Sunday Service messages from Living Faith Chapel, a community church located in North Battleford, SK, Canada.
Finding the Face of God
03/03/2007 Duration: 48minThis message was presented on Sunday, Feb. 25/07 by Darcy Umpherville.
Change 4 Change
19/12/2006 Duration: 01h08sSunday, Dec. 17/06. Pastor Deb McNabb and Team Zambia speaking about their upcoming trip to Africa in Fubuary of 2007.
The Value of a Friend
04/12/2006 Duration: 44minPastor Casey Sitter delivered this sermon on Sunday, Dec. 3/06.
Becoming a Missionary in El Salvador
06/10/2006 Duration: 40minGuests Ron and Sheri Lapka share as they prepare to enter the mission field to El Salvador.
Love, Life and Liberty
12/09/2006 Duration: 21minThis sermon was presented on Sept. 10th, 2006 by guest speaker Dan Glass.