The podcast designed to speak life, encouragement, and truth into the minds and hearts of educators and get you energized for the week ahead.
EP319 Teaching creatively within the constraints of the system (with Trevor Muir)
23/02/2025 Duration: 44minHow can teachers embrace creativity in their classrooms when faced with rigid curriculums, standardized testing, and limited time? That’s the question I’m exploring today with Trevor Muir, an educator, author, and advocate for creative teaching. Trevor’s taught at the middle, high school, and college level, and applies that experience to his numerous books, courses, and in-person PD sessions. In this episode, Trevor shares personal stories from his own classrooms, including how vulnerability helped him connect with students and why storytelling is one of the most powerful tools for engaging learners. We cover topics such as: How to redefine creativity beyond art and big projects to include everyday teaching challenges Why vulnerability and failure are essential for creativity and how to model these for your students Practical strategies to encourage student risk-taking and buy-in through feedback and collaboration How storytelling can make lessons more dynamic, memorable, and relevant The benefits of invo
EP318 How to use AI to plan a lesson and still make it YOURS
09/02/2025 Duration: 23minAI tools are transforming the way teachers plan lessons, but how do you use them without losing the personal touch that makes your teaching unique? In this episode of Truth for Teachers, I’m showing you how to use AI as a time-saving tool while still keeping your lessons authentic, creative, and tailored to your students. Here’s what you’ll learn : How to choose the right AI tools, like ChatGPT, Curipod, and Canva Magic Write, to fit your planning needs. The step-by-step process for using AI to brainstorm, outline, and enhance lesson plans. Prompt examples for generating lesson ideas, differentiating activities, and improving engagement. Why you don’t need to have perfectly worded prompts to get great results (and how to prompt when you’re unsure of what you need) Tips for refining AI-generated ideas and adapting them to your teaching style. Practical strategies for using AI to differentiate instruction for students at various learning levels. By the end of this episode, you’ll know exactly how to harness A
EP317 It’s never just about the behavior (with Claire English from The Unteachables)
26/01/2025 Duration: 39minWhat if the key to managing challenging student behavior isn’t about "fixing" the kids—but about regulating yourself? In this episode, we explore a sustainable approach to classroom management that shifts the focus to what you can control. Join me and my guest, Claire, as we discuss how self-regulation empowers teachers to create calmer, more effective learning environments while building trust and healthier responses in students. Here’s what we cover in this episode: Why traditional behavior management strategies often fall short. How self-regulation in teachers sets the tone for the entire classroom. The role of neuroscience in understanding student behavior and stress responses. Practical strategies for co-regulation and creating micro-moments of connection. Why “fixing” student behavior isn’t your job—and what you can do instead. How to craft an “island of safety” in your classroom, even without strong school-wide support. Tools and systems to help students develop self-regulation skills. Tips for avoidi
EP316 Radical acceptance and the power of "we’ll see” in 2025
12/01/2025 Duration: 18minFeeling unnerved by the unpredictability of our world right now? You’re not alone. In this first Truth for Teachers episode of 2025, we’re diving into how to practice radical acceptance as we navigate uncharted territory as educators (and as a society.) Join me as I share practical strategies I’m using right now for staying grounded, making my world smaller, and focusing on what’s within my control. We’ll explore how to shift from fear to hope by embracing the opportunities hidden within unpredictability. You’ll hear about my own struggles with anxiety, my word of the year (serendipity), and how unexpected blessings can arise when we let go of needing to plan and control everything. As we move into 2025, let’s commit to focusing on possibility. Let’s not judge situations when it’s too soon to see the ripple effect of what’s good and bad. Let’s release the limitations of black-and-white, all-or-nothing thinking, and of judging everything as a positive thing or a negative through an immediate reaction. Let’s
EP315 Humans Who Teach: A guide for centering love, justice, and liberation in schools (with Shamari Reid)
24/11/2024 Duration: 56minIn this last episode of 2024, I want to leave you with a powerful conversation to marinate on deeply. I’m talking with Dr. Shamari Reid, an assistant professor of justice and belonging in education at New York University. He has taught Spanish, English as a new language, and ELA at the elementary, secondary, and post-secondary levels in Oklahoma, New York, Uruguay, and Spain. Shamari shares the journey from seeing himself as a “teacher superhero” to understanding he’s a human who teaches. Like many of us, Shamari once believed that it was his job to save his students and fix systemic issues like racism and classism through sheer hard work. That mindset led him to overwork himself until he burned out completely, even blacking out while driving from exhaustion. During his recovery, Shamari came across Toni Morrison’s concept of self-regard, which caused him to rethink his identity and realize that he was more than just a teacher. He started to see the importance of recognizing his humanity and taking care of
