Insightful and inspiring discussions and interviews that promote health and wellbeing through our inner worlds of emotions, feelings and sensations.
Expressing Our Sexual and Sensual Energies
07/05/2014 Duration: 40minWhat a great response to my last episode Urban Tantra: Sacred Sex for the 21st Century!! Interested in dig a little deeper? Perhaps we can start by asking the question:What does sexual and sensual energy mean to you and how do you use yours?Could it be that many of us use these energies for Connection to our partner and ourselves or if we look below the surface find ourselves expressing sex for other means? Perhaps to control our partners? Or maybe we have sex not because we want to but because we feel we have to in order to maintain our partnership? Hmmmm makes me wonder. Perhaps for you too? If your interested, come join me Wednesday May 7th at 3pm when I have the opportunity to interview Holistic Coach and Leader of Journey’s of Wisdom, John Mc Mullin about this very deep and rich subject.For those of you that don’t know, Journey’s of Wisdom is an organization interested in promoting self-growth and empowerment through workshops, one on one coaching and other audio materials. I’m also excited to annou
Urban Tantra: Sacred Sex for the 21st Century with Barbara Carrellas
02/04/2014 Duration: 53minLet’s talk about Sex Baby! Urban Tantra Sex that is.For those of you that may be wondering what is Tantra Sex? In short, it’s the Yoga of sex and surprisingly to me; intercourse is not the most important part!How would you like to dip into conscious, connected and bliss-filled sex and intimacy while cultivating more energy, wellbeing and peace? This isn’t just for you young people. Tantra can be enjoyed at any age. To me Barbara Carrellas book, Urban Tantra: Sacred Sex for the 21st Century offers just that. It is a pleasurable and sensual way to promote our health. More specifically, in a way that helps us connect to a very vital human bond of connection and sensuality with ourselves and the ones we love.Barbara and I met last week to discuss her book and I have to say, it was my most entertaining show. What a lovely and lively lady! I found her passion captivating and contagious. So it with sexy pleasure that I’m pleased to share our conversation this Wednesday April 2nd at 3:30pm (EST).
Paul Chek’s Approach to Self Realization and Life Fulfillment
12/03/2014 Duration: 01h14minForget trying to hit the bull’s eye, why not paint a circle around the arrow instead? Sounds much more effective to me. In my opinion, Paul Chek's metaphor for the name of his book,"Paint a Circle Around the Arrow of Life and Hit the Bullseye Every time."points towards understanding who we are and creating life on our terms, also known as Self Realization. In my experience, this journey can be challenging but the more I dive into who I really am, the greater health, wellbeing and FUN I have!Come join Paul Chek, Holistic Health Practitioner, Educator and Founder of the CHEK Institute, offers his take on creating a fulfilled and powerful life by: Understanding his beliefs about God and why it's important for optimal living. According to Paul, he's not some cantankerous old man in the sky, ready to label us sinners!Using our relationships to help us understand who we are and how to make optimal life affirming choices. Avoiding life-destructive cultural programming that take us away from our sense of self and ou
The Power of Your Past with John P Schuster
12/02/2014 Duration: 48minOur past… what’s it got to do with our wellbeing and life success? For some… not much, According to Eckhart Tolle, “If you delve into the past, it becomes a bottomless pit.”While the Buddha preached, “Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”What about the ways we handle our own past? Do we ignore, numb, romanticize or demonize our pasts?As much as there is power in the present, would it be helpful to reflect deeply into the rich landscapes of our past? In the opinion of John Schuster, business coach, the past is rich in possibility to find out who we are while activating our valuable and unique untapped potential. With those in hand, we can chart our own life-fulfilling course through the highly suggestible waters of our world’s influences. To me, this is crucial to an empowered, fulfilling and healthy life.Come join John and I as we discuss his very useful guide into Repossibilitizing (John’s word, that I looooove) yourself through your past.
The Power of Purpose with Dr. Darleen Lindstrom
22/01/2014 Duration: 55minHave you ever wondered, what your Life Purpose is? I have dedicated much of my adult life to trying to find my Purpose. I figured this mysterious and seemingly elusive sense of Purpose would show up in a job or a relationship that would leave me with a sense of bliss and connectedness. As much as I consider the pursuit of these things to be a big part of my Purpose, my search sometimes left me paradoxically tired and disconnected. Then, Darleen Lindstrom came along with her course "The Power of Purpose" and broadened my horizons on the topic. The idea of Purpose opened into a living and breathing, constantly in flux part of being human. In a moment, I realized that my whole life has been on Purpose. Connecting to my suffering, learning who I am and practicing gratitude delivered Purpose and what I value most, a sense of health and wellbeing.With delight, I invite you to join Darleen and I as we dive into this incredibly life-enriching topic. Chock full of insights and tools that you can start working wi