Find out more about WaterAids work, from the people who make it happen, in this unique series of short interviews and features from staff and partners around the world.
#7: Water and sanitation in Pakistan, part 1
27/03/2009Pamela Rodrigues, WaterAid's Country Representative in Pakistan, talks about the work of WaterAid and its partners in Pakistan, as well as how the Pakistani Government addresses water and sanitation.Listen to part 1 (8mins)
#8: Water and sanitation in Pakistan, part 2
27/03/2009Pamela Rodrigues, WaterAid's Country Representative in Pakistan, talks about the work of WaterAid and its partners in Pakistan, as well as how the Pakistani Government addresses water and sanitation.Listen to part 2 (5 mins)
#13 World Toilet Day 2008
27/03/200919 November is World Toilet Day – a day to celebrate the humble, yet vitally important, toilet and to raise awareness of the global sanitation crisis. Ada Williams, WaterAid's Learning Coordinator for Sanitation in West Africa, explores the issues.Download our World Toilet Day 2008 podcast MP3, 10Mb, 11mins
#9: Eco community in Nepal
11/12/2008Lajana Manandhar, who works for WaterAid's partner Lumanti in Nepal, talks about an innovative project to tackle the growing problem of waste water management in the urban areas of Kathmandu.Listen here (6 mins, 5Mb)
#10: WaterAid's work with children - part 1
11/12/2008Lydia Zigomo, WaterAid's Head of Region - East Africa, explores the problems a lack of clean water and sanitation pose to children and how WaterAid works with them to improve their situation.Listen to Part 1, MP3, 8Mb, 8mins
#10: WaterAid's work with children - part 2
11/12/2008Lydia Zigomo, WaterAid's Head of Region - East Africa, explores the problems a lack of clean water and sanitation pose to children and how WaterAid works with them to improve their situation.Listen to Part 2, MP3, 6.5Mb, 6.5 mins
#12: WaterAid's work in Madagascar
26/09/2008WaterAid's Country representative in Madagascar, Lucky Lowe, talks about our work in the country - from using puppets shows and drama to break down sanitation taboos at community level to influencing key decision makers at policy level. Listen to WaterAid's work in Madagascar podcast MP3, 11Mb, 12mins
#3: Sanitation in Nepal
13/02/2008Bhushan Tuladhar from WaterAid's partner, Environment and Public Health Organisation in Nepal, discusses the problems caused by unhygienic sanitation - and what his organisation is doing to tackle them, including the use of composting - also known as 'ecosan' - latrines.Listen here
#4: Women in Nigeria
13/02/2008Deborah Kogi works for one of WaterAid's partners, an organisation called Women in Nigeria. In this edition, Deborah talks about the importance of including women in the decision-making process when carrying out water and sanitation projects.Listen here
#5: Managing water, part 1
13/02/2008Yerefolo Malle, WaterAid's Country Representative in Burkina Faso, explains why the need for good water resource management is growing in West Africa, and describes some of the techniques used - including small dam construction and rooftop rainwater harvesting.Listen here
#6: Managing water, part 2
13/02/2008Yerefolo Malle, WaterAid's Country Representative in Burkina Faso, explains why climate change is hitting his country hard, and how water resource management can help.Listen here
#2: Community based advocacy part 2
25/10/2007In part 2, Abdul-Nashiru Mohammed, WaterAid's Regional Policy and Advocacy Advisor in West Africa, talks more about advocacy and, in particular, community scorecards. Listen here
#1: Community based advocacy part 1
25/10/2007Abdul-Nashiru Mohammed, WaterAid's Regional Policy and Advocacy Advisor in West Africa, talks about water point mapping and how this is used as an advocacy tool for community action.Listen here