EP 314 How you–and your students–can use movement to increase work quality, focus, and creativity
10/11/2024 Duration: 23minThere’s a powerful connection between movement and cognitive performance. Standing up and moving around can both foster diffuse thinking—the kind of relaxed mental state that encourages breakthroughs and innovative ideas. In this episode, I’ll share Cal Newport’s research on training the brain for deep work through “productive meditation”, a practice that involves focusing on a specific problem while engaged in physical movement. I’ll then share 4 practical ways to incorporate productive movement into your instruction, not as a break from learning but as a critical component of it: Standing meetings and discussions to increase engagement and collaboration. Dictation while walking, allowing students to process and express ideas on the move. Using audio learning while students walk, so they can absorb information away from their desks. Encouraging walking brainstorming sessions to help students collaborate and generate new ideas. I’ll also share how to extend these strategies to outdoor environments for an eve
EP313 What students need to know about artificial intelligence (and how to help them learn it)
27/10/2024 Duration: 29minMany teachers are already seeing incredible results when their students use artificial intelligence to brainstorm creative project ideas, get instant feedback on their writing, and even generate unique artwork. The potential is there for a lot of good…but also, a lot of bad. As educators in this particular moment in time, we have a unique opportunity to guide students in harnessing AI’s potential while teaching them to think critically about its limitations and impacts. In this episode, I’ll explain exactly what to say and do to help students to be thoughtful, tech-savvy learners in an AI-driven world. This kind of instruction could begin as soon as kids are using devices–after all, even an elementary-aged child who’s watching videos on YouTube or playing games from the app store is already being impacted by AI-driven algorithms, images, and text. Obviously, you don’t need to go into a ton of detail with kids who aren’t using AI, but we’re seeing kids as young as fourth graders discovering ChatGPT and using i
EP312 5 brain-based ways to help kids who shut down in class (with Dr. John Spencer)
13/10/2024 Duration: 45minWhen students give up on assignments or get overwhelmed, it’s tough to find ways to help them re-engage. So, I’ve invited Dr. John Spencer ( of The Creative Classroom podcast ( to help us uncover 5 brain-based ways to help kids who shut down in class. John is a former middle school teacher and current college professor on a quest to transform schools into bastions of creativity and wonder. Listen in as John and I explore how to: 1. Intentionally cultivate self-empowerment (the ability to self-regulate and self-direct.) 2. Introduce creative constraints when kids are overwhelmed. 3. Use the gradual release model to slowly acclimate students to more self-directed work. 4. Think diagnostically, looking for root causes beyond those related to behavior. 5. Call impromptu workshops when you notice a significant number of students struggling. Get the shareable article/transcript for this episode here.
EP311 Soft starts: a gentle, inviting way to begin the school day & foster self-regulation
29/09/2024 Duration: 26minStarting the school day doesn’t have to be chaotic or rushed. In this episode, I’ll explore how soft starts are transforming classrooms by offering a calm, low-pressure beginning that allows students to ease into their day. Soft starts accomplish more than just setting a calm tone—they’re a powerful tool for promoting social-emotional learning and giving kids the autonomy they need to feel in control of their learning, fostering self-regulation, self-direction, and self-management. I’ll break down why this approach is beneficial (and super simple to implement!) for all age groups, from elementary to secondary students, and share practical ways to implement it in your classroom. Soft starts don’t require a monumental shift in your daily routine, but provide a powerful opportunity to create a foundation of calm, focus, and connection that will ripple through every lesson. If you want your students to learn how to gauge their own needs and choose activities at the beginning of class that help meet those nee
EP310 Unlocking the secrets of effective lesson design
15/09/2024 Duration: 30minEver feel like you're spinning your wheels trying to improve your teaching, but not seeing the results you want? In this episode, we delve into the transformative power of sequential lesson design with Gretchen Bridgers of Always a Lesson. Gretchen is a teacher coach and trainer who has spent more than 2 decades mentoring and coaching educators, and leading professional development. has a fantastic podcast called Always a Lesson's Empowering Educators podcast which I often recommend to Truth for Teachers listeners, as there's a lot of overlap between Gretchen's mindset and areas of interest and my own. Her advice is really practical and spot-on. And, she recently published her third book, called, Always a Lesson: Teacher Essentials for Classroom and Career Success. In our conversation you'll hear today, Gretchen breaks down some key ideas from that book. She counters the common narrative that classroom management is the first and most important thing to nail down, and reveals why lesson design is actually th
