LIT LIT LIT LIT is a bi-monthly literary event in Vancouver, BC that simply invites FOUR writers, poets and/or artists at a time to read their work to interested parties. LIT LIT LIT LIT is organized by Steffanie Ling and Emma Metcalfe Hurst.
02/06/2018 Duration: 01h36minLIT LIT LIT LIT X took place at Artspeak on February 18, 2018 with readings by Josh Gabert-Doyon, Ingrid Olauson, Emma Sise, and Ben Stephenson. Posters by Lyndsay Pomerantz adorned the walls in response to Olauson’s reading. ~ 00:05:23 - Josh Gabert-Doyon reads about psychics and Vancouver real estate speculation in “Psychic Properties.” His reading is accompanied by a series of photographs he captured which map fortune telling businesses throughout the lower mainland. 00:24:02 - Ingrid Olauson reads from her chapbook “Pragmatics” and an excerpt from her untitled novel in progress. “Pragmatics” was written for Sleepover, a project facilitated by Michael Lachmann and Lyndsay Pomerantz in Berlin in Summer 2017. Posters responding to Olauson’s text by Lyndsay Pomerantz were installed on the gallery walls during the reading. 00:44:19 - Emma Sise reads a Borgesian experiment with no nouns, only verbs, adjectives and adverbial suffixes followed by a series of poems while choosing to stand instead of takin
17/09/2017 Duration: 01h24minLIT LIT LIT LIT IX took place on Saturday, July 22 2017 as part of *Sky Island. New readings were written and given by Bára Hladíková, listen chen, Nathan Crompton and Brent Lin, followed by a conversation with LIT LIT LIT LIT co-organizer Steffanie Ling and Jannie Leung. 00:00:15- INTRO by Kara Hansen, curator of Sky Island 00:06:54 - Steffanie Ling reads “Be a Goddamn Professional” 00:12:39 - BÁRA HLADÍKOVÁ is a writer and musician who has been seen eavesdropping on local bystanders. She recently performed at Deep Blue with Silky Boys, collaborated on Behind the Curtain at Dynamo Arts Association, and hydrated her tropical plants. 00:22:16 - listen chen is a daoist and a bat-enthusiast who lives and writes on unceded coast salish territories. 00:31:46 - BRENT LIN has been a business consultant and television reporter. These days he studies media theory at McGill. His writings on digital culture have been published in attractivoquenobello and Real Life. 00:44:58 - NATHAN CROMPTON is a writ
LIT LIT LIT LIT VIII: Nanaimo Edition - Sonnet L’Abbé, Roger Farr, Hamish Hardie, Charlotte Zhang, Casey Wei
06/06/2017 Duration: 01h35min00:03:20 - Roger Farr reads “Understanding Understanding Television” a poem about television, “Transitional Demands” a poem that looks at the different syntactical ways “The People” appear via web search, and ends with a long poem based on a psycho-geography mapping of Vancouver. 00:32:21 - Charlotte Zhang reads her own “Untitled” short story. 00:43:15 - Sonnet L’Abbé shares a selection of her sonnets from “Sonnet’s Shakespeare” (to be published by Mcclelland and Stewart in 2018) where she writes over all of Shakespeare’s 154 sonnets. 01:10:49 - Hamish Hardie reads his short story “The Window.” 01:18:20 - Casey Wei reads “A Letter from the Editor” (her) from the first edition of Agony Klub (AK01), a magazine and mix tape edited by Wei that invites musicians with writing and visual art practices and vice versa to contribute.
LIT LIT LIT LIT VII and Charcuterie 2 - Stacey Ho, Sam Weselowski, Julia Dahee Hong and Sung Pil Yoon
11/04/2017 Duration: 01h05min00:05:42 Stacey Ho (contributor to Charcuterie 2) reads a short text based off of an interview with her aunt, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner and “Adventures from the Third Bureau,” published in Charcuterie 2. 00:23:41 Sam Weselowski celebrates his first reading by sharing two poems by the American poet Jack Spicer and then follows up with some of his own poems. 00:36:44 Julia Dahee Hong reading about awkward late night pizza transactions and a wool sweater repair by a Master Tailor as documented in her new chap book “A Reasonable Request.” 00:52:26 Sung Pil Yoon (contributor to Charcuterie 2) reads the second text from “The Bus as Hostile Architecture”; a series of five short stories about public transit that will appear consecutively in Charcuterie.
LIT LIT LIT LIT VI and ReReading Room - Emma Metcalfe Hurst, Kyla Jamieson, Anahita Jamali Rad and Danielle LaFrance
10/04/2017 Duration: 01h27min1. Emma Metcalfe Hurst reading “Speak White Speak What What Speak White Speak,” a bilingual autocorrect translation of Michèle Lalonde’s poem “Speak White” (1967) and Marco Micone’s poetic response “Speak What” (1989) 2. Kyla Jamieson reading some recent poems and 1 of 30 letters to her best friend that suggestively fits into the genre of “epistolary auto-fiction” 3. Anahita Jamali Rad reading two poems-one new, one old-and then some more poems from her new book “For Love and Autonomy” (Talonbooks, 2016) 4. Danielle LaFrance reads two poems: one from her new book “Friendly Fire” (Talonbooks, 2016) and one that she wrote during a time of her life when she was losing her mind again.
