The Jesus Christ Show airs every Sunday morning from 8-11 a.m. on KFI AM 640. Tune in to find out why the young and old from all over the world listen for answers to life's toughest questions. Hosted by Jesus Christ and produced by Neil Saavedra.
What Are You Wearing
02/03/2025 Duration: 28minWhat Are You WearingThe Satanic BibleHorses in Heaven
UFOs and Fallen Angels
02/03/2025 Duration: 28minEvilChristians that continue to sinufos and fallen angels
Romans 13 and Paying Taxes
02/03/2025 Duration: 28minRomans 13 and Paying TaxesBoss is a BullyTold mom is in hell
Is God Good
17/02/2025 Duration: 29minIs God Good from things done in the BibleThe SabbathThe Church has imperfect peopleThe Bible written years after Jesus
Meaning of I am With You Always
17/02/2025 Duration: 30minAre we alone in the universeTaking marijuana for medical reasonsnegative theologyMeaning of I am With You Always
Healthy Copitition
10/02/2025 Duration: 25minHealthy Copititionshould christians get tatoosLordship salbationApostles' Creed says that Jesus descended into hell
How to read the Bible
10/02/2025 Duration: 28minHeadcoveringsHow to read the Biblethe body and the soulcorrect Music in church
is the new generation rejecting religion
10/02/2025 Duration: 31minanger at drunk driver car accidenta sneaky Godbaptism againis the new generation rejecting religion
Church Only Focused on End Times
10/02/2025 Duration: 29minalcholic sister diedchurch only focused on end timesaccountabilitybeing slain in the spirit
27/01/2025 Duration: 28minDecernmentUsing mediums used to talkBeing born again & Spirtual death
Who Witnessed God Creating the Universe
27/01/2025 Duration: 28minhas special needs child. says deamons areafter himwho witnessed god creating the universe
Why Do the Innocent Suffer
27/01/2025 Duration: 30minWhy Do the Innocent Suffercan shamanism mix with christianitysister and whole family alcholic. will she get to heavenforgiveness vs reconcilliation
Giong Through the Narrow Gate
20/01/2025 Duration: 26minGiong Through the Narrow GateNot knownig I'm making a differenceWhy am I told to fear God
Is God Good?
20/01/2025 Duration: 27minWhy did God create so much before manArtificial InseminationNear Death, Saw an angelIs God Good?