Jesse Randolph's Ufonaut Radio, takes his listeners on a search for truth, seeking those who are behind the faces of the power elite, what they know they aren't telling us and what is their intent.Together Jesse and his loyal listeners the "New Guard" search the frontiers of science, legend, folklore, rumor, conspiracy, and in the shadows, for truth is often found in unusual places.
The END of UFONAUT?!+ Canada's Roswell UFO Witness Speaks!
06/08/2012 Duration: 29minLaurie Wickens is one of the first witnesses to call in and report the strange lights seen over Shag Harbour on Oct. 4th 1967, now known as Canada's Roswell. He and 3 friends thought they were witnessing the crash of a plane into the cool waters when he phoned the RCMP late that night, worried that survivors would need their immediate attention. What transpired is recalled in his own words, here at the annual Shag Harbour UFO Festival on Aug 3rd, 2012, the 45th anniversary of the event....the world's ONLY government documented UFO crash in history, and possibly the most important! Over the weekend he shared the stage with Chris Styles and Don Ledger, authors of Dark Object. The event was also followed by CKDU and Justin Brown of Unified Field Radio as well as a camera crew shooting a brand new documentary about the event, featuring Laurie and other original witnesses, Justin Brown, Chris Styles, and Don Ledger. The release of the documentary is slated for release on the anniversary of the crash on Oct 4th,
UFONAUT RADIO 2.0- Shag Harbour- Bigger than Roswell?
09/07/2012 Duration: 28minTwo Words- 'Dark Object'. Get it, read it, and be amazed. This could be bigger than Roswell. Why have you never heard about this? Join us here for all the latest news and happenings from around the world in the Ufological and new science arenas. Stuff you'll never hear around the water cooler.
UFONAUT RADIO Live in the Woods on Canada Day! Local Saucer.
02/07/2012 Duration: 29minSlacks covered in juice, live on a mobile phone, I report LIVE from the the NE coast of Nova Scotia on the Northumberland Striaight in the Caribou National Park. It's Canada Day- Canada's 'Independence Day' celebrations, complete with a long weekend full of fireworks that have been giving my dog severe anxiety attacks all weekend long. Luckily the herbal Bach Flower remedy medicine was on hand to administer to her and calm her down. Under the stars all weekend, I report on the sky, a local close up sighting of a 5 foot UFO seen accross the street from my house the year before I moved in corroborated by another witness! Some Colorado 'Green Light' updates-arresting banksters, new books, issue #1 of 1996's X-Factor magazine and the Bob Lazar expose, cryogenic alien chambers photo in S4, and much more on this 'wild-card-in-the-the-great-white-northern-woods' episode of Ufonaut Radio. Join us here for all the latest news and happenings from around the world in the Ufological and new science arenas. Stuff you'
Alien Abductee Tommy Hawksblood join us...
25/06/2012 Duration: 33minJoin us here for all the latest news and happenings from around the world in the Ufological and new science arenas. Stuff you'll never hear around the water cooler.
Alien Abductee, writer, conference organizer... TJ Morris
11/06/2012 Duration: 26minEclectic experiencer, writer, MUFON member, ex-government employee, veteran, business capitalist, psychic, human think tank and conference organizer, TJ Morris, joins us to talk about her experiences and we take a stab at trying and jam it all in a half hour.....Another great show- Join us here for all the latest news and happenings from around the world in the Ufological and new science arenas. Stuff you'll never hear around the water cooler.