Hops n' Horsepower is hosted by friends Patrick Moffitt, Justin Baker, and Gaige Fritz- covering everything imaginable in the automotive realm, from Alfas to Zondas. We're just three guys sitting around B.S.'ing about the automotive hobby over some great beers. We'll have guests as well as the ocassional trip eventualy, but for now we're too busy getting drunk and figuring out how this whole thing works. Hope you all enjoy! If not, let us know why.
06/11/2014 Duration: 01h28minEpisode 2 of the Hops n' Horsepower podcast is here! Gaige, Justin and Patrick discuss their car wants and needs, as well as how to drive forklifts, what craft beers they've tried recently, thier views on electric cars and hybrids, along with several comedy gems courtesy of Justin. Matt Damon is our guest star along with racing great Mario Andretti! *Note that all guest stars are a figment of Pat's imagination
First Episode
17/09/2014 Duration: 01h40minJustin, Gaige, and Patrick embark on thier first ever podcasting journey.