EP309 Why humans fall for misinformation & creative ways to teach information literacy skills
01/09/2024 Duration: 38minEven young students can learn how to understanding and combat misinformation, and it's a key information literacy skill in 2024. In this episode, I'm talking to Melanie Trecek-King of Thinking is Power, because I love how her approach to the topic of misinformation is characterized by compassion and empathy. Melanie emphasizes that everyone is susceptible to misinformation, and falling for it doesn't indicate a lack of intelligence. This perspective humanizes those who believe in conspiracy theories or disinformation, so we can view them as people who--like ourselves--have unknowingly accepted false information. Melanie and I discuss 3 primary reasons we fall for misinformation: Confirmation Bias: Our tendency to interpret information in ways that confirm our existing beliefs. Once we believe something, we see evidence for it everywhere, reinforcing that belief. Skepticism is crucial for protecting oneself from misinformation, but it's most challenging when information confirms our biases. Appeals to Emoti
EP308 How (and why) schools should support neurodivergent educators
18/08/2024 Duration: 47minYes, we’re talking about accommodations FOR TEACHERS… I recently asked educators on social media if neurodivergent staff were being offered any support, and folks had a LOT to say! In this episode I’ll share: What we mean when we talk about neurodivergence Why neurodivergence isn’t a deficiency, just a difference What teachers say about accommodations that are (and aren’t) happening in their schools The legal rights that U.S. teachers have under the Americans with Disabilities Act The types of supports you can request and the logistics of making them happen From there, I’ll share the commonalities and patterns in the response from educators about what’s been helpful and what’s needed. I’ll talk about the 5 ways schools can offer support to neurodivergent educators and what these recommendations look like in practice: #1: Allow for flexibility and autonomy, especially within breaks #2) Designate quiet areas and mitigate the effects of overstimulating environments #3) Communicate proactively about scheduling
EP307 Creating conditions for transformation (with Elena Aguilar)
04/08/2024 Duration: 32min"Transformative change means feeling different, having different experiences every day, not just little changes that feel like a band-aid." These are the words of today’s guest, Elena Aguilar, an instructional coach whose latest book is called Arise: The Art of Transformation Coaching. ( Through her book and our conversation today, you’re invited to teach in a “human-centered, compassionate, wildly optimistic way.” Listen in as we discuss: What “transformation” looks like and how it applies to the work of classroom teachers Why transformation results from addressing the Three Bs: beliefs, ways of being, and behavior… and why that order matters Which conditions allow for beliefs to change and how we can implement them in our classrooms How our “ways of being” as teachers tie to transformation As we look toward the start of a new school year, I hope that Elena’s thoughts will help you reimagine what’s possible in your classroom, and create conditions for both student transformations an
EP306 How to get TRUE student buy-in for your "no phone" policy (with Ashly HIlst)
21/07/2024 Duration: 27minHere’s an innovative way to get student buy-in for your cell phone policy, reduce distractions, and maximize class time. Today you’re going to hear from Ashly Hilst, a secondary teacher at North Clackamas Christian School in Oregon City, Oregon. Ashly has taught high school English for 7 years in both public and private schools. For the 2024 Summit for the 40 Hour Teacher Workweek, Ashly unveiled her innovative approach to managing cell phone use in the classroom, and it was so impactful I wanted to make sure more teachers had a chance to hear about it. Her method focuses on conveying the message that "phones don't make good moments, people do," drawing from personal experiences to connect with students. In this episode, you’ll learn from Ashly how to establish clear expectations and consequences for phone use while allowing flexibility and gentle reminders. Discover for yourself how Ashly's approach reduces stress levels and enhances the teaching experience by promoting responsible phone habits in the cla
EP305 5 ways to automate teaching tasks next school year to save you time
07/07/2024 Duration: 31minIt seems like every tech tool we use has now integrated generative artificial intelligence. Open a Google Doc, you’re prompted to use Gemini to help you write. Read a post on Facebook, Meta prompts you to “ask anything” via their AI. It’s powering our phones and our email, and the customer support chatbots on nearly every website when shopping online and even with utility companies. AI is everywhere, and it’s designed to help save everyone time. So, why not let it help you in your role as a teacher, too? I talked at length in episode 304 about the pros, cons, and drawbacks of AI, so if you’re worried about AI, please make sure you listen to that episode for the context. In this episode, though, I want to show you possibilities. That’s my job. Your job is to decide what’s right for you and your classroom. So let’s talk about possibilities. Listen in for 5 easy ways I see currently for AI as a tool to automate teachers’ workloads: Differentiation Assessment Writing Tedious tasks Creative expression And if y
EP 304 Is artificial intelligence the key to a 40 hour teacher workweek?
