Reframed Origins takes us back to the fossils that improved our understanding of human evolution over the past 6 million years. Each episode focuses upon a fossil, how it was discovered, how human evolution was understood at the time and how it helped palaeoanthropologists to see our evolution in a different light. The series will also take on larger themes, such as dating techniques and species concepts. Famous and less well-known fossils will feature in this series. With the help of Nick, I will bring you the evidence that proves the fact of Evolution.Want to support the Reframed Origins Podcast?Visit Patreon and donate what you can to this work:
The Cave Man of Altamura
24/04/2015 Duration: 28minLamalunga 1Locality: Lamalunga Cave, Altamura, southern ItalyDescription: Currently in situ complete skeleton (to date, only the shoulder blade has been removed)Age: 170,000 - 130,000 years agoSpecies: Homo neanderthalensis
Sexing Mrs. Ples of Sterkfontein
18/04/2015 Duration: 13minStS 5 (Sterkfontein Site 5)Locality: Sterkfontein, Blauwbank Valley, Gauteng, South AfricaFound: 18th of April 1947By: Robert Broom (Scottish Palaontologist) and John Robinson (Palaeoanthropologist)Description: Cranium with well worn teethAge: c. 2,000,000 years of ageSex: Female?References:1947 - Broom & Robinson - Further Remains of the Sterkfontein Ape-Man, Plesianthropus1954 - Robinson - The genera and species of the australopithecinae2013 - Villmoare et al - Continuous dental eruption identifies Sts 5 as the developmentally oldest fossil hominin and informs the taxonomy of Australopithecus africanus2011 - Wood - Encyclopedia of Human Evolution
Million Year Old Ngrejeng Child
03/04/2015 Duration: 16minNG 8503Date Found: March 1985Found By: Ngrejeng VillagerLocality: Near Ngrejeng Village, Indonesia Announced: 1994Fossil: Partial mandible (Right side), with M1 and M2. The latter had not yet erupted at time of death.Age: 1.02 - 1.51 million years of agePapers to check out:1994 - Aziz et al - Preliminary report on recentdiscoveries of fossil hominids from the Sangiran area, Java.2005 - Kaifu et al - Hominid mandibular remains from Sangiran (1952-1986) Collection2006 - Kaifu - Advanced dental reduction in Javanese Homo erectus2011 - Wood - Encyclopedia of Human Evolution
The Robust Female of Drimolen
29/03/2015 Duration: 14minUW DNH 7 (University of Witwatersrand Drimolen 7)Found By A. Keyser and R. SmithDate Found: 21st of October 1994Age: 1.5 - 2 million years of ageSpecies: Paranthropus robustusSex: FemaleKey Scientific Paper:2000 - Keyser - The Drimolen skull: the most complete australopithecine cranium and mandible to dateWant to read further?2007 - Lockwood et al - Extended male growth in a fossil hominin species2011 - Wood - Encyclopedia of Human EvolutionSubscribe to the podcast on itunes: every other device:
The Young Hominin of Allia Bay
20/03/2015 Duration: 18minKNM ER 992 (Kenya National Museum - East Rudolf 992)Comprised of: MandibleAge: 1.52 million years of ageStage of Growth: JuvenileReferences1975 - Mazak & Groves - An approach to the taxonomy of the Hominidae - Gracile Villafranchian Hominids of Africa1973 - Leakey & Wood - New evidence of the genus Homo from East Rudolf, Kenya2003 - White et al - Pleistocene Homo sapiens from Middle Awash, Ethiopia2011 - Wood - Encyclopedia of Human Evolution2013 - Spoor - Palaeoanthropology: Small-brained, big mouthedWant to support the Reframed Origins Podcast?Visit Patreon and donate what you can to this work: to the podcast on itunes: every other device:
The First Human of Olduvai
13/03/2015 Duration: 13minOH 7 (Olduvai Hominin 7)Date found: Autumn 1960Found by: Jonathan Leakey and Fideles MasaoAge: 1.54 MaComprising: Skull fragments, Mandible and Hand BonesAssigned to: Homo habilis References1960 - Leakey - Recent discoveries at Oludvai Gorge1961 - Leakey - New finds at Olduvai Gorge1964 - Leakey et al - A new species of the genus homo from Olduvai Gorge1979 - Functional and morphological affinities of the subadult hand (OH 7) from Olduvai Gorge2011 - Wood - Encyclopedia of Human Evolution2015 - Spoor et al - Reconstructed Homo habilis type OH 7 suggests deep-rooted species diversity in early HomoWant to support the Reframed Origins Podcast?Visit Patreon and donate what you can to this work: Subscribe to the podcast on itunes: every other device:
The Poetry of a Neander Valley Cave
03/03/2015 Duration: 13minF1 (Feldhofer 1, also known as Neandertal 1) - Homo neanderthalensis Age: 40,000 years Locality: Kleine Feldhofer GrotteReferences:1864 - King - The reputed fossil man of the Neanderthal.1997 - Krings et al - Neandertal DNA sequences and the Origin of Modern Humans1999 - Krings et al - DNA sequences of the mitochondrial hypervariable region II from the Neandertal type specimen2011 - Wood - Encyclopedia of Human Evolution Want to support the Reframed Origins Podcast?Visit Patreon and donate what you can to this work: to the podcast on itunes: every other device:
The Homo neanderthalensis of Kebara
03/03/2015 Duration: 17minKMH 2 (Kebara Mousterian Hominin 2)Species: Homo neanderthalensisDate: 64 - 59 thousand years oldLocality: Me’arat Kebbara or Mugharat al-Kebara (The Great Cave)Year of discovery: 1983Excavated by: Baruch Arensburg, Bernard Vandermeersch and Ofer Bar-YosefSex: MaleAge: 25 - 35_________________________________________________________References1989 - Arensburg et al - A Middle Palaeolithic human hyoid bone: - Bar-Yosef - The Excavations at Kebara Cave: - Trinkaus et al - Postcranial robusticity in Homo. II: Humeral bilateral asymmetry and bone plasticity: – Kay et al - The hypoglossal canal and the origin of human vocal behavior: – Lewin & Foley (eds) - Principles of Human Evolution:
The 3 Million Year Old Ape of Chad
03/03/2015 Duration: 15minKT12Found: January 1995By: French and Chadian Team of PalaeontologistsLocality: Bahr El Ghazal, Koro Toro, northern ChadComprising: A distorted cranium and third premolarLived: 3 - 3.5 million years Species Attribution: Australopithecus bahrelghazaliAlternative Attribution: Australopithecus afarensisDiet: Predominantly C4 Plants (Sedges, Grasses)Characteristics that set it apart from Au. afarensis: Thicker enamel than Ardipithecus ramidus and gracile symphysis.----------------------------------------------------------Scientific Papers:1996 - Michel et al - Australopithecus bahrelghazali, une nouvelle espèce d'Hominidé ancien de la région de Koro Toro (Tchad) (Australopithecus bahrelghazali, a new species of early hominid from Koro Toro region, Chad) - Lebatard et al - Cosmogenic nuclide dating of Sahelanthropus tchadensis and Australopithecus bahrelghazali: Mio-Pliocene hominids from Chad - Bea