Ready to get real? Tarot Bitches Laura Brown and Janet Boyer cut through disempowering BS and spiritual smokescreens with sharp minds (and tongues). Laura and Janet cater to those who crave honesty, transparency and authenticity. (Sense of humor: a big bonus). Join them as they delve into the topic du jour and take your live calls. Be warned: not for the easily offended or thin-skinned!
Tarot Beyond the Basics with Anthony Louis
09/05/2014 Duration: 01h32minWe're excited that author Anthony Louis joins us to chat about his latest book Tarot Beyond the Basics! What are the astrological influences of esoteric Tarot? What is a horary chart, and how can it deepen and Tarot reading? How do the elemental associations influence and modify surrounding cards? Join us to go beyond the basics!Anthony Louis is also the author of the fabulous Tarot Plain and Simple, Horary Astrology Plain and Simple, The Art of Forecasting Using Solar Returns, Lenormand Symbols, Training Wheel Tarot and more. Visit him at his blog
Hidden Secrets of The Tarot With Dax Carlisle
02/05/2014 Duration: 01h44minWhat secret is the High Priestess guarding--and what is the Temprian Path? Ever hear of the Magi Cross using the four Tarot Kings plus the Star card and its connection to the birth of Jesus? What about the Cross of Manifestation using The Magician and the four Aces? Join us Thursday at 9 PM EST as we discuss hidden Tarot secrets with the owner and operator of the Tarot Guild and The Rainbow Psychic Network, Dax Carlisle. Our discussion will offer up a fantastic opportunity to add depth and hue to your Tarot readings!
The Queens and Kings of Tarot
25/04/2014 Duration: 58minIn this edition of Tarot Bitches, Laura and Janet tackle the "mature" Court Cards--the Queens and Kings. What are the differences between the two? How does the suit they're paired with modify their rank? Do Court Cards ALWAYS indicate "real" people--and reflect the same gender as the querent? Tune in for another lively show!
The Pages and Knights of Tarot
18/04/2014 Duration: 01h03minIn this edition of Tarot Bitches, Laura and Janet tackle Court Card "youngsters"--the Pages and Knights. What are the differences between the two? How does the suit they're paired with modify their rank? Do Court Cards ALWAYS indicate "real" people? Tune in for another lively show!
Eggs, Babies and Birth (Oh My!)
11/04/2014 Duration: 01h01minWith Easter/Ostara around the corner (and Laura bursting with GREAT news), the Tarot Bitches are back! Janet and Laura will discuss Tarot card symbolism of eggs, babies and birth--as well as the Aces and Pages. What kind of birth or re-birth are YOU going to experience?