23/06/2024 Duration: 27minWe know there’s potential…but let’s talk about the larger implications for the profession. In this episode, I’m sharing how AI has already transformed the way many teachers work, and exploring the ethics, best practices, and future trends for AI in schools. Listen in to hear: What surprised me in a survey about schools' AI policies 3 principles that guide my approach to AI Why educators MUST shape the direction of AI (and not leave this to tech companies) My favorite ways to use AI to streamline teaching tasks, including differentiation and assessment When you might want to use ChatGPT in place of a search engine My recommendations for the best free AI tools for teachers 3 crucial mindsets to develop as you plan how to incorporate AI in your work Let's explore the big picture overview of AI’s impact, its strengths and weaknesses as a tool for teachers, and specific ways fellow educators have used it to reduce their workload responsibly. Get the shareable article/transcript for this episode here. Learn abou
303 How Danish schools embrace the slowdown and foster work/life balance (with Pernille Ripp)
09/06/2024 Duration: 01h10minAs an educator who's lived and taught in both the US and Denmark, Pernille’s story is a revealing look into two vastly different education systems. Let's unpack her journey and what it tells us about work-life balance, societal values, and teaching philosophies. You’ll hear: Why Pernille’s family moved to Wisconsin from Denmark when she was a teenager, how she became a teacher in the U.S., and why she and her American husband made the decision in 2022 to move with their four children to Denmark The cultural differences Pernille has noticed living in Denmark, particularly in relation to families, children, work, and school How the Danish school system is set up, including how students are not formally taught to read until the equivalent of 2nd grade in the U.S, and how high school (as Americans understand it) ends around age 15 so students can focus on career training What the school day looks like for Pernille, who is looping with her students through multiple grade levels, including how much instructional v
EP302 Education trends, predictions, and hope for the future of teaching
26/05/2024 Duration: 49minAs the school year comes to a close, we’re taking a step back from practical strategies, and looking at the big picture of K-12 education. Until summer, there’s not a lot of time or mental bandwidth to consider questions like, “What are the larger factors impacting our work? How are other schools handling these challenges? How do we proactively prepare for what’s next and create a vision for where we’re heading, instead of just trying to put out fires all the time?” In an era of student disengagement and teacher disillusionment, it’s crucial for us to envision a better way of doing school and collectively work to make that vision a reality. So, in this episode, I’m sharing the statistics around teacher vacancies, student enrollment declines, and budget forecasts, along with the implications for schools. I’ll then analyze the trends and focuses that we’ll be seeing more of in education in the coming years. Topics covered include: Artificial Intelligence Student safety and mental health Rationalizing and conso
EP301 5 ways to make an old lesson feel fresh and interesting again (with Betsy Potash of Spark Creativity)
12/05/2024 Duration: 40minBored with your curriculum or instructional routines? I’m talking with Betsy Potash of the Spark Creativity Podcast about easy ways to make things feel fresh and interesting again. Often we switch things up in our teaching to keep ourselves from getting bored. But, too much change can create unnecessary work for us. It can also waste class time for students as they spend more energy on figuring out how to complete an assignment than on practicing the skills we want them to learn. So, Betsy’s identified 5 open-ended activities that you can add to your rotation of go-to strategies, and incorporate them in unique ways throughout the year. We’re talking about how to use the following in gr. 2-12 classrooms: • podcasts • stations • hexagonal thinking • escape room design • one-pager Betsy will definitely spark your creativity as you listen to these easy-to-understand activities which you can plug into the lessons you’re least excited to teach. These ideas will get students actively engaged in learning and boost y
EP300 Teaching through hormonal changes: post-partum, perimenopause, and beyond (with Dr. Jen Gunter)
28/04/2024 Duration: 34minThis topic is definitely new territory for my Truth for Teachers podcast, and I was initially hesitant to include it because I didn’t want to overshare. However, as I began to talk to other women about this, I realized how many of us really didn’t have a good grasp on the way hormones impact our daily function. The experience is so individualistic, and no two bodies are alike. I realized that the more folks talk about this, the better informed we'll be. So in this episode, I’m sharing my own journey with perimenopause and brain fog. It took me many months to recognize what was changing in my body and why, and I misdiagnosed the brain fog as simply pandemic-related stress. At age 43, menopause wasn't on my radar yet, and I didn't know pre-menopausal symptoms were a thing. Once I sought guidance from my OB-GYN, I was able to find relief from my symptoms, and I want to help other women understand their options, too. So, I’ve invited Dr. Jen Gunter to shed some light on this topic for us. Jen is an obstetric