LIT LIT LIT LIT V - Catherine de Montreuil, Matea Kulić, Sung Pil Yoon and Marie-Hélène Tessier
09/04/2017 Duration: 01h13min1. Catherine De Montreuil reading “(Convictions): How I am Queer Because I Got Hetero-Married to my Gay Friend” an homage to Erdem Taşdelen’s “Convictions” 2. Matea Kulić reading from her chapbook “A Case of Arturo” from back to front. 3. Sung Pil Yoon reading “MAKE MAKE AMERICA AMERICA GREAT GREAT AGAIN AGAIN”. 4. Marie-Hélène Tessier performing free-for-all.
LIT LIT LIT LIT KIOSK LA/BF FUNDRAISER: Emma Metcalfe Hurst and Steffanie Ling
07/02/2016 Duration: 27minLIT LIT LIT LIT KIOSK LA/BF took place at Sweet Pup in Vancouver, BC on January 30,2016. New readings were given by Emma Metcalfe Hurst (with assistance from Alyssa Dusevic, Stefana Fratila, Esteban Gonzales, Shizen Jambor, Ellis Sam and Christian Vistan) and Steffanie Ling.
LIT LIT LIT LIT IV - Part II: Eli Zibin and Steffanie Ling
27/12/2015 Duration: 40minLIT LIT LIT LIT IV took place at 221A in Vancouver, BC on December 6, 2015. New readings were given by Jacquelyn Ross, Bradley Iles, Eli Zibin and Steffanie Ling.
LIT LIT LIT LIT IV - Part I: Jacquelyn Ross and Bradley Iles
27/12/2015 Duration: 38minLIT LIT LIT LIT IV took place at 221A in Vancouver, BC on December 6, 2015. New readings were given by Jacquelyn Ross, Bradley Iles, Eli Zibin and Steffanie Ling.
LIT LIT LIT LIT Vancouver Art Book Fair - Part II: Hugo Noriega and Zuzia Juszkiewicz
08/12/2015 Duration: 22minLIT LIT LIT LIT Vancouver Art Gallery, 750 Hornby St. Vancouver BC - Hugo Noriega and Zuzia Juszkiewicz.
LIT LIT LIT LIT Vancouver Art Book Fair - Part I: Tom Whalen and Emma Metcalfe Hurst
08/12/2015 Duration: 20minLIT LIT LIT LIT Vancouver Art Gallery, 750 Hornby St. Vancouver BC - Tom Whalen and Emma Metcalfe Hurst.
LIT LIT LIT LIT III - Part II: Kate Moss and Donato Mancini
05/11/2015 Duration: 33minLIT LIT LIT LIT Publication Studio: 222 E Georgia St. Vancouver BC - ALEX BOVRIL is a writer and visual artist. Recently, he has been pouring colours of concrete and writing fiction. He is currently an MFA Candidate in Creative Writing at New York University. DONATO MANCINI makes visual and procedural poetry, bookworks, and visual art. His books and chapbooks include: Snowline (2015), Buffet World (2011) Fact ‘N’ Value (2011), Hell Passport no.22 (2008), Æthel (2007), 58 Free Coffees (2006) and Ligatures (2005). Mancini’s published critical writing includes work on the archive, time and memory in Anamnesia: Unforgetting (2011), and a discourse analysis of poetry reviews in You Must Work Harder to Write Poetry of Excellence (2012). His most recent full length book, Loitersack (2014), is a labyrinthine commonplace book where critical, theoretical and para-literary tendencies intersect in the forms of poetry, poetics, theory, theory theatre, laugh particles and many many questions. KATE MOSS is an Australian a
LIT LIT LIT LIT III - Part I: Maia Nichols and Alex Bovril
05/11/2015 Duration: 56minLIT LIT LIT LIT Publication Studio: 222 E Georgia St. Vancouver BC - ALEX BOVRIL is a writer and visual artist. Recently, he has been pouring colours of concrete and writing fiction. He is currently an MFA Candidate in Creative Writing at New York University. DONATO MANCINI makes visual and procedural poetry, bookworks, and visual art. His books and chapbooks include: Snowline (2015), Buffet World (2011) Fact ‘N’ Value (2011), Hell Passport no.22 (2008), Æthel (2007), 58 Free Coffees (2006) and Ligatures (2005). Mancini’s published critical writing includes work on the archive, time and memory in Anamnesia: Unforgetting (2011), and a discourse analysis of poetry reviews in You Must Work Harder to Write Poetry of Excellence (2012). His most recent full length book, Loitersack (2014), is a labyrinthine commonplace book where critical, theoretical and para-literary tendencies intersect in the forms of poetry, poetics, theory, theory theatre, laugh particles and many many questions. KATE MOSS is an Australian a
LIT LIT LIT LIT II - Part II: Bradley Iles and Ingrid Olauson
