Providing news and information while helping aspiring writers and journalists,
Judyth Piazza interviews Lucia Quiroga About WeCan WORKS on The American Perspective
19/11/2014In her junior year of high school, Lucia Quiroga wanted to find a program where she could work and continue to attend school. After being introduced to WeCan WORKS, she received an opportunity to intern at a local hospital.
James 'Amazin' Murray Interviews The Founder of Techno Tutor
09/06/2014James 'Amazin' Murray Interviews the Founder of Techno Tutor about Education on The SOP Radio Network
Judyth Piazza interviews Roxana Heredia, Spanish Bilingual Teacher and Translator
07/02/2013Judyth Piazza chats with Roxana Heredia, Spanish Bilingual Teacher and Translator on The American Perspective Radio Program
Judyth Piazza interviews Mimi Amaral About A New Entertainment Psychology Division
15/07/2012Clinical Psychology Doctoral Student Seeks 800 Signatures to Start A Division of Psychology: Entertainment Psychology.
Judyth Piazza interviews Lauren Krizner Fischer, DoS Specialist U.S. Diplomacy Center
08/12/2011Judyth Piazza interviews Lauren Krizner Fischer, DoS Specialist for the U.S. Diplomacy Center who Introduces Discover Diplomacy Webinar
Judyth Piazza chats with Dr. Yvonne Marie Andres, Global SchoolNet's Executive Director, Co-founder and Visionary
25/06/2011Judyth Piazza chats with Dr. Yvonne Marie Andres, Global SchoolNet's Executive Director, Co-founder and Visionary on The AP
Judyth Piazza chats with Nick Boorman and Students About New Book
20/04/2011Hi, my name is Nick Boorman and I am a 8th Grade Wellness Teacher at Granby Jr/Sr High School in Granby, Massachusetts.
Judyth Piazza chats with Kent Healy, Co Author of Cool Stuff They Should Teach in School
09/06/2010Kent is an avid athlete. He holds an advanced Scuba Diver"s License, two national titles for water polo in New Zealand, and worked as a beach
Judyth Piazza chats with Dr. Donald C. Martin, Roadmap for Graduate Study
17/12/2009With two earned graduate degrees and nearly 30 years of hands-on experience in graduate enrollment and student services, Dr. Donald C. Martin has counseled, encouraged, and inspired thousands of graduate students.
Judyth Piazza chats with Joseph 'JJ' Jones, Project Extreme Contribution
28/10/2009Joseph Jones was born on July 8, 1978, in Chicago Heights, Illinois. Born of Paulette Yates, his father is unknown to his family genealogy.
An Amazing Group of Girls at Blackham School in Bridgeport, CT.
13/05/2009This is Jennifer Hernandez reporting The Student Operated Press. And thank you for tuning in to another edition of Keeping News Light.
Judyth Piazza chats with John Case,
27/10/ combines the best of Social Networking and E-Commerce into one website.
Judyth Piazza Chats with Dr. Yvonne Marie Andres
09/08/2008Dr. Yvonne Marie Andres is the President, CEO and co-founder of the Global SchoolNet Foundation. She is a former Vice President of Internet Learning Programs and Partnerships at Lightspan and the creator of the Global Schoolhouse
Judy Piazza chats with Aaron Tang Co- Director of Our Education
15/03/2008Aaron Tang is a twenty-two year old graduate of public schools in Painesville, Ohio. He is a 2005 graduate of Yale University with a B.A. in political science. During the summers of his sophomore and junior year of college, he taught at Aspire, a tuition free summer program for
Judyth Piazza chats with Eli Dancy, Founder of STFree Certifications
29/02/2008An entity needed to be in place that would feed off the energy that fueled the infection rates, but also be simple and swift enough for this fast pace society to accept.