Save money and create a healthy environment. We will cover organic gardening, edible landscaping, rainwater harvesting, saving water, recycling, compost, remove toxins inside your home, alternative energy, sustainable living and much more.Visit us at for show notes, product reviews and more.
Ep13: Solve Climate Change With Judith Schwartz
18/09/2017 Duration: 30minEp13: Solve Climate Change With Judith Schwartz by Diane Downey and Sheri Menelli
Ep14 - Protime Lawn Seed
17/09/2017 Duration: 20minWe’re interviewing Amy Cox from Pro Time Lawn Seed because it fits in line with our organic approach of keeping a lawn.
Ep12: Paul Herzog - Surfrider's Ocean Friendly Gardens
16/02/2016 Duration: 32minEp12: Paul Herzog - Surfrider's Ocean Friendly Gardens by Diane Downey and Sheri Menelli
Ep 11: Bee Friendly With SandyRowley
29/01/2016 Duration: 33minEp 11: Bee Friendly With SandyRowley by Diane Downey and Sheri Menelli
Ep10: Rob Avis on Alternative Energy
22/01/2016 Duration: 45minEp10: Rob Avis on Alternative Energy by Diane Downey and Sheri Menelli