05/11/2015 Duration: 42minLIT LIT LIT LIT Publication Studio: 222 E Georgia St. Vancouver BC - Bradley Iles is reading from Derby: A Poem in Six Parts,a recent collaboration with Katrina Niebergal. Reincarnation, celebrity, the nature of the self, the selfhood of nature, Mustang-transcendentalism, a poem about a movie. Bradley lives on Melville street in Vancouver. Zuzia Juszkiewicz is a fragment in some kind of multi-faceted hybrid zone or something. She was born in Gdansk, and raised in South Africa, New Zealand, and Canada. She holds a BA in Visual Arts (Vancouver), Human Geography (Vancouver) and Urbanism at AHK (Amsterdam). She collaborates with writers, musicians, filmmakers and dancers. She often works under the name Modern Catalyst, with a focus on designing cross-disciplined artists. . Ronan K. Nanning-Watson is a filmmaker, writer and artist from British Columbia. His work ranges in scope, medium, and aesthetic, but is consistently uncompromising. Recently he finished his first feature film “Crusade” a
LIT LIT LIT LIT II - Part I: Ronan Nanning-Watson and Zuzia Juszkiewicz
05/11/2015 Duration: 43minLIT LIT LIT LIT Publication Studio: 222 E Georgia St. Vancouver BC - Bradley Iles is reading from Derby: A Poem in Six Parts, a recent collaboration with Katrina Niebergal. Reincarnation, celebrity, the nature of the self, the selfhood of nature, Mustang-transcendentalism, a poem about a movie. Bradley lives on Melville street in Vancouver. Zuzia Juszkiewicz is a fragment in some kind of multi-faceted hybrid zone or something. She was born in Gdansk, and raised in South Africa, New Zealand, and Canada. She holds a BA in Visual Arts (Vancouver), Human Geography (Vancouver) and Urbanism at AHK (Amsterdam). She collaborates with writers, musicians, filmmakers and dancers. She often works under the name Modern Catalyst, with a focus on designing cross-disciplined artists. . Ronan K. Nanning-Watson is a filmmaker, writer and artist from British Columbia. His work ranges in scope, medium, and aesthetic, but is consistently uncompromising. Recently he finished his first feature film “Crusade”
LIT LIT LIT LIT KIOSK - Alex Bovril, Ingrid Olauson and Steffanie Ling
05/11/2015 Duration: 39minLIT LIT LIT LIT KIOSK took place at Avenue in Vancouver BC on April 19, 2015 as a part of KIOSK, a reading room installation curated by ddoogg. New readings were written and given by Alex Bovril, Ingrid Olauson and Steffanie Ling.
LIT LIT LIT LIT I - Part II: Alex Bovril and Steffanie Ling
05/11/2015 Duration: 01h36minLIT LIT LIT LIT Avenue 165 East Hastings St. Vancouver BC - Zebulon Zang, Kara Hansen, Alex Bovril, and Steffanie Ling. April 18th 2015 8:00pm. Asked to write a biography to accompany a reading, the writer can’t think of anything to write about himself. Does he give the names of cities, institutions, achievements? What achievements? He steps out for fresh air. During, a car (on which the painter’s ladders are piled) drives up. The writer asks the painter for help with the biography and the painter agrees, but they end up talking only about window cleaning. The painter wishes he could write: when you do condos you’re cleaning these windows that take, like, half a minute, and all day long briefly glimpsing hundreds of bedrooms, which is to say of hundreds of unconnected lives—or lives that just seemed unconnected but which in writing could take on connections—the painter gets to thinking. They finish enjoying the fresh air and part ways, the writer still not knowing what to say about himself. For now, Alex Bovr
LIT LIT LIT LIT I - Part I: Zebulon Zang and Kara Hansen
05/11/2015 Duration: 49minLIT LIT LIT LIT Avenue 165 East Hastings St. Vancouver BC - Zebulon Zang, Kara Hansen, Alex Bovril, and Steffanie Ling. April 18th 2015 8:00pm. Asked to write a biography to accompany a reading, the writer can’t think of anything to write about himself. Does he give the names of cities, institutions, achievements? What achievements? He steps out for fresh air. During, a car (on which the painter’s ladders are piled) drives up. The writer asks the painter for help with the biography and the painter agrees, but they end up talking only about window cleaning. The painter wishes he could write: when you do condos you’re cleaning these windows that take, like, half a minute, and all day long briefly glimpsing hundreds of bedrooms, which is to say of hundreds of unconnected lives—or lives that just seemed unconnected but which in writing could take on connections—the painter gets to thinking. They finish enjoying the fresh air and part ways, the writer still not knowing what to say about himself. For now, Alex Bovr