) of this series deals with attracting what you’re ready for physically and how to better prepare and cleanse your body. Episode 33 (Part 3 – Emotionally) focuses on attracting what you are ready for emotionally and how to nurture your emotions. Episode 34 (Part 4 – Financially) describes attracting what you’re ready for financially. Besides being my personal doctor, Dr. Lori is an expert OBGYN and has recently launched the new website, Fenom Health, which I implore you to visit. It is truly sensational. Fenom Health is all about women’s health and the multitude of layers that this encompasses. Like me,
Episode 034: You Attract What You're Ready For Series (Part 4 – Financially)
29/04/2018 Duration: 08minWelcome to the You Attract What You're Ready For Series (Part 4 – Financially). Episode 30 (Part 1 – Intro) of this series discusses why you attract what you’re ready for and how to do some of the self-reflexive work necessary to let those dreams and desires in. Episode 32 (Part 2 – Physically) deals with attracting what you’re ready for physically. Episode 33 (Part 3 – Emotionally) discusses attracting what you’re ready for emotionally and nurturing your emotions. Today’s episode describes attracting what you’re ready for financially. Because money can be a taboo subject, few of us like to talk about it. But why? Making more money and being financially thriving gives us the opportunity to be out there in the world helping more people. This stinking thinking about money must stop! It’s okay to make money and to use it to attract more money into your life. I discuss why we, especially we women, must start charging what we are worth and start believing that we deserve to make more money. Key Points From This
Episode 033: You Attract What You're Ready For Series (Part 3 – Emotionally)
26/04/2018 Duration: 08minWelcome to the You Attract What You're Ready For Series (Part 3 – Emotionally). Episode 30 (Part 1 – Intro) of this series discusses why you attract what you’re ready for and how to do some of the self-reflexive work necessary to let in those dreams and desires. Episode 32 (Part 2 – Physically) of this series deals with attracting what you’re ready for physically and how to better prepare and cleanse your body. In today’s episode (Part 3 – Emotionally), I talk about attracting what you are ready for emotionally and how to nurture your emotions. I am by no means a psychiatrist, therapist, or counselor, and the ideas and conclusions I talk about today are those based on my own personal life experiences. Bearing that in mind, in this episode I encourage you to ask yourself the question: Are you ready to attract emotional stability in your life? Key Points From the You Attract What You’re Ready For (Part 3 – Emotionally) Episode Seeking out professional help for your emotional wellbeing Are you really ready
Episode 032: You Attract What You're Ready For Series (Part 2 – Physically)
23/04/2018 Duration: 15minEpisode 032 presents Part 2 in the You Attract What You're Ready For Series (see (Part 1 – Intro) here). What does it mean to be physically ready in all areas of your life to attract what you want — in your space, in your mind, in your body, and in your spirit? I look at these four aspects of ourselves and point out the importance of being uncluttered, of allowing flowing space, and how this seemingly small thing can have a big impact on what we attract into our lives. Attracting what we want takes preparation, time, and thoughtfulness. We must clear our minds to welcome in what we truly desire. When it comes to our bodies, food can act as clutter too. So eat healthy, exercise, take care of yourself and treat your body with kindness and respect —because your body must be ready too. Of course, you have to be spiritually ready as well. Are you ready to be ready for what you want to attract? Key Points From the You Attract What You're Ready For (Part 2) Episode What it means to be physically ready in your physi
Episode 031: Interview With Robin by Kim Robbins
11/04/2018 Duration: 38minWelcome to good friend, photographer, and artist, Kim Robbins! Today's episode changes things up a bit: Kim will interview your host, Robin Wilkins Smith. In this episode, we learn more about Robin — how she lives her life and why she started the Audacious Life podcast. She shares with you what being audacious really means to her and why this word has stuck with her for so many years. Kim asks Robin the 3Ws — a series of essential questions that Robin asks all of her guests. You’ll find out why the 3Ws are so important for women to ask themselves today. Robin really believes women must recognize their own biggest gift they bring to life and then own that gift to live life on purpose. There are many things Robin does to balance her physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. She shares with you some helpful tips that she has learned along the way. She also discusses her hobbies, favorite books, and what her biggest dream is for all of us. If you are feeling stuck in any aspect of your life, we hope th
Episode 030: You Attract What You're Ready For Series (Part 1)
04/04/2018 Duration: 10minToday’s episode marks the start of my new spring series titled, You Attract What You’re Ready For. We all have goals and dreams and things we aspire to do — even if we are already successful. We’re always wanting to improve and are often wishing this would happen or that would happen. But sometimes we get discouraged when we’re not achieving a certain goal or thing that we want more than anything but is not coming to fruition in our lives. This can lead to self-pity and jealousy and other negative emotions. But what we need to ask ourselves is, what do we really want to attract? What do we need to do to get ready for it? And how are we going to know when it arrives? These are the questions we are going to tackle today in this short, sweet, and super-important episode. Attracting what I’m ready for is something I work on every single day and once it had really sunk in that we attract what we’re ready for — once I truly understood that concept — I was like “Okay, now it’s time to rock ‘n roll!” So today, I’m
Episode 029: Surviving the Spring Time Change
14/03/2018 Duration: 11minToday on the show I talk about surviving the spring time change. Ever since I can remember, whenever the time changes I seem to just drag myself through the week. I feel lethargic, slow, and out of sync. It’s funny how much that one-hour shift can really just shake things up for me! However, I have decided that this is okay and that the week of the spring-forward time change is a good time to hold back. Although this might seem like such a trivial subject on the surface, I think it is something worth talking about. From my own experience and from the experience of those around me, the spring time change can throw us off, and this can mean we won’t perform at our best. If you are feeling the same at this time of year, I have some helpful tips and tricks for you to better survive the time change. I’ll be sharing these with you in this episode, so take a listen! Key Points From This Episode First things first: back off and get into your natural rhythm. Know that you’re going to be tired and break your schedule
Episode 028: Getting Rid Of Self-Doubt
08/03/2018 Duration: 12minToday on the show we discuss getting rid of self-doubt. Having had significant self-doubt throughout my life, I recently have done my own self-inquiry on stopping the negative self-talk and really had to dig deep. What we say in our minds is really what happens in our life. If we believe it, it will be true. We often think the solution is superficial, such as getting a new haircut, fixing your teeth, or changing the way you dress. But none of those things will heal the deep sources of negative self-talk. In this episode, we go over the list of ways to eliminate the self-doubt in your life, why you need to dig deep into your childhood memories, and finding a personalized approach that works best for you in your life. So if you are stuck in the cycle of negative self-doubt, let’s get started on your path towards healing. Key Points From This Episode Why it is critical to dig up the childhood moments The importance of personalizing your road to healing Learning to identify what success for you, personally Ta
23/02/2018 Duration: 01h32minOn today’s show we host the amazing and audacious Elizabeth Showers. Elizabeth owns and runs her own jewelry business, which she started over 20 years ago. We chat about her work and how her business has been so successful as well as discuss her lifestyle, philosophy, and practices and how these tie everything together. Elizabeth is a firm believer and practitioner of mindfulness and meditation and is committed to being a positive influence to those around her. During our discussion we look through all these elements and more, really unpacking Elizabeth’s inspiring story and outlook. If you are interested in the business side or are looking for an inspiring personal story or both, this is the episode for you! So tune in and hear what she has to say about her audacious life! Key Points From This Episode: An introduction to Elizabeth and her jewelry business How Elizabeth started her business more than 20 years ago Getting her products stocked in Neiman Marcus and other retailers Being a human being and bein
Episode 026: Real Audacious Talk About Aging and Stress
07/02/2018 Duration: 09minOn today’s episode, I talk about aging and stress and the role each plays in our lives. As we get older, we all experience our own stresses and troubles, which can be overwhelming and detrimental to our well-being. That is why self-care is so vital: sometimes you just have to put yourself first! Through this podcast series, I hope to reach as many women (and men too!) all over the world and use this platform as a way to ease our troubles and move forward in our lives together. This is definitely a means of healing for me, and it can be for you too! So take this journey with me. Be brave, tune in, and let’s get into it! Key Points From This Episode: The cost of being a caregiver and not putting yourself first Turning 50 and the message it sends Putting yourself first, before everything else The role of the podcast in this process of self-care for all involved Happy new year and what a new beginning offers us Masking one’s own needs through giving care to others Helping women all around the globe and how to he
Episode 025: Defining Success, Then Reaching It
06/02/2018 Duration: 14minHello and welcome to this episode of Audacious Life: The Podcast! On today’s show I talk about success, defining it, aiming for it, and then shooting for it! There are different measures of success for everybody, so one person’s definition may not look anything like someone else’s. That is why it is important for you to think — and think deeply — about what success is to you. Once you are clear on this you can begin to set your intentions and aim for this idea you have set your mind on. The last step in this process is taking action. Achieving success is more than just thinking about it. You have to do the work and get out there! I hope this episode inspires you to acknowledge your own idea of success. Listen in to hear more! Key Points From This Episode: The layover from the lessons on success we learned as children What is success for you? What do you really feel? My definition of success and how this may differ from yours Setting the intention to find a way toward our definition Finding your individua
Episode 024: Checking In with Taylor Matus
30/01/2018 Duration: 37minToday on the show we welcome Taylor Matus, the Programs, Social Media, and Outreach Yoga Director for Indigo Yoga in Fort Worth. She recently became a partner in the business. As yoga, mindfulness, and the idea of being present become more and more popular around the globe, yoga studios increasingly pop up around the country and more people sport yoga pants. But where do beginners with a genuine interest go? Taylor updates us on what is happening in her yoga studio business. She tells us how she finds balance in her life and offers her definition of mindfulness. Taylor also shares her thoughts on yoga practice — beyond the physical component — and where beginners can start. We hear what she thinks about New Year’s resolutions, why she likes to burn things, and her secrets to staying organized and enriched everyday. Key Points From This Episode: Why Taylor likes to burn things on New Year’s Eve Taylor’s daily self-care routines and regular practices Tea versus coffee and why you need to listen to your body